Be Modest, My Master of Imperial Guards

Vol 2 Chapter 98: Meet, bruised all over

Liu Bing's lips staggered down, and the **** behind him immediately came forward and pulled Gu Yunxi towards the gate of the palace. +++The latest Danmei novel ranking: www.readwn.como

Regardless of Yunxi's open mouth and shouting, Yan Gui chased after him first, his voice trembling with fear and anxiety:

"Hey, hey! I said Liu Bingbi, if you have something to say, and if you have something to say! You took people away like this, telling our family how to reply to the empress!"

Liu Bingbi rolled his eyes and looked at Yan Gui directly, indifferently raised his thumb, and pointed behind him:

"Explain? Explain what! Our family came by the order of Governor Leng to apprehend the suspect in the palace theft. Duke Yan wants to confess, he can go to our Governor. Go!"

The long sleeves waved, and the group left Chuxiu Palace.


Li supervisor——

The air in the storm chamber was filthy, and the strong smell of blood and rot could be heard. All kinds of scary iron locks and instruments of torture can be seen everywhere.

In the dim light, the **** was expressionless, and his indifferent eyes shot sharp light.

If it is an ordinary person, in such an environment will definitely be frightened by the terror of falling into hell.

Of course, Gu Yunxi was different.

She had fumbled in the East Factory and had seen the methods of interrogating prisoners in Zhao Prison.

At this time, he was trapped in the violent room of the ceremonial prison, facing the icy torture instrument, not to mention howling sorrowfully, but his expression never changed.

"Tu Muxue, if you are acquainted, recruit yourself quickly, don't wait for our family to pry your mouth open!"

Sitting in front of the book case, Liu Bingbi said coldly to Gu Yunxi.

She now has palace membership, and even if she commits a crime, she can't be taken out of the palace for interrogation by people from the East Factory. Net o

Gu Yunxi knelt to the ground and said nothing, thinking to himself, how to say he was an accomplice of the Masked Man, and he personally injured His Royal Highness Chen Wang a few days ago, now this is considered worthy of the crime.

But I was working as an errand in Chuxiu Palace. If I confessed guilt, would it hurt the kind and benevolent Concubine Xu and other palace members?

Suddenly looking up, Gu Yunxi calmly met Liu Bingbi's gaze.

"What do you want a slave girl to do?"

"Where have you been on the night of July 7, with whom, and when did you return to Chuxiu Palace?"

After Liu Bingbi asked each sentence, the peculiar sharp and piercing voice of the eunuch's voice was like knives smashing into Gu Yunxi's heart, **** tormenting her nerves.

"On the night of July 7th, the slave and maid went out to enjoy the lanterns in the palace, and returned halfway through the time. The slave and maid went out of the palace alone that night and was not with anyone."

In order not to affect the innocent, Gu Yunxi deliberately concealed the fact that he was walking with Lan Xin and Fan Shiwei.


After listening to Liu Bingbi's nose, he snorted and slapped the table:

"It's nonsense! The Superintendent of Li has already investigated, and someone has accused you that you did not leave the palace when you were out that night, but Xu Shimofang returned to Chuxiu Palace.

In two full hours, besides parading the streets and admiring the lights, you have also been to the Royal Garden, right? ! "

"Boom", Gu Yunxi's mind seemed to be about to explode.

For the sake of Chu Xiugong's safety and security, she held up her heart that was about to collapse, with a compulsive calm on her face, her hands tightly closed in her sleeves, and she resolutely said:

"The slaves and maids were indeed out of the palace at your time. They went from the west bank of the Yinshui River to the North Street to watch the lights. You returned to the palace for a while and had not been to the imperial garden. know."

"Hard mouth—"

Liu Bingbi attacked the case again angrily, his squinted eyes burst out with a sharp cold light:

"You haven't been to the Imperial Garden, where is the mud and blood on your clothes?"

Gu Yunxi was speechless, squinting silently.

It seems that he was betrayed.

The deep palace is simply a purgatory on earth! For the sake of wealth and honor, some people have to climb up while stepping on others; others for petty gains can betray others with just five taels of gold, betrayed by money and become a ghost——

In the ear, Liu Bingbi's voice sounded, his sharp voice was full of irritability:

"It seems that our family won't let you see and see the grand punishment of the chief priest, you can't open your mouth! Come on, comb her muscles and bones."

The shadow flashed, and two young eunuchs walked up. One held Gu Yunxi's shoulder and pinched her to the ground, and the other put a stick on her ten fingers.

The ropes at both ends were tightened fiercely, and blood dripped at the finger bones immediately...

Ten fingers connected to the heart, and the pain caused Gu Yunxi to faint, and Venus flickered in front of him.

She gritted her teeth to endure the pain even though her facial features were shifting, and refused to say a word. She didn't even shed tears.

I experienced skin peeling a year ago, and the pain of life and death has numbed the girl's body and mind. What is it now?

Liu Bingbi looked surprised when he saw this, and secretly called himself "odd." He didn't know Gu Yunxi's past, but thought that this cheap servant was stubbornly resisting and deliberately despised the power of the supervisor.

"Tu Muxue, are you willing to recruit?"

Liu Bingbi asked fiercely.

Gu Yunxi was sweating all over, panting and returning weakly:

"What should be said... The slave and maidservant have already said it, and the adult still wants to be a slave... What do you say?"

Liu Bingbi gritted his teeth viciously, and slanted his mouth to the eunuch.

They took steel needles a few inches long and pierced her fingernails.

The blood spattered, Gu Yunxi hurt so much that his limbs twitched, his teeth bit his lips, and he groaned.

Several times when she almost passed out, cold water fell from the sky, making her scalp chill and numb.

Liu Bingbi ordered someone to dip a thorny whip in salt water, and severely beat Gu Yunxi.

The whip was trembling, and the crunchy sound tore through the darkness and cold of the storm chamber, causing the heart and soul of the hearer to tremble violently.

The whip is as fast as falling rain.

Within a few strokes, the girl's clothes were punctured by the thorns, and the delicate skin instantly became flesh and blood.

The pain of salt water infiltrating the wound was like tens of thousands of steel nails into the bone, causing Gu Yunxi to roll on the spot, wailing again and again, but she was stunned and refused to utter a word.

Twenty whips had passed in a blink, and Liu Bingbi motioned to stop.

Gu Yunxi was limp on the ground, half-closed eyes, and bloodstained all over his body.

Consciousness gradually blurred...

In the darkness, she saw a smiling face in the spring breeze.

It's the Governor!

He approached and said softly in her ear:

"Girl, I'll wait for you to come back."

The door moved, a light from outside rushed into the violence chamber, and then the figure shook.

Seeing the first seat of the Superintendent of Li, Liu Bingbi hurriedly got up and knelt down with his hands:

"The humble post has seen the governor."

Leng Qingtang looked at the **** man with disheveled hairs on the ground, and the questioning voice was light and warm:

"What did you pick out?"

Liu Bingbi narrowed his gray eyebrows slightly, and said in fear:

"Returning to the governor, the bones of this cheap servant are very hard. Three instruments of torture have been used, and no tears fall. The humble servant will definitely find a way again, and she must pry her mouth open tonight!"

"Don't shed tears? Could it be an iron muscle?"

Leng Qingtang sneered, only feeling weird.

As the admiral of Dongchang for twelve years, he has been sentenced to innumerable sentences. He has never seen an iron man who can't cry or be afraid of pain.

The sili jail and the Dongchang imprisonment had the same big punishments, and both had 372 penalties.

Generally used three times in the palace, young and strong internal officials are not good enough, let alone a Gong'e.

Leng Qingtang walked towards her step by step, trying to take a closer look at the strange people on the ground.

The strands of cold fragrance filled the nasal cavity, and the familiar smell awakened Gu Yunxi from the state of pain and confusion.


With a scar on her body, she opened her eyes with difficulty. When he raised his head dejectedly, a turquoise blue appeared in his blurred vision.


Gu Yunxi's eyes widened in disbelief, and his eyes froze at the moment they looked at each other.

Is it really him? The man she is willing to stake her life to love and protect?

Or at this moment, I am again in a dream of missing me and feel helpless?

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