Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 210 I Will Not Lose To You [3/7]

The last batch of formed demon disaster corps in the wilderness surrendered. They took off their equipment and dropped their weapons.

A large number of orcs who only wore a pair of worn-out trousers or tightly wrapped their lower bodies in rags were guarded by coalition soldiers.

The war is over, but the final aftermath work is more difficult.

Outside the oblique moon city, there are a large number of corpses of elite orcs.

All those corpses had to be disposed of. Spring was here, and the weather would get hotter and hotter.

Such a bloody battlefield is a breeding ground for bacteria.

It must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Don Juan can get magma directly from Minecraft.

For burning corpses, it is of great help.

And the casualties of soldiers.

There is basically no "September 20th" in Xieyue City.

The previous battles in the oblique moon city.

Thinking about it now, there wasn't even a head-to-head confrontation at all.

All of them are ambushes in night battles and traps in the city.

In addition, the sergeants have steel armor protection covering the whole body, as well as powerful weapons and equipment such as muskets, grenades, and cannons.

Coupled with the help of night vision potion, invisibility potion and so on.

There are powerful healing potions when you are injured.

If there are still casualties in this way, then Don Juan can directly disband the army.

However, the Principality of Wilhelm, as mentioned before, had some casualties during the battle with the Teluk headquarters and the night battle across the river.

But those casualties are negligible compared to the results of victory.

And this can be said to be a huge victory!

Don Juan finally sees Anvimiya again.

"I didn't expect you to come back at this time. Didn't I tell you before that I wouldn't let you call for reinforcements?"

Don Juan looked at the armored and heroic Anvimiya and said.

"But there is no way, I have already brought reinforcements."

"Is there anything you can do about me?"

Anvi Miya tilted her head slightly, the corner of her mouth was curved upwards, and she looked at Tang Juan with her beautiful black eyes.

"You really think I can't do anything about you?"

Don Juan laughed: "When you were taking a nap in my office, I heard everything you said when I left the room."


Anvi Miya was stunned.

Don Juan stretched out his hand directly, the palm of his hand went around Anvimiya's neck, and then pulled Anvimiya towards him.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and Anvi Miya's eyes gradually widened.

After tasting the moist softness, Don Juan let go of Anvi Miya, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Nong, didn't I just do something to you now?"

Anwei Miya stretched out her hand to touch the corner of her mouth in a daze, and her face turned red with a "swish".

"You are bullying people."

Anvimiya looked at Don Juan.

Tang Juan raised his head slightly, and said: "Yes, I was bullying you, why are you so disobedient?"

"Okay, then don't regret it, will I lose to you?"

After Anvi Miya said these words, Don Juan had a bad feeling.

The next moment, Anvi Miya directly imitated Don Juan's movements, and then used greater strength than Tang Juan's movements just now, and directly pulled Don Juan who was a little far away.

Then, the anti-customer-oriented approach is directly kissing.

"Damn! I said this is a female hooligan!"

Don Juan was taken aback for a moment, and then he cried out in his heart.

It has to be said that when women are hooligans, they are far more hooligans than men.

It took longer than before, so that Don Juan thought that Anvimiya would be suffocated to death, Anvimiya finally let go of Don Juan.

The red-faced Anvi Miya took a deep breath, raised her eyebrows with some heroism, then looked at Don Juan with contempt, and said, "How is it!"

"Forget it, I don't know as much as you."

Don Juan waved his hand, looked at the army that was still on the other side of the river and hadn't crossed the river at this moment, and asked Anvi Miya: "Where did you bring so many people? So fast

"I brought some nobles who were loyal to me nearby, and then integrated some troops from Tangji Dukedom, Wade Kingdom, and Marcus Dukedom, and persuaded the nobles who stayed in the country to borrow these troops ...0"

Anvimiya said to Don Juan.

"Not one of them is a soldier of the Empire?"

asked Don Juan.


Anvi Miya shook her head.

"Well, if you really have your "distance" added together, you must have the Lord Quartet."

"Combining the follow-up coalition forces of elves and dwarves that were to come, the current strength of troops outside of Xieyue City will be close to 100,000."

"It's a pity. After coming here, I basically didn't do anything, so I have to go back again."

"As for the benefits you gave to those elves and dwarves, it can be said that they didn't do anything, and they got huge benefits for nothing."

Don Juan waved his hand, turned and left: "Let's go, let's go into the city."

"With Slanting Moon City and the Darkmoon Caravan, how could those dwarves and elves master the basics of business, how could they compete with me?"

Anvi Miya obviously didn't care about the benefits she gave, said.

"What you said is also true, if the elves and dwarves have mastered some of your business basics before, but that is of no use.

"The Darkmoon Caravan has really grown, and those elves and dwarves can't possibly compete with you."

Don Juan nodded.

The 0.5 that Anvi Miya said is correct, although before the west of the empire, the elves, and the dwarves, the basic business disk she created was basically given away.

However, if the Grand Duke of Portia, the Elf Prince of Azeroth, and the Duke of Dwarf Steel Chains were to compete with her, then it would be impossible for them to compete against the Darkmoon caravan led by Anvimia.

Bringing Anvi Miya and the Xieyue City army back to Xieyue City, there are many things to be arranged next.

The turmoil of the evil disaster is over.

After thoroughly cleaning up some battlefield remnants around Slanted Moon City, Grand Duke Portia, Grand Duke Marcus, Wilhelm II, Elf Prince Azeroth, and Dwarf Duke Steel Chain all left Slanted Moon City with their troops.

Of course, the two sides also held some meetings again.

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