Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 60 The Coming Demon Disaster 【Please Subscribe! ! 】

"Finally enlisted in the army."

When it came time to enter the barracks and join the army, the five hundred recruits were both nervous and excited.

"I was not selected in the first conscription, but this time I was finally selected!"

"Hahaha, I'm so happy."

The recruits were all laughing and laughing, obviously very excited.

"The recruits are here."

A group of dark moon sergeants who could be said to be veterans stood at the gate of the barracks, and they had surprises in each other's eyes.

"Have the recruit instructors been selected yet?"

"It seems to be Ragnar, Pendragon and others.

"The last one from the Inspectorate of the Boot Battalion?"

"Hahahahaha, look at them now, they are all laughing, I'm sure, they never tried their best to despair. Hahahahaha!"

The veterans and sergeants all laughed incomparably wickedly.

Recalling the horrors of my own boot camp experience.

You are sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, and suddenly there is an emergency call for you, and the sound of the gong knocking is loud, and you have to wake you up even if you are sleeping soundly.

Even if it is raining heavily, you have to keep training outside.

"Recalling the training of our new barracks, now that I think about it, it was really miserable, but it's amazing to say the least.

"We have gone through so much training, but our bodies can still hold on. No one got sick even when it was raining outside while standing guard. Hey, it's amazing."

A veteran sergeant said with a sigh.

In fact, this is the effect of the bright silver rice they eat every day.

Bright silver rice can not only enhance their physique to a certain extent, but also improve their body immunity, making them less likely to get sick.

"Stop chatting, and be watched!"

At this time, Ragnar, who was extremely tall and in heavy armor, came over with a cold face.

Behind him were Hu Zun, Pendragon, Lati, and Tiha, another elite heavy armored sergeant.

"Grand Sergeant Major!"

Several veterans immediately tightened their spirits and stood up quickly.

"Everyone, according to your number plates, from high to low, forms five hundred-man phalanxes!"

Ragnar came over, and seeing the 500 people in the playground, he immediately roared angrily.

Suddenly, everyone was quiet.

"Hatch, look quickly, this is the one who killed Hula."

"Fuck, what did he eat to grow up, so tall?!"

Everyone in the Hatch tribe looked at Ragnar in astonishment.

They looked at Ragnar, who was nearly 2.5 meters tall, covered in heavy armor, and full of deterrent power.

During this period of time, because of his nutrition, Ragnar has grown in height again.

Originally 2.3 meters, now more than 2.4 meters.

"What's your number?!"

"I am one hundred and seventeen."

"I'm one hundred and sixteen, so you should be behind me.

"Quickly stand, if you stand wrong, you stand wrong!"

The scene was in chaos, and ten minutes later, it was still in chaos.

"You stand like this!"

Ragnar waved his hand with a dark face, Hu Zun showed a happy smile on his face, and he, Pendragon and others immediately went up to correct the ranks of recruits.

Of course, this process cannot be called gentle.

But this time the recruits finally stood in five phalanxes.

But it's also standing crookedly, crookedly.

"These recruits."

Ragnar smiled inwardly, which reminded him of when he first entered the barracks.

"Stand up straight for me! Just stand like this for an hour!"

"If anyone can't stand it, he can speak, but he will be fined for an extra hour if he finishes speaking!!"

The recruits' nightmare has begun.

Starting today, Hatch and other recruits have experienced what real military training is.

The strict discipline in the barracks is an unprecedented novelty for Hatch and others.

But this novel discipline also caused a lot of recruits to complain.

A few days later, after a day of training, the recruits took a shower and returned to the dormitory with sore backs.


Demu threw himself down on his soft bed happily.

"After training every night, lying in bed after taking a shower has become the moment I look forward to the most and the happiest moment." (dafe)

"In the cold military camp, only this warm bed can soften my heart.

He said so.

The rest of the people also lay on their beds happily and nodded.

"Sleep on time, no gossiping!"

At this time, the veteran of the inspection squad outside roared.

"Good night, happy bed."

Hutch lay on his own bed, feeling the soft woolen bed, and fell asleep happily.


A group of dark shadows sneaked into the recruit dormitory.

They entered each dormitory of the recruits separately "two people in each dormitory.

"Hey Hey"

A veteran looked at the recruit who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and he couldn't control the wicked smile on his face.

The two veterans looked at each other, then one raised the gong, the other raised the hammer, and then they used force...

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!"

The thunderous gong sounded in every recruit dormitory.

"Urgent Gathering!! Urgent Gathering!!"

Outside, Ragnar, Hu Zun and others roared loudly.

"Ah!! Ah!"

All the recruits suddenly sat up from the bed in fright, screaming one by one: "What's wrong!!"

"In three minutes, everyone will gather at the playground immediately, but whoever is late will run ten laps around the playground tomorrow! Hahahahaha!"

The veterans spoke immediately, and then they ran out laughing like crazy.

There is no way not to run, they are afraid of being beaten.


All the recruits hurriedly put on their recruit uniforms.

"Damn it! You're wearing the wrong one, it's mine!"

"Damn, I can't find my socks!"

"What socks are you looking for! Just run out with your shoes on!"

Seeing that time was running out, the recruits put on the military uniforms indiscriminately and ran out quickly.

Outside, the veterans laughed wickedly one by one.

That's how boot camp makes them happy.

Deep in the wilderness.

It was clearly daytime, but this piece of forest was extremely dark, and no sunlight could shine in.

The wind howled.

A strong wind swept through the dark clouds in the sky, as if a storm was about to sweep in.

Deep in the dark forest.

A charming female voice rang out: "What time is it now...."

"Sister, there is still one month until the happy year."

"One month, it's really boring, the portal hasn't been opened yet, why don't we come out to play now?"

"Sister, it's not time yet...Sister? Sister?"

An anxious voice shouted, but there was no response. The "sister" had obviously left.

[ps: There are five updates during the day! From now on, there will be 14,000 words a day, and the seven updates will be updated!! Readers, please support me a lot!!].

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