Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 285: Nokail Canyon

The Dark Frost Superintendent team is all composed of tall and strong tiger people.

They wear tailor-made full-body steel heavy plate armor, and hold frost-enchanted weapons in their hands.

And there is even a special iron ring on their arm armor, which has also been specially enchanted.

The enchantment on this ring is magical protection.

Can it form a magic shield to protect the user.

Since Don Juan obtained the advanced version of the enchanting table from the system gift package, the appearance of enchanted weapons and items has also been very fast, and the number has increased.

These came from the dark ghost troop of the oblique moon city, and were used for the elite guards of the guards. Don Juan used enchanted equipment for them.

And although they were pretending to be demon orcs, the vampires could use magic, and they were also a magic race, so the appearance of magic was not unexpected.

Although the oblique moon city also has magic, it is obvious that the key is redstone technology. As long as redstone technology does not appear among these servants, it will not be exposed.

And as soon as they appeared on the battlefield, they immediately forced the templar knights on the battlefield 30 at the city gate to continuously retreat into the city.

The heavy plate armor of fine steel makes them invulnerable, and the outermost layer of magic protection can even prevent the attacks of the Templars from hitting the members of the Dark Frost Warden.

In contrast, members of the Dark Frost Warden only need to wield heavy swords, long-handled axes, giant battle axes and other weapons enchanted by frost in their hands, and they can directly kill those Templar knights with one blow.

Hundreds of members of the Dark Frost Warlords marched all the way into the city, and no one could stop them. All Templar knights who stood in front of them were frozen to death by the frost enchantment on their weapons.

All the corpses of Templars covered in frost lay in disorder on the ground.

The soldiers of the Death Squad followed behind the Dark Frost Supervising Team, and they roared excitedly. Their morale changed from the state of being unable to advance before, and it was swept away and very high.

"Damn, damn, magic, where did your magic go!"

Bishop Si De retreated more and more, and he continued to roar.

Most of the Templars were on the city wall to resist the attack of the army of servants, and the reserve team was still in the process of being mobilized. At this moment, the Templars in front of Bishop Sid were dead.

Under Bishop Sid's roar, those magic priests finally used their recovered magic power to collectively release some status magic.

【Energy recovery!】

【Holy Light Blessing!】


Three magic states in a row were blessed.

The templar knights who were fighting hard in front suddenly felt their whole body tremble, sweeping away the fatigue from the previous battle.

I feel warm all over, as if I have inexhaustible strength.

The fear in my heart disappeared completely, and turned into a high-spirited fighting spirit.

And at this moment, more guard soldiers rushed into the city gate, and the city gate was completely controlled by the guard at this moment!

"Quick, quick! Back, back, back to the second city wall!"

Bishop Sid was extremely flustered, he didn't care so much, the first city wall was about to fall.

"What?! Back off?"

Some magic priests looked at Bishop Sid in astonishment.

They have just bless the Templar Knights with magic status, and now it is another round of fighting spirit. Although those damned orcs have broken through the city gate and come in completely, as long as they are well organized, they can still drive them all away. out.

Why are you retreating at this time!?

"I'm not behind the city wall, I don't feel safe at all, retreat quickly, the first city wall can't be defended anymore, let's defend the second city wall!"

Bishop Sid roared.

Those magic priests were a little dazed. They really wanted to say that the first wall could still be defended, and there were still many wall areas under their control.

But there was no other way but to execute Bishop Sid's order, ordering all Templars to withdraw from the first city wall and turn to the second city wall for defense.

And they, so easily, handed over the first city wall to the guards for control.

San Queret, the first wall fell.

Here, the first city wall of St. Quirret has already fallen, and those expeditionary troops led by Priest Carl have just entered the territory of the Dark Moon Military Alliance.

The vanguard army composed of 50,000 Templars and 20,000 Common troops, a total of 70,000 people, entered the territory of the Dark Moon Military Alliance all the way. They marched and broke the Dark Moon Military Alliance within five days. Among them are the three castles of Wade Kingdom.

Undoubtedly, the morale of all of them was very high.

Many nobles even calculated their current marching speed and the speed at which they conquered the fort.

Basically, the castle will be conquered by them in less than a day, or even half a day.

From this point of view, it may not take three months to directly defeat the city of Xieyue!

Many nobles are thinking very excitedly in the army.

"What's ahead?"

Priest Carl held a hand-painted, fairly detailed map in his hand, and pondered for a moment.

"My lord, the Noi Carl Canyon is ahead."

"Master Commander, look, there are some mountain ranges on both sides of this canyon, and these mountain ranges are a branch of the 367th range of Nokail Mountain."

Another magic priest pointed at the map and introduced it to Priest Carl.

The Nokail Mountain Range is a huge mountain range, and its body is not in the Wade Kingdom. The main part of this mountain range has always been at the western border of the Wilhelm Principality and the Wade Kingdom. .

In the Kingdom of Wade, the Nuokaier Mountains are linked with some peaks.

As if by accident, it penetrated obliquely into the territory of Wade Kingdom, and now it is blocked in front of the Church's expeditionary army.

"This canyon is very steep. If someone ambushes us, we will be very passive."

said the priest.

"Then how about avoiding this canyon?"

Carl asked.

"If it is bypassed, then we will have to travel for more than half a month."

The priest pondered for a moment, then replied.

"Then we'll go straight into the canyon!"

"Even if there is an ambush, it is impossible to defeat us!"

"It is said that it will take three months to attack the city of Xieyue and destroy them. It will take three months. It must not take more than half a month. Don't detour, order the army to move forward and go straight forward

through the canyon. "

"I want to see if they have the guts to ambush us!"

Carl said confidently. .

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