Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 271 Forced Siege [7/7]

But it was too late to exclaim at this moment.

The Templars directly ran into the simple array of long spears formed by the guards.

The long-handled cross spears in the hands of the Templar knights are not very long, only about 2.5 meters.

Because the spears in their hands are not used for field formation, but for defense on the city wall.

The spears in the hands of the werewolf guards who climbed the city wall were close to three meters long.

Although it is not very long, it is at least longer than the long-handled cross spears that were decorated in the Templar Wars and used in actual combat.

As soon as the two groups of people came into contact, the templar knights were stabbed by these spears and backed away.

But because the Templars were all wearing plate and chain armor, the stabbing attacks of the spears were all resisted by the plate armor on their chests.

So there were no casualties to them.

And when the guards and the Templars collided, at such a close distance, both sides put down their spears at the same time.

The guards were also surprised by the solid armor of the Templars, so they decisively dropped their spears and took off the hatchets or star hammers from their waists.

This kind of weapon was specially equipped by Oblique Moon City to allow them to deal with the Templars.

The templar knights also drew their long swords around their waists, and the two groups began to fight hand to hand.

For a moment, the roar of the werewolf and the roar of the templar knights gathered together.

When more and more templars rushed to the top of the city for support, and when more and more orc guards climbed the city wall, the battle was gradually expanded.

It soon became a battle on this section of the city wall.

"Quick, quick, let's go support the city wall!"

Seeing the patrol team rushing past him, the dark ghost werewolf officer Silam slowly stood up from the corner of the darkness.

Beside him, many invisible dark ghost werewolves also appeared together.

"We have to find a way to break the magic defense mechanism and open the city gate as soon as possible." "."

Siram looked around and said to the others.

But at this moment, the city gates are full of templar knights, and they have to find a chance to break through.

"Unfortunately, because I can't reveal my identity, I didn't carry any explosives. Otherwise, it would be a one-and-done thing to blow open the city gate."

Siram looked at the city gate not far away and gritted his teeth.

It had to think of a way quickly, although the 500 guards who climbed the city wall first attracted the attention of a large number of templar knights, but they couldn't last long at all.

"You guard the city gates and don't move for a moment!"

At the city gate, a magic priest wearing a black priest robe said to the many Templars in front of him.

"The battle on the city wall is fierce, don't we need to support it?"

A Templar.

"Your duty now is to guard the city gate. Don't worry about the rest. The enemies on the city wall will naturally be dealt with by the people on the city wall."

"Also, something flew into the sky from the city gate before, that should be some kind of signal.

"And this shows that there are even unknown enemies lurking near us."

The priest in black was speaking, suddenly a pendant on his chest glowed slightly red.


Someone is approaching!

The priest in black frowned, but remained calm.

Instead, he stood on the spot and closed his eyes, quietly protruding out his magic power, and perceiving the surroundings.

magic perception.

Silam led more than a dozen dark ghost werewolves, invisible in the darkness, and quietly approached the black-clothed priest.

Its idea is very simple, that is to restrain this priest in black, and then let him open the city gate.

Or force him to find out how to open the city gate.

But at this moment, it suddenly saw the black-clothed priest turn around.

The next moment, a large piece of light radiated from the hands of the priest in black!


Siram suddenly felt that the world within his sight was filled with countless strong and dazzling white lights.

This intense white light, like a flash bomb, suddenly turned the world in front of him into a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Damn it, it was discovered!"

At this moment, the thought came to Siram's mind: "Retreat!"

It roared, even though it couldn't see anything, it began to retreat backwards based on its memory.

"Hmph, so stupid."

The priest in black snorted coldly and stood still.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

The Templars, on the other hand, were astonished.

Because they only saw the priest in black suddenly turn around and release a radiance spell, and they couldn't see anything else.

`Just now a group of invisible people approached with malicious intent, but I have no way to break their invisibility, I can only let them run away. "

The priest in black turned around and said to the other Templar knights: "Now, you immediately separate into two teams and go back to the city to search for them."

"Just now they were illuminated by my radiance technique, and the invisibility magic on them must not be extended for too long, so you immediately dispatched to find them.


After receiving the order from the priest in black, the group of Templars acted immediately, and dozens of them were separated.

They were just about to go to the city when they suddenly heard a loud horn sound from outside the city!


"What's that sound?!"

All the Templars were startled.

They had never heard the howling of the Demon Calamity Legion, but they vaguely understood in their hearts that this was the sound that would only be heard during large-scale legion battles.

On the city wall, the fighting continued.

A blood-stained holy (Lee's) Templar knight had just pulled the long sword from the neck of an orc servant guard. Before he had time to catch his breath, he heard the sound from outside the city. untie.

He turned his head and looked out of the city. Under the light of the fire on the surrounding walls, his eyes under the gap of his barrel helmet widened in shock.

"call out!"

A huge black stone burning with fierce flames, dragging a long tail in the air, like a comet falling from the sky!

It fell on the top of the city in an instant!


Countless gravel splashed, and human voices screamed.

Looking at the past, countless banners stand tall and flutter in the wind.

Under this banner, densely packed orc guards appeared outside the city in a neat formation, wearing uniform standard armor.

They were the orc guards who had received the signal and rushed over under the banner of the Demon Disaster Legion to attack the city directly. .

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