Be A Lord Starting Today

Chapter 115 Losataya's Farewell 【4/7】【Seventh Subscription】


Wilhelm II cried out in pain, lying on his father's body and crying loudly.

And at this time, Losataya, who flew into the sky and saw all this, still had tears on her face. She raised her palm that had just been scalded in a daze, it was red and painful.

However, this kind of pain seems to be less than one ten thousandth of the pain of Wilhelm II losing his father below.

"I seem to understand...why everything I saw before, I seem to understand why human beings always look so painful when faced with such things."

"And I didn't understand it before, but now I seem to understand, as if I can feel their painful emotions..."

Losataya said in a daze, covering her heart with her burned palm.

Baron Don Juan, leave the wilderness with me. "

After crying for a while, Wilhelm II said to Don Juan with red eyes.


Don Juan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head and said.

"There are a total of 300,000 people in the Devil's Disaster Legion! The Slanting Moon City is so big, and it is the only way for the wilderness to enter the human world. The Slanting Moon City will definitely be attacked. You can't stop it for a long time with this force alone. !"

"Now let's bring the civilians from Crescent Moon City into the Principality of Wilhelm. We still have troops left behind in the Principality of Wilhelm. We can unite with other nobles to fight together, and the chances of winning will be even greater!"

Wilhelm II opened his eyes wide and said persuasively.

"Wilhelm II, Slanting Moon City is my territory, and it is impossible for me to leave my territory."

"My people have all lived here in Xieyue City for a lifetime, and it is impossible for them to leave.

"And I will end this war with my own hands!"

There seems to be fire in Don Juan's eyes.

Seeing the death of Grand Duke Wilhelm in front of him has already aroused his anger towards the Demon Scourge Legion.

"If I escape, sooner or later, I will face the Demon Scourge Legion again. Why don't I end up with them in the wilderness! To protect my people!"

Don Juan's words were extremely firm, and seemed to have a different kind of appeal.

Wilhelm II stared blankly at the man in front of him. He looked at it for a long time, and finally heaved a sigh and said nothing.

He knew that once a man like Don Juan decided to do something, he couldn't be persuaded.

Wilhelm II left with his army.

He will return to the Principality of Wilhelm, and then warn the other three countries to form a joint defense alliance to defend against the coming evil disaster army.

But before leaving, Wilhelm II still looked at Don Juan with great respect.

Returning to the left building of the Twin Towers in Oblique Moon City, Don Juan met Losataya.

Losataya seemed to have cried just now, and her eyes, which were originally like red jewels, became even more dazzling.

Don Juan didn't question why the number of the Devil's Disaster Legion didn't match what Losataya said, because Don Juan knew that it wasn't Losataya who lied to him, because it was easy to know that someone like Losataya , it is impossible for the leader of the Demon Disaster Legion to tell her the real plan and strength

Don Juan was thinking about something, but at this time Losataya mustered up the courage and said to Don Juan: "Actually, this time, I came to say goodbye to you. 27


Don Juan was taken aback.

"Although I am stupid and not liked by my elder brother and younger sister, I also know that humans and our blood race are enemies."

There is mist in Losataya's red eyes, like a pair of red gems, crystal clear.

"Just today, I went outside and I saw the retreating human army, many of them with sadness and pain on their faces.

"I think the human army in the wilderness will definitely fail."

"One day, my sister will bring the Devil's Disaster Legion to fight over."

"I don't know how many years I have lived, but during these years, I have seen countless wars and the deaths of countless people. I don't understand why they are suffering."

"However, since I came to Oblique Moon City, I have seen too many amazing things, and I have also eaten good things that I have never eaten before."

"Xiangyue City is really different from other places... I don't want Xieyue City to be destroyed, and I don't want to feel the pain anymore."

Losataya raised her right hand at this time, and Don Juan could clearly see that there were obvious signs of love wounds on it.

"This is me sneaking into the kitchen, trying to steal some food, but accidentally burned to the mark.

"This is the first time I have felt temperature and pain in so many years of living."

"All along, my skin is cold, I can't feel any temperature, and I don't feel any pain, but I felt this feeling for the first time in Slanted Moon City

"It was very painful and very hot, and at that moment, I suddenly understood that it was just being burned, and it was so painful that I shed tears."

…0 for flowers……

"And when I saw the retreating human army outside, and saw the pain of the man whose father died, I suddenly understood at that moment.

"Why do I see so many human beings in my life, they will suffer, they will be sad, and they will cry."

"If a person is killed, loses his life, loses his family, loses everything, what a huge pain it must be."

"It is precisely because I understand this pain that I want to leave."

"I'm going to find my sister and elder brother, and persuade them to stop the war and stop leading the disaster army. Why can't we and humans coexist peacefully?"

Listening to Losataya's words, Don Juan had a complex look on his face.

He looked at Losataya, such a blood girl who looked like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old human girl.


He couldn't imagine that Losataya, who lived for an unknown number of years, had always been carefree, without sorrow or pain.

But at the moment of being scalded in Xieyue City, she suddenly understood what pain meant, and the problems that had surrounded her heart for so many years were solved.

But it also makes this girl who seems to be happy forever not so happy anymore.

"Can you find them?"

asked Don Juan.

"I can follow the traces of the disaster army and fly all the way, my wings can already fly."

Losataya said.

"Good luck, then."

Don Juan took a deep breath, looked at the girl in front of him, at this moment, he suddenly felt a little reluctant.


Losataya nodded slightly.

Just when Losataya was about to leave, she suddenly stopped her.

"this is for you."

Don Juan threw a silver ring at Losataya.

"This is? Magic?!"

Losataya was a little surprised.

"Some gadgets that have been newly researched recently can protect you to a certain extent."

Don Juan said with a smile.

What Don Juan gave Losataya was an enchanted ring of Magic Protection II.

"Is this a gift?"

Losataya asked.

"Gift, be it. y

Don Juan thought for a while and replied.

What Don Juan didn't expect was that Losataya laughed immediately, and her delicate and pretty face looked even more beautiful and lovely.

The girl's pale face was filled with uncontrollable joy. .

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