Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 250: Hand-To-Hand Combat On The Castle [Second More]


Just as the Dark Moon Knight was waiting for the two teams of Blood Race soldiers to pass by, suddenly a Blood Race leader shouted.

"What's wrong?"

Another blood race leader asked suspiciously.

"Did you smell something unusual?"

In the darkness, two scarlet lights flickered between the eyes of the blood soldier's helmet, he said.

"Unusual taste, it seems that there is a strange smell..."

"It seems, vaguely, there is something, the aroma that whets my appetite"

The muffled sound of inhaling heavily came from under the helmets, and the two teams of vampire soldiers became extremely vigilant as they spoke.

And the dark moon knight who was hiding in the darkness and invisibility was shocked, he was discovered?

Are these bloodlines belong to the dog? The nose is so good?

"At this!!"

The leader of the Blood Race team let out a roar, pulled out the long sword at his waist, took a step forward, and ran two meters away, and slashed down with a fierce sword!

"So fast!"

The dark moon knight's pupils shrank suddenly, and he drew out the horizontal knife at his waist in an instant, and resisted it!


A sound of metal collision sounded instantly, and a large number of sparks shot out in the darkness!

"Sure enough, there are humans hiding here!"

The leader of the blood clan laughed and clenched the long sword in his hand.

The other blood soldiers were all shocked, actually there were human beings who entered the city wall invisibly?!

"Damn it, it's exposed, the noses of these blood races are so sensitive that they can smell people.

The Dark Moon Knight didn't have time to think, he took a step back, and then pulled out the short-handled revolving firecracker from the middle of his back waist.

When the trigger is pulled, the gunpowder burns and explodes rapidly in the gun chamber, and the projectile comes out of the gun in an instant!

Incomparably bright sparks shot out in the darkness.


The blood leader's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked down in disbelief at the extra hole in the full-coverage armor on his chest.

A leaden pellet went deep into his heart!

Impossible, the armor on his body was created by the new forging magic that the great baron spent more than ten years researching, how could it be pierced so easily.

"Damn it, I can't smell that human anymore!"

"The captain is bleeding, the smell of blood is too strong!"

"Where did that human go?!"

A large amount of blood gushed out from the blood leader's body, and his body fell to the ground, his face pale.

Many blood soldiers panicked.

For Common humans, the heart is pierced, and the wound enough to kill is only to seriously injure this vampire.

This shows how strong their vitality is.

The entire castle was also shaken by this gunshot.

The Dark Moon Knights and Templars hiding in Fang Yin were also a little shocked.

exposed so soon?

"I have to lure them away, make a time difference, and let the friendly troops come up before the other blood soldiers come."

Thinking of this, the dark moon knight was doing it on purpose, stomping on the ground vigorously and running.

"Crack clack clack clack!"

The steel armor boots made a loud sound when they stepped on the stone ground.

"That human has run away! Follow the sound!"

Immediately, more than a dozen blood soldiers reacted, and they chased after the sound.

On the spot, two soldiers were left to look after the blood leader who was seriously injured on the ground.

Except for the faint sound of footsteps, everything seemed to be quiet.

"Ding dong, jingle, jingle."

At this moment, a series of metal clanging sounds suddenly sounded.

It caught the attention of two blood soldiers who stayed in place.

"what happened?"

The two of them approached the city wall very vigilantly, and looked down.

At this moment, the Pendragon hanging on the city wall violently jumped up using the rope that the Dark Moon Knight used to come up.

One hand grabbed the blood-red cloak outside the armor of one of the blood soldiers Black, and then pulled it violently!


Amidst the continuous screams, the blood soldier fell directly out of the city wall and fell down.


The extremely heavy sound of the blood soldier falling to the ground sounded, and Pendragon didn't stop at all, and the whole person climbed over the city wall directly.


The remaining blood soldier roared, and stabbed at Pendragon with the double-pointed spear in his hand.

Pendragon directly grabbed the long-handled double-pointed spear that was stabbing with one hand, and then pulled it hard.

The horizontal knife in the other hand stabbed fiercely into the gap in the helmet of the blood soldier.


The sound of the blade piercing into the flesh sounded, and the blood soldier trembled.

Blood dripped from his helmet, and Pendragon drew his crossblade.

A small piece of blood came out from the gap between the eyes of the vampire helmet.

The corpse fell to the ground, twitched twice, and then completely motionless.

Even if it is a blood race, if the brain is directly destroyed, it will die instantly.

Pendragon looked left and right, and then used the horizontal knife to make up the undead Blood Race 987 leader lying on the ground, then stretched out his arm out of the city wall and waved it.

The next moment, more than a dozen templar knights and dark moon knights climbed up along the rope.

"Damn it, don't these vampires order it? The whole castle is in darkness."

After Goffin came up wearing a full set of plate and chain composite armor, his eyebrows under the barrel helmet frowned, and he held the long sword and shield tightly in his hands.

In fact, the blood castle really didn't see any light at all.

But it's different from the darkness where you can't see your fingers. In this kind of darkness, human beings can vaguely see outlines and the like.

This is a bit strange.

Goffin cast a radiance spell casually, and the light pierced through the surrounding darkness, and they could see things clearly.

In front of them is another wall.

This is a kind of castle, which can be divided into three or four floors as a whole, and is about 30 to 40 meters high.

What they are at the moment is above the city wall on the first floor, which is equivalent to the second floor of the castle.

"There are enemies!"

"There are actually humans coming up!"

At this time, more than ten blood soldiers suddenly came running from a corner.

They were wearing black full-body armor, with blood-colored burqas and face-covering helmets on their armor, and their entire bodies were basically tightly stitched together. They rushed over with long-handled double-pointed guns in their hands.

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