Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 2 Hip-Pull's Ability To Build 【Favorites, Flowers! 】

"My lord, I don't understand. Xieyue Town has a population of more than a thousand, and the annual tax revenue is at least a dozen gold coins. This is a lot of money. Why is the Earl so eager to give up?"

In the team leaving the wilderness, a knight squire rode a horse and walked side by side with Lasso Knight, he asked puzzledly.

"The tax of more than a dozen gold coins per year is indeed not small. You have not been in the wilderness for a long time, so it's normal if you don't understand it."

La Suo waved his hand and said, "It's autumn now, what year is next year?"

"What year is next year?"

The knight servant was stunned, and said: "This year is the year of the devil's famine, next year..."

Speaking of this, the face of the knight servant turned pale.

He spat out three words in horror: "Next year will be the year of the devil..."

And now it's the end of autumn, and winter is about to begin. After winter, once spring begins, there will be a disaster that only occurs once in a few decades!

"Yes, next year will be the Year of the Demon Disaster. At that time, those disgusting barbarians, orcs, and half-orcs in the wilderness will all riot!"

"Decades ago, the empire defeated those orcs united tribes in the last year of the catastrophe, but that was when the empire was strong. You and I both know that the empire is now decayed, so the wilderness cannot be preserved."

When Lasso said this, a gloomy look appeared in his eyes.

As a knight, he obviously has a patriotic heart. Although he doesn't want to see it, the decline of Karla's empire is an established fact.

"That's why the Earl is in a hurry to sell all his territory in the wilderness."

"Even if it's only a hundred gold coins."

"And just at this time, that bully named Don Juan came. Hmph, is it so easy to be a nobleman? I think he only has a few months to live for a nobleman bought with money."

There was obvious disdain in Lasuo's mouth. As an orthodox nobleman, Lasuo obviously had the pride and dignity of an old-fashioned nobleman.

He looked down on those who bought noble titles with money.

Lasuo led his team and left the wilderness as if fleeing. When he left the wilderness, the knight entourage rode on the horse and looked back through the iron bucket helmet: "Poor commoner, even if you get the nobleman you dream of The title is only available for a few months."


Would Don Juan not know about the Year of Demon Disaster that will come next spring?

No, Don Juan is well aware.

And the fundamental reason why he still buys the title and acquires the territory is his confidence in himself and the system!

Put the mount and blade system aside for now.

Let’s talk about the Minecraft mod, Don Juan also played the game Minecraft in his previous life, so Don Juan understands it very well, this damn game doesn’t make sense to you at all!

It couldn't be easier to develop.

Tang Juan stood at the gate of Xieyue Town, looking at the villagers kneeling in front of him.

Even though everyone thinks that Xieyue Town is a town, Tang Juan from the 21st century still thinks that it is a small village.

Taking off the iron bucket helmet on his head, a handsome and young face was revealed.

Finally, he could take off the helmet. Although Don Juan was very strong, he was still extremely cautious. If it was not necessary, Don Juan would not take off the iron helmet in the wild.

And now, if he hadn't just arrived in the territory, the people in the territory must be familiar with his appearance, otherwise Don Juan would wear an iron bucket helmet even in the town.

When Don Juan was very weak when he first came to this world, he almost died. Even though he has become stronger now, Don Juan is still very cautious.

"This noble master is so young?!"

All the villagers were shocked.

"Who is the village...mayor?"

Don Juan looked around and asked.

"My lord, I am what I am."

At this moment, a fat man stood up from the crowd and came to Don Juan.

"Well, let them all get up, don't need to kneel, just bow when they see me in the future, don't need to kneel down every now and then."

Don Juan nodded and said.

"Yes, you're not all up yet, the Sir asked you all to get up, so you don't have to kneel!"

The mayor immediately yelled loudly, and the people in front of him all stood up awkwardly.

"What's your name and where do I live?"

Don Juan looked at the mayor and asked.

"Go back to my lord, my name is Harlaus, sir, you go this way, your castle is in the center of the town."

Along the way, he followed Harlaus to the center of the town, and Don Juan walked cautiously along the way.

Without him, it's too dirty, feces and garbage can be seen everywhere along the road.

The road is even more muddy.

And it hasn't rained at all recently, so why are the roads muddy? !

With the feces everywhere, Don Juan didn't dare to think about it.

At the same time, Don Juan made up his mind to rectify! Hygiene issues must be rectified first!

Not to mention polluting the mind and mood, such a dirty and messy environment is definitely full of bacteria.

Don Juan himself is not afraid of germs and poisons, and the tenth-level iron bone gave Don Juan an extremely powerful physical fitness.

Basically, it can be said that it is invulnerable to all poisons.

But for the health of our own people in the future, we must rectify it.

At the gate of the town, Don Juan saw a castle in the center of the town from a distance.

The entire castle is about five or six meters high, and the length and width are about twenty or thirty meters, just like a square fortress.

There are only two floors.

Although it looks a bit crude, the stone castle always looks more defensive than the wooden walls of the town outside.

"My lord, this is the castle that our town spent two years building. Don't worry, this place is absolutely safe."

Harolds said with a proud face.

"It took two years to build such a thing?!"

Don Juan was startled.

This... is too hip!

It took two years to build such a small castle with a height of five or six meters and two floors? !

The productivity of this world is really... hard to describe.

Don Juan himself didn't bring much luggage, and he only had one horse.

Many things are placed in the system's carry-on inventory.

"Halaus, I have something for you to do."

Even in the castle, Don Juan was still wearing chain mail, he looked at Harolds and said.

"My lord, what is the matter?"

"You should know how to read. Go and sort out the situation in the town. How many households are there? How many people are there in each household? What is their name? How much money is left over, sort it all into a booklet, and tell me."

Don Juan looked at Harlaus and ordered.

As the lord of this place, all Don Juan in the territory must be in control.

ps: The new book sets sail, please collect it, ask for flowers!

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