The cotton wool is running to tell each other, and the various fan groups of Mingxu seem to be celebrating a big festival.

The long-disappeared idol! Finally open for business! Still showing up!

In the photo, Mingxu's hair is naturally shawl, her eyebrows are beautiful, her expression is always light, her lips are naturally closed, neither warped nor drooping, like the black shirt on her body.

In contrast to the black shirt, she is extremely white and has a jade-like collarbone. Behind it is the wall and white gauze curtains.

Feng Mingxu hands.

In the first photo, Mingxu looked down at the bubble machine in his hand, his fingers resting on the body, as beautiful as white porcelain, and his eyelashes cast a small fan-shaped shadow on his face.

In the second photo, Mingxu raised the bubble machine to his face, covering the lower half of his face.

A pair of light brown eyes are blurred and moving, it is the second color on the photo, and it competes with the cartoon bubble machine.

In the third photo, bubbles fill the picture, but Mingxu's eyes are staring at the camera, as if he didn't realize this childish and romantic accident created by himself.

Collision and contrast have always created a strong impact aesthetic.

Fans are going crazy.

"Ah ah ah ah sister is open!!"

"I've shown my face, I know if Idol has grown fat or not, has she grown taller?"

"Can you look forward to my sister's vlog, fans are too hungry to watch it?"

"Sister's face is my spiritual food!!"

In less than an hour, forwarding comments and likes quickly exceeded 10,000, and the popularity flow is evident.

Song Jianzhi is also swiping Mingxu Weibo, and secretly forwarding it, loudly: "Look, everyone likes it very much."

Sister Mingxu is not willing to shoot, hum.

There was contentment in her voice, "Why don't you take a photo with me."

Just now she only asked her to change clothes and take pictures, but she refused to take a photo together. If it wasn't for the three chapters of the law, Mingxu would not be so good at talking.

Song Jianzhi whispered, "You are too embarrassed to ask."

"The lip glaze has been eaten clean..." The voice was even lower.

Compared with the past, although her voice was small, she was not timid at all, but she was still a little embarrassed to talk about it.

After all, she is in charge.

She fed the big cat.

Song Jianzhi ordered Mingxu to take a good rest for a long time and hurry up to make up for her sleep. She has just returned from the road show and will immediately be involved in filming tomorrow. The work pressure is very high.

Ming Xu is really tired, she has always been serious about her work, and now she has to keep her spirits well enough to have a good performance on the set.

She didn't make trouble with Song Jianzhi any more—it was also because she abide by the agreement not to make trouble again. The two ate dinner together, said good night to each other, and went back to their own rooms to prepare for sleep.

Before going to bed, like everyone else, share the sand sculpture jokes you saw on Weibo, hahahahaha, well-behaved and normal.

Just because the object is different, it has a different kind of cosmic joy and excitement.

Across a wall, a corridor, as if the heartbeats are in sync, if there is no place, echoing another heart full of pink bubbles.

The next day, the two obediently went to the studio to report and started work.

Chen Yuanning and Peng Zhou are gone. When Mingxu leaves Peng Zhou, he will come back to continue working. Chen Yuanning's role has been completed and he will not come again.

Their rivalry focuses on the scenery of the immortal mansion. Red carp does not account for much in the whole movie, but they will shoot some backup shots, and the main scene will not be easy.

Today, I mainly shot the scene where the red carp plunges into the sword with blood. Because the shooting time was early, I got up at about three or four o’clock to make a model, and then went to set the scene.

Song Jianzhi met again with the long-awaited Red Carp, and Li Guyun, who had also been absent for a long time.

There are insects in the mountains, rustling.

The staff began to debug the machine, distribute the breakfast, and everyone had work to do.

Old Hu told her: "In this scene, the red carp is about to die, and she will die before the dawn of time."

"She's feelings are extremely magnified at this time, you have to let them out, don't think about anything, and be desperate."

Song Jianzhi bit the straw to drink milk, being careful not to rub her makeup, she nodded hesitantly when she heard this.

"Okay, I'll try."

She stopped drinking and put down the milk.

The sky has not yet fully brightened, Song Jianzhi turned his head and stared at the light in the sky for a long time.

Ming Xu asked her if she was nervous, Song Jianzhi shook her head, looked at her and said, "It's not that I'm nervous, it's that I might not be able to do well."

She has never been an emotional person.

Movies need emotions from the inside out. The camera faithfully and sharply examines the hearts of the actors, digs out all the emotions that are covered by flesh and blood, and displays them unobstructed in small surveillance on the device.

Coming to this world after death is a new life for Song Jianzhi.

But what has been created by so many years of experience cannot be erased in a short period of time.

The people who are portrayed by childhood experiences are not only Mingxu, she is also, thousands of people in the world are.

She couldn't let go.

She couldn't let go of her emotions.

Ming Xu stared at her, unexpectedly, he didn't teach her any acting skills, but said lightly: "I don't dare to tell you if you can't act well, I will accompany you to the show ."


She paused and smiled: "It's just that the taste of waking up early is not very good, I don't know if the little lazy cat can stand it."

Song Jianzhi looked at her with round eyes, and after a while he also burst into a smile: "I don't want to get up early, I want to spend today!"

"Come on, play well." Mingxu stretched out his hand and seemed to want to pat her head like before, but he withdrew his hand for fear of messing up her hair accessories, and only got closer and lowered his head. Said four words.

"Love me well."

Love Li Guyun well.

These three days passed very quickly. At the last moment when the red carp was about to die, they returned to the immortal mansion from the dazzling and crowded world.

Silence, sparseness, only them.

Li Guyun sat beside the Diqing Pond, the red carp lay on her lap, winking half-closed.

The red carp held a weed in his hand, and touched the water surface for a while.

The red carp suddenly asked: "Gu Yun, do you want to join the WTO?"

Li Guyun pursed her lips slightly and said, "I don't want to, don't enter."

"Why?" The red carp said lazily, with dark hair on the temples, she was lying on Li Guyun's lap, and Li Guyun couldn't see her expression.

Li Guyun said in front of the red carp, "You are buried here, and I will stay here."

"No need to burn, no need to bury. Sprinkle on the ground is just a handful of soil, what's the use of guarding a handful of loess."

Li Guyun's eyes turned red all of a sudden, but no tears came out.

"I won't tell you, you can see it in a minute or a half." Hongli looked at her and reached out to hook her chin, "So sad?"

Li Guyun avoided her movements, tilted her face, and turned her eyes away, "Hundreds of years ago, you were a fish, and I was with you."

"Man, I'm with me too." She showed her neat jaw, soft, clean lotus, which showed her stubbornness for the first time.

"It becomes dirt, so why can't I be with you."

A tear fell on the back of the red carp's hand.

Different from the icy cold water in the Diqing Pond, the tears were so hot that the red carp subconsciously retracted his hand.

A round scar was burned on the heart.

She brought her hand to her lips, stretched out her tongue, licked away the tears, and swallowed.

It turned into a pinch of soil, and this tear has also melted into his own blood and bones.

That's it.

Li Guyun refused to turn his head back, so he could not see the greedy eyes of the red carp.

If I want to get this person, I can't wait to eat her.

Monsters eat people, eat.

What's more, what a taste it is to eat the one you love.

But in the end she was only willing to swallow a tear of hers.

Tears for myself.

It seemed that such a drop, not as big as a finger, was just a small splash on the back of her hand, and it had fed her.

The red carp kicked the weeds away and looked at the horizon.

"Would you like to see me."

"I'm going to die if I don't watch."

Li Guyun quickly turned back and stared at her, the hot tears in her eyes made the circles of her eyes a touch of red, and she was annoyed with the red carp talking nonsense.

The red carp was still laughing, she said: "I am a fish, and I have hope. I am transformed and still alive."

"I am dead, what are you doing here, are you a living dead?"

Li Guyun said word by word: "I joined the WTO, but I am just a walking dead."

When a gust of wind blows, it can be shattered into one place, and it will not look like it.

The red carp sat up, resting on the ground with his hands, and his eyes fell on the sword.

The sword was randomly discarded by the pond, alone, but at this time it grabbed the attention of the red carp.

"Aren't you afraid of being alone? It's like when I was a child. I think the immortals left me because they were afraid that your lotus would cry every day." She teased.

Li Guyun pursed her lips tightly, only looked at her with a good look, and refused to speak.

"I'll accompany you."

Li Guyun was taken aback.

"Today, the red carp feeds the sword with its body and pours its blood into the sword. I only hope that you will be happy and always be by your side."

As these words spit out from her lips, the red carp's complexion gradually paled, as if the blood all over her body was slowly sucked by the sword.

Li Guyun was in disbelief at first, then showed panic and despair, reaching out to grab the sword.

The red carp's voice was like thunder, and it suddenly exploded: "I'm going to die!"

Li Guyun swayed.

The blood was drawn out of the body, how painful it must be.

Red carp sucked in her breath, her mind was chaotic, pain and dizziness intertwined, splitting all her thoughts, she calmed down, barely made a sound, with a demonic delusion.

"You prefer me to be with you, don't you?"

Li Guyun still has to take the sword, the red carp avoids back, trying his best to bewitched.

"This is the best way, Gu Yun, you believe me."

The sound is like a feather, fluttering and helpless.

Is this really better?

What can't be denied is that if the red carp and the sword that her rhizomes turned into are integrated, in fact - she also likes it.

Better than burying in the soil.

Is that so?

Do you really think so?

Li Guyun's thoughts were messy, like a mess that couldn't be torn apart.

The first sun on the horizon will also rise.

The red carp turned to look at the sky and said with a smile: "If you can't escape, you will die left and right."

Li Guyun also repeated, I don't know if she is comforting herself, or she has lost her mind, the sadness in her eyes makes people want to cry.

"It's all mortal."

It is difficult to gain, but to lose is like water.

At the moment when the blood line reached the tip of the sword, the red carp could no longer hold the sword, and the human fell like a red maple.

Li Guyun caught her, made her lie on his lap, and held her in his arms.

Red carp asked her, "Am I not looking good now?"

Li Guyun shook his head and wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, the cry came out first.

"Why are you crying." The red carp rolled her eyes with difficulty, "You have to... live, live, or this sword will be used by others."

Li Guyun nodded, shook his head again, and choked: "You did it on purpose."

The red carp tugged at the corners of his lips, his face seemed to be only black and white, pale and heavy ink.

"...What?" She took two breaths before making a sound.

"You deliberately let me live, you let me see the world." Li Guyun wiped his tears, "What do you want me to be happy - you know I don't like the world, and you just want to be with you One, you also know that the world is not so good, you know everything."

She was a little incoherent, speaking very fast, for fear that the red carp would disappear completely in the next breath, "You are too selfish, a few years later, decades later, when I am so disappointed in the world, where will I go? find you."

"You want me to never forget you, but when have I ever forgotten you."

The fragile eyes of the red carp are full of joy and satisfaction.

“…I am very happy.”

It turns out that she sees herself so clearly.

It turns out that she sees so clearly, so clearly, that she still loves herself.

I don’t forget it before, I don’t forget it now, and I’ll forget it in the future.

Evil, selfish, suspicious by nature, even if love is generous, love is always mixed with nature.

The dead, the disappearing, never to be found, never to be bored, never to be separated again.

Eternal demise means eternal existence, Li Guyun will never forget her.

She just loves her.

This love is more poignant and poignant when it runs towards eternal life, and Li Guyun is more insipid when he loves others.

Thinking about it this way, Li Guyun's life is also very good.

She lives, and she lives in her heart.

The red carp is dead, Li Guyun deserves to love her longer.

Love her for a long time.

The red carp looked at Li Guyun contentedly, greedily and deeply.

As if foreseeing the meaning behind this look, the tears that Li Guyun had no time to wipe fell straight down.


Small teardrops smashed the figure on the knee, as easily as if it penetrated a phantom.

The red coat dissipates, and the red carp is gone.

Tears fell on Li Guyun's white shirt without hindrance, and a small full moon appeared.

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