Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 184 Death Is Not A Pity! 【4/7】

"Tch, this Don Juan actually looks similar to those Saby elves, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

The Dwarf Duke turned his head away from the steel chain, and looked at Don Juan with some displeasure.

What he said was handsome.

For a long time, dwarves and elves have not dealt with each other very well.

And dwarves, in fact, are not very good-looking in terms of appearance.

Generally speaking, no matter which world or era, one thing will not change, and that is to look at the face


The Prince of Azeroth glanced at the Duke of Steel Chains.

"What are you looking at, I didn't mention you."

The Duke of Steel Chains turned his head away again.

"No wonder this Don Juan can make Her Royal Highness fall in love with her. If I were a woman, I must have fallen in love with him by now."

Duke Portia rubbed his chin in thought.

At this time, Count Bergenras, who represented the second prince, and Count Turabe, who represented the first prince, first attacked Don Juan.

"Don Juan! You, a little baron, dare to illegally imprison the prince of the empire! You are guilty!"

Earl Bergenrath slapped the table, pointed at Don Juan's 907 nose with one hand and scolded angrily.

"Yes, Earl Bergenrath is right. Don Juan, it is really a misfortune for the empire to have such audacious nobles as you who ignore the laws of the empire. Now we order you to release His Royal Highness immediately!"

Another Earl Tullah hugged his shoulders and said with a sneer.


"Wait, everyone, didn't you come here to support Xieyue City and resist the evil disaster? Is there such a thing as Tang Juan imprisoning two imperial princes?"

At this time, the veins on Wilhelm II's forehead were twitching, and he asked while holding back his anger.

Wilhelm II didn't excuse Don Juan, he really didn't know about it...

"Support the wilderness and resist the evil disaster?"

Earl Bergenlas sneered.

"Aren't Earl Yordle and King Wade still in the wilderness? Then what else do we need?!"

Count Tula looked at Wilhelm II at this time, and pointed the finger at him: "It's you, Grand Duke Wilhelm II, the army of the Principality of Wilhelm should be deep in the wilderness right now, why (dadb) appear here , Could it be that you were afraid of war and abandoned the others and fled back without permission?!"

As soon as he mentioned this, Wilhelm II's eyes suddenly widened like copper bells.

It was bloodshot inside.

He was trembling with anger, his eyes wide open.

His father, as well as his Principality of Wilhelm, more than 20,000 soldiers, all died in the wilderness!!!

But now this stupid, corrupt imperial nobleman dares to slander his father and the souls of more than 20,000 soldiers who died in battle!

But before Wilhelm could attack, suddenly an extremely loud voice resounded through the camp.


Turabe's body immediately seemed to be hit by some huge force, and the whole person flew upside down! He flew out of the tent!

This loud and loud sound completely startled the others.

At this moment, all the nobles in the camp looked at Don Juan who stretched out his palm in astonishment.

"This kind of person is not a pity to die."

Don Juan's black eyes were full of coldness, and he didn't say much.

Just seven words.

But these seven words made everyone present feel the trembling from the depths of their souls!

And they were all shocked by the tremendous power Don Juan displayed at this moment.

"It's just a slap, and a person is directly sent flying. How strong is this Tang Juan's power?"

"This, is this still a human?"

The Duke of Portia took a breath. Sitting next to Don Juan at the moment, he felt his body chill from the inside out.

"Don Juan!! You dare to attack the Count of the Empire, you are now a more serious crime!"

"I am now ordering you to immediately hand over your command of the army, as well as the authority of the defense of the oblique moon city. You have seriously violated the laws of the empire!"

Earl Bergenlas swallowed, but the next moment he understood that he could not be frightened by Tang Huan.

No matter how strong Don Juan is alone, he came with an army.

Although the second prince's army only has 15,000 people, Tu Lachang has many nobles and an army of nearly 40,000 people!

Together, the number of troops has exceeded 50,000.

Such a huge number gave Earl Bergenlas a lot of courage.

He even felt that even if it was a demon disaster, he could fight it!

Because Earl Bergenrath left the Oblique Moon City and the wilderness ahead of time, so his impression of the Demon Calamity Legion on the wilderness is still at the level of less than 100,000 troops.

He is totally unaware of the true strength of the Demon Disaster Legion this time.

"Oh, I hit him just now, I admit it, but, Earl Bergenlas, you said that I imprisoned the two princes illegally, so I have to discuss this matter with you."

Don Juan sneered, leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, looked at Bergenras and said.

"Hmph, what did you tell me? It is a fact that you imprisoned the two princes, and I was there at that time!"

"Even at that time, you imprisoned me together. With my client present, with such solid evidence, don't you still want to make waves?"

Bergenrath also sneered at Don Juan.

"Yes, Don Juan, you have committed a heinous crime! You should immediately surrender the command of the army!"

"Don't try to resist in vain, it is impossible to fight us with your little force.

"There is also Xieyue City, you must also hand over Xieer City!"

"Only in the hands of our empire, can a frontier fortress like Oblique Moon City be truly strong!"

Immediately, the nobles belonging to the faction of the first prince and the second prince shouted at Tang Juan.

All of them were extremely arrogant.

"Hehehe, let me tell you, so many people were sent here just for the sake of the First Prince and the Second Prince. So it was my idea to attack the City of the Oblique Moon!"

Don Juan leaned forward slightly, his eyes became cold and dangerous.

Looking at the clamoring imperial nobles, he was really a little angry at the moment. .

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