Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 80 A Girl Fell From The Sky? ! 【37】【Seventh Subscription】

And on the wall of the oblique moon city.

Several sergeants were fiddling with a cast iron cannon.

The muzzle pointed at the sky.

"Get ready to experiment with fireworks, the lord has given permission."

The werewolf German Shepherd came over at this time and said to them.

The German Shepherd is a werewolf of the Hatch tribe, with a head like the German Shepherd of Don Juan's previous life.

"Okay, I've been wanting to cum on this thing for a long time!"

Alaska, holding a firework bomb in his hand, let out a hearty laugh.

As for Alaska, this needs no introduction, just look at the name.

"Also pay attention to whether there are any birds in the sky or the like. If the bird is accidentally dropped, it will be bad if the bird falls and hits people."

At this time, German Shepherd reminded.

"Hey, where are the birds in the sky now?"

Alaska climbed up the ladder and began to load the gunpowder.

After loading the gunpowder in the gun bore and compacting it with a large cleaning rod, Alaska glanced down and said, "Give me the fireworks."

"It's done."

Demu climbed up the ladder holding the fireworks bombs, and then handed over the fireworks bombs to Alaska above.

Alaska looked down at the muzzle, and then put the firework shells of just the right size into it, and then passed the cleaning rod down. After stuffing the firework shells in, he immediately got off the ladder.

"Is it loaded?"

German shepherd looked at the cannon barrel, then asked


Alaska will move the ladder away at this time, said.

"Okay then, get ready to launch."

Outside the oblique moon city, the bat girl was flying towards the oblique moon city rapidly.

What scenery will she see when she arrives at Oblique Moon City?

Red's eyes were filled with anticipation.

"It's ready to ignite, everyone stay away,"

German Shepherd held a torch in his hand and approached the cast iron cannon.

"Stay away, stay away."

At this time, the other werewolf warriors, half-orc heavy armored warriors, and some human sergeants onlookers all hid in the distance, and then a human sergeant waved at German Shepherd.

Signaled that he could light the fire.

"Haha, I've never seen fireworks before, I don't know what it will be like..."

Many onlookers rubbed their hands excitedly and said to each other.


German Shepherd shouted, and then sent the torch in his hand to the front line.


Immediately, the fire burned up.


The German shepherd yelled, then ran away with a torch in his hand, and ran to the vicinity of the sergeants, watching the fireworks that were about to be launched with them.

"Is this the Oblique Moon City!"

"It seems to be different from other human towns."

The Batgirl stayed in the sky above Slanting Moon City, with her hands on her hips, and her blood-red eyes looked at the city below with excitement.

"Huh? What's that?"

At this time, Batgirl suddenly saw something on the city wall below, and there were many people surrounded there.


Before Batgirl could watch the fun, suddenly there was a loud noise on the city wall.

With Batgirl's eyesight, she could clearly see a black thing being shot into the sky, and it was still very close to her.


Batgirl's delicate little face moved closer to the object that rose to the sky with interest.

Then the next moment.

"Boom! Crack!"

Countless fireworks exploded in the sky, and the sergeants below were all eating melons and laughing as they watched the gorgeous fireworks exploded in the sky.

"Fireworks are such a beautiful thing."

The soldiers sighed.

"The lord told me that it is daytime now, and the fireworks are not obvious. If it is night, it will be ten times more beautiful than this."

At this time, Demu had just cut an oval watermelon in half on a nearby table.

"Eat watermelon in winter, it's cool!"

A sergeant shouted cheerfully.

"Oh?! What do you think is that?"

Suddenly Alaska found something was wrong.

After the fireworks in the sky exploded, it seemed that a black shadow was falling down.

"What is that?"

All the soldiers were taken aback.

"Damn, that thing is a person!"

German Shepherd glanced at the sky, and was startled.

"A person? How can a person fall from the fireworks in the sky?"

A sergeant asked puzzledly.

"Hey hey! It's falling!"

The sergeants quickly separated from the crowd.


There was a muffled sound.

It can be clearly seen that the person who fell from the sky was disturbed.

"Well, how could a woman fall from the sky?"

Alaska approached the bat girl who was blown down by the fireworks and her body was scorched black at the moment.

"Is she all right? She won't be killed?"

"It's so high, if you don't get killed by the bomb, you will fall to your death."

A sergeant had just picked up a tooth of watermelon, he approached the bat girl carefully, and then stabbed the scorched girl on the ground with a sheathed horizontal knife.

"々`Ah! What happened!"

The scorched black girl suddenly sat up from the ground, and let out an extremely ignorant cry.

Obviously, the Batgirl was very passionate about why she fell from the sky.

"She's up!"

"It's so high that you didn't fall to your death?"

When the sergeants saw the girl get up, they immediately took a few steps back and looked at her warily.

"Huh? What kind of smell, so fragrant, so sweet!"

The scorched black girl suddenly moved her nose, clearly visible, her glowing red eyes locked on the freshly sliced ​​watermelon on the table next to her.

Inside the castle.

Don Juan was in the kitchen checking something the chef had just finished.

"Hmm! Very sweet."

"I guess this cream is almost enough."

Don Juan dug a spoonful of the White object in a bowl on the table, tasted it, then nodded (Li Haozhao).

There is an internal smell.

Basically, all kinds of bread, pastries, etc. are visited in this kitchen.

This is where Don Juan specializes in experimenting with desserts.

"My lord, my lord!"

At this time, the German Shepherd suddenly barged in loudly calling for luck.

"What's wrong? So flustered?"

Don Juan looked at the German shepherd who came in calmly.

"My lord, in heaven..."

Demu ran all the way over, talking out of breath at the moment.

"Don't be so anxious, you said the sky, could it be that a firework experiment knocked down a girl from the sky?"

Don Juan had just taken a mouthful of cream, and now he was in a good mood, and he said it jokingly.

What confused Tang Juan was that De Mu looked at Tang Juan in surprise, and said, "My lord, how do you know?"

"What? Did a girl really fall from the sky?"

The spoon in Don Juan's hand was accidentally broken by his own force. .

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