Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 141 Set Off An Upsurge Of Learning! 【2/7】【Seventh Subscription】

After the piglin matter was resolved in Hell, Don Juan felt relieved.

Finally, I don't have to send people to look for hell warts anymore, after establishing a trade relationship with piglins.

Don Juan started to work again, enrolling the children in the oblique moon city to school. ,

There are about five or six hundred children in the city, twelve or thirteen years old.

But when the enrollment began, more than a thousand people signed up.

There are also some teenagers and girls who are about fifteen or sixteen years old.

However, there are fewer people over the age of seventeen or eighteen.

Because in this era, many people get married when they are fifteen or sixteen years old, and they are considered adults at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

Therefore, there are quite a few teenagers and girls in the 15th and 16th grades enrolled, which is already somewhat beyond Tang Juan's expectations.

And if it wasn't for those people over the age of 17 or 18 who have jobs in "July 47" in Xieyue City, sometimes they can't spare time, otherwise they would also go to school to enroll.

There are more than 1,000 students. Fortunately, when Don Juan built the school, there were many buildings and classrooms planned. As a classroom, it can still accommodate more than 10,000 students.

And the time for the start of school is tentatively set, a week later.

The reason why it will be extended by one week is because of the printing of textbooks and the number of teaching materials.

The education system was added to the Don Juan system before, and from the education system, Don Juan also obtained movable type printing for printing books.

It takes time to print textbooks and textbooks using movable type printing, and among them, there are some cultural textbooks edited by teachers in the city headed by Baslin.

And the system is indeed a system that is integrated and bound to the map of the minecraft. When movable type printing appears, as long as there is a re-engraved version, then through the supporting binding function of the system, in the minecraft workbench, Numerous reproductions were made of printed blocks.

This also greatly speeds up the time to print books.

Therefore, in just one week, the number of textbooks needed for cultural classes is enough.

So, school started.

Let the children learn cultural lessons first, so that they can recognize characters and read books.

Then give them primary school mathematics, and wait until the children's education level is basically stable after the primary school curriculum.

You can give them physics, chemistry and other knowledge.

And this period of time is also a buffer period for the school teachers to thoroughly understand and study physical and chemical knowledge.

Only when the school teachers understand it can they be allowed to teach the children.

The first day of school started, and after school, Johnny took his son home with great excitement.

"Johnny, pick up the kids and come back from school."

The neighbors around looked at Johnny enviously.


Johnny smiled a little honestly, and couldn't restrain the proud smile on his face.

"Little John, what have you learned in school, tell Hans Uncle about it."

At this time, another neighbor was holding a lollipop in his hand and talking to Little John.

"The teachers at the school taught us some simple characters and taught us how to recognize them."

Little John said a little cautiously.

"Johnny, let Little John tell us about it, I have a hunch that it will be impossible for people to be uneducated in the future.

Hans said to Johnny.

Johnny looked at the neighbors around him, and he could see the desire for knowledge from their faces.

In fact, Johnny also had the idea of ​​asking his son to tell him the simple words taught in school today, and now the neighbors were also talking about it, and suddenly, an idea appeared in Johnny's mind.

"Perhaps we can."

"Ahem, today, the joint learning and teaching meeting in our Sunshine Community was established!"

"Now, let's have the Johnny boys, John, the Fidani boys, right now."

"They will teach us all what they learned in school today! Please applaud!"

In a small open-air event area in the Sunshine Community of Oblique Moon City, Johnny and Fidani were sitting among the crowd, listening to the warm applause from the surrounding crowd, they also applauded vigorously.

There is a lot of pride on the face.

"Little John, tell us what you learned in school today!"

"Yeah, let's talk about it."

The two ten-year-old and twelve-year-old children, Little John and Little Mastin, looked at the adults with a thirst for knowledge in their eyes.

Under the guidance of adults, they mustered up their courage, and then started to write and draw on a small blackboard behind them... 0

"Today, we were at school and learned the twenty-three letters that make up the font."

Little John and little Ma Siding took their notebooks in school, and the two little "teachers" stuttered, but began to speak seriously.

For them, children have a strong learning ability, and they are very serious in memorizing and learning when they are in school, so they can learn some simple things taught in school very quickly.

"It turns out that words are made up of these letters!"

Listening to Little John and Little Mastin's stuttering explanations, the adults all took out the notebooks and pencils they bought at the newly opened stationery store, and began to try to write and write down the letters.

There are not many things taught in school today, but looking at my notes and thinking back, the two little "teachers" stammered and spent some time telling these things to the adults.

"Well, that's about it. I forgot how to read some letters, but the teacher will explain it when I return to school tomorrow, so I will tell you tomorrow night."

Little John thought about it seriously, and then said.

"Okay, let's stop here today, everyone, go back, and have dinner."

"I have a proposal, everyone cooks and eats together, and when they eat together, they can share what they have learned today.

Neighbor Hans said at this time.

"I think it's a good proposition.

Soon, everyone agreed to 5.3.

For knowledge, they are very eager.

And Little John and Little Mastin, who can learn knowledge, are two children, but they are enough to be respected by adults.

Therefore, adults are also willing to let go of their adult status and learn with an open mind.

Adults with children are sought after by neighbors without children. They stay together and let the children tell them what they learned at school today and learn together.

What the children learn at school, they teach at home to the adults at home and to their childless neighbors.

Teaching like this every day can not only stabilize the children's knowledge, but also allow adults to learn together.

In this way, the progress of the adults who do not go to school is the same as that of the children who go to school!

In this way, the oblique moon city completely set off an upsurge of learning!.

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