Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 645: Ji Xing vs Ant King

 “Oh? It’s finally out.”

 Thousands of meters away from the palace, Nitro has been observing the palace with high-power telescopes since Ji Xing entered the palace.

  Since the night had just fallen, the full moon was hanging high in the sky, and finally there was some movement. The one who does not look like a human, has brown-red skin, and flies with the Ji Star, must be the third one in the ant king's direct guard team, and the one with white and blue wings, the aura on his body is as deep as the substance... must be the ant king Got it!

"This energy is really amazing." He praised: "To the naked eye, it looks more than ten times stronger than me, but it's a pity that it can only satisfy your eyes."

“Hahaha, forget it, it will only be more interesting to make you, a playful old man, give up the fight with the ant king. You are not a guy who cares about the overall situation.” There was loud laughter from the side.

At this moment, the people accompanying Nitro were no longer Kate and the other three, but a tall and strong man with a bun on his head, a cross scar between his eyes, and a long black beard hanging down. to the chest.

It is Bjornde Nitro, Nitro's son, one of the top five telepathic people in the world!

He stretched out his hand and gently stroked his beard. His movements were 90% similar to Nitro's. He looked at the figures walking away and said, "These guys don't know what they are doing there. Incompatible races can just start a war when they meet. I have been waiting for several hours, but fortunately, the wait was not in vain.”

"Probably they are chatting." Nitro said with a smile: "In Ji Xing's eyes, the Ant King should have more communication value than the royal family and officials who were killed by him. How about it, compared to Yang De, in a moment Do you want to say hello to Ji Xing?"

"Forget it." Biyande laughed: "Because of Paris Stone and Journey to the West, I'm afraid that he will kill me easily. If we are destined, let's meet in the Dark Continent! To be honest, although he is more mature than me, Strong, but you didn’t allow me to go, but you acquiesced and even supported him to go to the Dark Continent. I’m still very unconvinced!”

“Oh~ Then don’t be convinced. I’ll leave first.” Nitro waved his hand and said, “If you don’t hurry up and catch up, you won’t even have the chance to experience eye addiction.”

 He ​​did not stop Biyande again, or it could be said that this meeting was originally to relieve Biyande from the oath that "he can only explore the dark continent if he dies". Because with the emergence of Ji Xing, times have gradually changed.

An individual’s force can overwhelm the great powers. No one can stop Ji Xing’s exploration of the Dark Continent. When Ji Xing goes to the Dark Continent, the only thing the great powers can do is to keep up.

It's so great now, what if Ji Xing could harvest some good things from the Dark Continent? —They will think about it this way.

 So the ‘Era of Exploration in the Dark Continent’ is coming! There is no point in suppressing Biyang De anymore.

Perhaps this battle is the prologue.

As for the outcome of the battle, the father and son did not discuss or communicate with each other from beginning to end. When Ji Xing survived the red rose, he had reached the insurmountable peak of individual power!


Xiaoyapfu was very nervous.

Obviously he knew that this was wrong, and he knew that he should completely trust the Ant King, but as he got further and further away from the capital of East Goto, the tension in his heart became increasingly difficult to suppress, and even turned into fear.

 Under this fear, he had an impulse derived from it—in order to ensure victory, should Yupi and I make sacrifices first? As the king's direct escort, it would be a huge dereliction of duty to only watch the king fight the enemy. Before that, we might as well provide all our strength to the king!

 “Puff, do you want to die?”

The Ant King read the fear and thoughts, and said without emotion in his voice: "It's a fair game in the army. I accepted the concession in Go. In this third game, do you think I have to give up three pieces to win?"


“I could sense your loyalty, so I tolerated it a few times, but this is the last time.”


 Last time in every way. Ji Xing, who was flying in the air holding Meng Tu Tu Youpi's ankle with one hand, looked at them and pointed into the distance.

 “Just there.”

The ant king then looked sideways, and saw that where Ji Xing was pointing was a hilly area, with several sparsely forested and desolate mountains intertwined with each other, half-circling a small valley in the center, and the endless horizon could be seen in the distance. The endless ocean.

This place is not too far from the royal capital of the Republic of East Goto. It is still within the borders of the country and is the easternmost point. And hundreds of thousands of miles away in the sea is the dark continent where the chimera ants come from!

The Ant King had no objection to this position and dived directly downwards. The four figures were swept by the strong wind and fell very fast. When they were a hundred meters above the 'battlefield', Ji Xing let go of Yupi's ankle.

 The body is in free fall.

 The ant king speeds up his attack.

The two of them fell to the ground one after another like two meteors, causing the ground to tremble with a rumble!

Like a rolling dragon, the deep cracks instantly spread a hundred meters away. As the two bursts of blazing white gold and deep dark purple Qi exploded, the cracks spread deeper, and the roar resounded in the air!

The substantial impact and the pressure that could shatter the liver and gallbladder caused the owl Yapufu and Mengtu Tuupi in the air to quickly disperse in both directions.

Amid the screams, the birds resting in the sparse trees around them were also frightened. Even the unintelligent insects and ants seemed to feel the fear, forming a black river and running towards the distance.

The two qi became more and more entangled, gradually intertwined and expanded, and finally burst apart!

The four-splitting air rushed like a tide on the surrounding hills, uprooting the dead trees and small trees, and the leaves of the big trees also rustled into tornadoes!

Ji Xing’s Qi sputtered farther away, and his right hand also made a lifting movement.

The Ant King felt a strange feeling enveloped him. He looked at the top of his head and saw a blood bar about half a meter above it, followed by the number '100'!

 There is the same thing above the head of Ji Xing.

 “Brighten the health bar - duel mode.”

Ji Xing said to the Ant King: "It can only be used against opponents whose threat level difference is within 3. Entering into a fair duel with both sides having an initial blood volume of 100. In this state, our attacks are not effective against other people and other people's attacks." We will all be significantly weakened, and we can only do our best to each other.

 We will feel pain, but we will not be disabled. We will not die on the spot until our blood volume is emptied to zero, and we will not even leave any thoughts after death. "

With the understanding ability of the Ant King, coupled with the knowledge of the game from the books he read, he instantly understood the rules of Ji Xingnian's ability.

His right hand was stretched out, and the dark purple thought energy gathered in his palm, and suddenly turned into a beam of laser cannon and shot out, spanning a thousand meters in an instant, and rumbled to shatter the top of a hill!

 “This is my telekinesis ability.”

“It turns out to be the Radiation type. I thought that based on your physical ability, you must be the Strengthening type.”

The Ant King was obviously unwilling to accept Ji Xing's concession anymore, and demonstrated to Ji Xing his thoughts that he could have hidden.

 And this was also the last exchange before the war.

 When their eyes met again, their figures disappeared in an instant!

The explosion at that moment was more than twice the speed of sound and could not be captured by the naked eye. Only three slow explosions could be heard in the air. The surrounding mountains seemed to have been crackled by air cannons, creating a pile of shell craters and filled with sand and dust. , the figures of Ji Xing and Ant King appeared again.

I saw Ji Xing grabbing the ant king's tail with his left hand, raising his right leg high and pressing down, but was also held up by the ant king's arms. The land the two of them were on seemed to be hit by a road roller, with a diameter of about fifty meters. The discus kept hitting, boom, boom, boom, making the ground sink!

Just as the ant king said, he is the strongest individual representing the entire chimera ant community who has gathered the strength of the clan. He is born with a body that can break mountains with his fists. Ji Xing is high and oppressive, and when his teeth are broken, When he clenched his teeth until his expression turned ferocious, the arms holding up Ji Xing's right leg were still lifted up little by little, and his hands were able to open from the fists.

So it was in a cross state, and two strong shock waves of thought power condensed in the palm of the hand!

At the same time, the Qi in Ji Xing's body stretched like flowing fire, and the character "人" was written behind him!

 “6-5-1, ride a horse and lead an army first.”

The words suddenly uttered from Ji Xing's mouth made the ant king startled, and made a military gesture?

 The scarlet pupils were slightly condensed. In his perception, the shell craters exploded by the three previous collisions between the two surged out with invisible energy at this moment, as if they had colluded and connected to form a military ceremonial chessboard, and he and Ji Xing were both on this chessboard. Two chess pieces!


 The long and powerful horse's neigh seemed to come from the friction between Ji Xing's muscles and the air when they expanded, or from the peristalsis of his internal organs. In a blur, the opponent in front of him seemed to have turned into a galloping horse, pushing against him with indomitable energy!


A sound that was far louder than before, like thunder, sounded, and Ji Xing, who bent down at the speed of light, hit the ant king's chest with an overhead elbow.

In an instant, the extremely penetrating thought energy penetrated into the ant king's flesh and blood, giving him a severe pain that he had never experienced since his birth!

The half-charged air cannon slanted past Ji Xing's body, instantly plowing the ground into two abyss and rifts, while the Ant King flew upside down and blasted through a hill a kilometer away!


In the distance and high in the sky, Pufu and Yupi were watching the battle here with their eyes wide open. Fortunately, in the next moment, a figure fluttered its wings and flew back to Ji Xing from the collapsing hills.

 But they did not get much comfort, because the health bar is the most intuitive. In the first collision just now, Ji Xing only lost 1 drop of blood, but the Ant King lost 7 drops. They clearly suffered a loss!

 “Military ceremony?” The Ant King asked as if he was confirming while hovering three meters in front of Ji Xing.

"When a skill is mastered to its peak, the limit can be broken." Ji Xing said: "Unlike Wheat, who breaks the limit independently, I break it through my own telekinesis ability. The chess game is like a battlefield, and the limit-breaking military ritual , can naturally be used for fighting."

His arms are gently spread out, as gentle as wicker branches blown by the wind. As his thoughts flow, the invisible 19*19 chessboard is constructed with the two of them as the center!

 “Go?” The Ant King glanced over.

 Human creativity is truly amazing.

 But from the collision just now, I already know that your strength and defense are not as good as mine. Without the protection of a tough carapace, even if my attack misses, a drop of your blood will be deducted!

 Now, who is playing chess with you? !

 The Ant King's body was slightly lifted up, and he pressed his palms downward, air cannon, continuous bombs!

Hum, boom, boom—

 With amazing magnanimity and unstinting squandering, dark purple fills the world!

 Like an intensive bombardment of missiles.

 Like continuous thunder.

The violent blow instantly covered several kilometers in a radius, and everything was swallowed up by this indiscriminate blow!

Relying on Yuan, who was also at the 'domain' level, the Ant King knew that Ji Xing had not been hit by any blow, and that figure was running left and right in the torn earth and moved dexterously without even being hit by the aftermath.

 But I will not give up the advantage of flying. After five seconds, you will lose your footing. Should you break out from the distance or plan a counterattack? If both are the same, they will let me find your flaws!

As soon as the ant king made such a calculation, he noticed something subtle in the air!

The next moment, he felt weak fluctuations of Ji Xing's telepathy coming from the four directions, front, back, left, and right, and four 19*19 chessboards were arranged in the air, wrapping it in the center!

 ‘Is it the splashed sand? ! ’

Hum buzz—

 The stars light up.

In the chessboard spread out in the air, a large number of tiny thought **** light up between the grids.

'Calculate the intersection of the aftermath of my constant bombings, accurately calculate which silt will fall where at which time, and secretly leave my own energy in it, how strong is this guy? Computing power? ! ’

Shocked by the exaggerated gap, the Ant King didn't waste a moment. He no longer just condensed Qi into his palms and released it, but opened all the sperm pores in his body with all his strength. In an instant, his entire body seemed to have turned into a huge cannon barrel, and the shock wave condensed around him indiscriminately!

Around it, a golden light stepped across the four floating chessboards like a meteor, with a dazzling final sound, and cut towards the ant king's back spine with boundless sharpness!

 “White chess, move 79, break, kill the dragon!”

 The pure gold execution knife is unsheathed!

 The ant king was instantly chopped into an afterimage.

If it weren't for the ability to brighten the health bar, this blow would have been enough to cut open his flesh and blood, causing the ant king's blood to spill on the ground. But at this moment, it was just a bullet, causing the ant king another severe pain, allowing him to turn into a cannonball and sink it. The land below is riddled with holes!

 All surrounding mountains collapsed.

Like a giant beast that had been sleeping for ten thousand years, it turned over underneath, and the sound of cracking and roaring could be heard for hundreds of miles. Ji Xing's body fell to the ground smoothly, and he slashed with the force.


Obviously the destruction caused by his own impact has not ended yet. The ant king, who was violently tearing the earth apart, waved his hand and tore at Ji Xing. Ji Xing blocked it with a knife, and the impact once again destroyed the surrounding land!

After two games of chess, Ji Xing’s remaining blood volume is 97 drops, and Ant King’s is… 81!

 Absolute disadvantage!

He lost interest in communication, either because he was angry or because he didn't want to accept it. The energy in his body became extremely violent and dark. He mixed physical combat with air cannons and launched a violent storm of attacks on Ji Xing without stopping. !

Ji Xing stopped playing chess with him, and the blade danced with the impact of the Ant King.

 The mountains were turned into plains by the two men.

  It has been transformed into canyons and mountains again!

The covered area became wider and wider, until the sound of crashing waves reached their ears, and the sunken canyon introduced the ocean currents that were originally dozens of miles away, and the two of them stopped briefly.

 “King!” Pufu and Yupi’s shrill roars echoed throughout the heaven and earth once again.

Puff in the sky screamed with despair and tears: "Please stop!"

The Ant King was silent and looked at the health bar above Ji Xing's head. It was a little short, with 90 drops remaining.

 Look up at yourself again, 10 drops!

 Can’t win.

 There was no reason to find, and no way to use any factors. He didn't have many emotional fluctuations during the battle, and he had actually determined the outcome of the battle after playing "two games of chess".

 Just like military rituals and Go, you can't win, simply, you can't win.

 With similar strength, his stronger defense power did bring him an advantage, but his calculation power was too far away. Just like the competition between national players and novices, he was crushed from start to finish.

This feeling of powerlessness is annoying, and as the arrogant chimera ant king, I am also very angry.

  But what can be done?

  10 drops of blood versus 90 drops of blood.

This gap cannot be filled unwillingly.

 The King of Humans is indeed stronger than the King of Chimera Ants! Feeling humiliated by the previous self-confidence and being unwilling to be unable to complete the mission as the ant king have no meaning anymore!

 After a brief silence, he acknowledged this reality and said in a low voice: "Humanity has won."

 “It’s just that I beat you.”

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