Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 643: military honors

The Ant King and Ji Xing were actually somewhat different from what Ji Xing expected. When he discovered that the Ant King was somewhat similar to Xiaojie, he knew that the chimeric Ant King in front of him would not be the kind of 'villain' in traditional hot-blooded comics.

As for what exactly they are similar to, it’s probably their temperament and feeling.

Both of them have a sense of lack, just like newborn babies who have been instilled with some knowledge and principles but have not integrated them into them. They may change their appearance at any time because of other things.

 In fact, Ji Xing's judgment is not wrong. In the plot of Hunter, Ant King and Xiaojie are indeed a very neat couple. The main plot of the entire Ant Chapter is actually the story of Xiaojie sinking into darkness and the Ant King walking into the light.

Their sense of symmetry has reached an exaggerated level. They have adopted the same sitting posture, looked in the same eyes, and had the same back. In the battle, the Ant King even "avenged" Xiaojie.

When taking the hunter exam, Xiaojie and Nitro played a game of grabbing the ball. Nitro used only his right leg and left hand to trick Xiaojie into spinning around. During the battle with the ant king Nitro, the ant king Taking away Nitro's right leg and left hand.

Some people have been debating who is stronger through the Oath of Black Growth, overdrawing all potential, and killing Xiaojie or Ant King, who killed Nephipeto.

 Actually, looking at it this way, the answer is clear.

 Just as strong.

Of course, that was the Ant King before his rebirth.

The ant king in front of him was slightly beyond Ji Xing's expectation in terms of strength. Judging from the threat level of the flapping moth, which was only 3 points...

 “Did you feed yourself to the ant king?”

While Ji Xing was observing the ant king, the ant king was naturally also looking at Ji Xing.

The qi that can slightly perceive emotions only caught subtle surprises in Ji Xing. The rest was like a vast ocean, deep and invisible. Corresponding to this, there was a powerful force that was captured in a human for the first time. feel.

 Compared with being in the Queen’s belly, this feeling is clearer and more intuitive!

 It's indeed...very strong.

 “Culture, science, experience, skills…”

He withdrew his eyes from Ji Xing, looked at the chessboard in front of him, and said calmly: "After two days of understanding, I found that it may not be appropriate to generalize all humans as domestic animals, such as the development of that powerful red rose. , there are still a few human beings who are worthy of survival. Your appearance makes me more certain of this.

  Puff calls you the ‘King of Humanity’, and you have the power to match it, but you don’t seem to have the determination and ideals to match the ‘King’. "

 The first sentence was about talking to me about ideals? Ji Xing shook his head: "Oh? What ideals does Wang Yao have?"

"Rule your own ethnic group and lead it to a better future." The ant king said: "A fatuous monarch like Di Ge, the commander-in-chief of the East Goto Republic who was killed by me a few days ago, is extravagant, lustful, lustful, and has nothing to do with his own food and clothing. Extravagant and wasteful, but with no regard for the hungry similar people in the country.

Haven’t you seen this unfair distribution of resources? How can you be called a 'king' if you have power but don't change everything? "

 After talking about ideals, let’s talk about fairness?

Ji Xing was funny: "How many days have you been born?"

“If we count from the time when the queen was born, it will be four days,” said the ant king.

"It has only been four days, and you are already pointing fingers at the order that mankind has formed over thousands of years?" Ji Xing smiled and said, "As you said, human beings do have many shortcomings. Seeing the commander-in-chief you said I may hate or kill people, and I will help or save civilians who are starving, but I have no idea of ​​restoring order.

 A world of great harmony where everyone respects the elderly, loves the young, is uneven everywhere, and has no one without food and warmth is indeed a wonderful thing, but it must also be combined with the actual situation. "

Just like these days, starting from the second prince of the United Nations, Ji Xing has set foot in almost every country and killed people, frightening all people with ill intentions, thus making himself aloof from things, but from then on I have never thought about the idea of ​​'ousting Bergroser from power and sitting on the throne to establish the Ji Xing United Nations and unify them'.

It may be possible, but it is difficult to maintain stability, let alone control the chaos and casualties along the way. It will only make the world worse!

This is completely different from the Naruto world. Not only does it lack a goddess like Kaguya who is at an unknown level above ordinary people, but the population base and the level of social development are also two different concepts.

 Create a harmonious world in a scientific and technological society with a population of 10 billion? Ji Xing's original body is pretty much the same.

 “I can’t do it, and you can’t do it.”

“Can’t do it?” The Ant King looked at Ji Xing, thinking in his eyes.

 Have you started chatting? Xiao Yapfu, who has been raising his heart since Ji Xing appeared, looked shocked and even more uneasy.

No! King, don’t listen to his deception! Humans are just a slightly different kind of livestock!

 Meng Tutu Youpi beside him has already realized who Ji Xing is, but he is a little confused. Should he protect the king or not in this situation?

But for Mai, a girl who only had military honors in her life, the conversation between the two seemed lofty and profound, and she couldn't understand it at all.

It seems like it’s also something I shouldn’t listen to?

So after noticing that the surroundings were temporarily quiet, she sniffed the snot that was flowing to her mouth, and raised her little hand tremblingly: "Um, sir, sir, do you want to stand down first?"

 “Stay there and keep playing chess.”

 The Ant King withdrew from his thinking state and said: "Let's start a new round."

As he spoke, he threw the introduction to military etiquette rules at his hand to Ji Xing and said: "Maybe you are right. I have just been born for four days and I don't have a thorough understanding of human beings. If it were anyone else, I would You might be willing to chat for a while longer, but you’d better forget it.

 When I was in the Queen's belly, I felt your angry murderous intention, and you almost succeeded in preventing me from being born. The hostile relationship between us cannot be changed. You said you are a little tired and want to join in playing chess for leisure, so hurry up and study. You don't have much time. "

 Puff’s eyes suddenly lit up.

 Yes, king! This is the courage you should have, the king of mankind is far inferior to you!

The next moment, he saw Ji Xing, who had taken over the military etiquette rules, turned to look at him and said, "Are there any tissues? Get me some."

The fear left over from that day has not disappeared. Just by looking at each other, Pufu's face turned pale as a reflex reaction. When he saw the ant king, he quickly lowered his head and said with extreme shame: "King..."

 “Bring it to him.”


He quickly got a pack of tissues. Ji Xing took out two and handed them to Mai: "Wipe your nose."

“Huh?” Xiaomai was startled and hurriedly caught it: “Yes! I, you, I’m really rude, thank you! Um, who are you...”

 “Call me Ji Xing.”

 “Ah, thank you Lord Ji Xing!”

 The ant king on the opposite side hesitated slightly.

name? Yes, name...

“Hmph—” The next moment, his thoughts were interrupted by the harsh sound of blowing his nose. The whole little face of Xiaomai opposite him was wrinkled together with force, his appearance was particularly inelegant, and his big nose soaked the tissue.

Ji Xing smiled and took out two more pieces of paper.

 “Thank you, thank you!” Mai said quickly.

  The girl rolled the paper into a ball and placed it by her legs. The girl wiped her skirt uneasily with her hands, and then she knelt down and said, "Commander-in-Chief, it's so rude to the common people and common people. Um, please continue to give me some advice?"

 Without the snot from his nose, Wheat seemed to be more pleasing to the eye. The ant king's frown softened and he said: "Let's get started."

 Jijunyi is a competitive chess game originated from the Republic of East Kota. There is only one way to achieve victory: the general captures the king.

Different from ordinary chess, Junyi can arrange its own 12 types of chess pieces before the start, so it is ever-changing. It also allows up to three chess pieces to be stacked together, so that both sides need to have a sense of space strategy.

 Easy to learn but difficult to master.

While the Ant King and Xiaomai were having a fight, Ji Xing quickly read through the rules of military etiquette, and then returned his gaze to the chessboard of military etiquette. After a few seconds, he glanced sideways at Xiaomai.

 The girl's nose started to flow a little more, but the feeling it brought was completely different.

 Her invisible eyes opened, and her pupils were filled with pure white and gray, which instantly changed her aura. It is a state of extreme concentration, allowing the world to only contain the game of chess in front of you, and it is still above the fourth state of static gong under one person, and the state is already at the level of an 'immortal'!

 This little girl is amazing. In Ji Xing's heart, a crackling sound fell on the chessboard. The ant king threw back the killed chess piece and said: "He's the general."

 In fact, this is an admission of defeat.

"Hey~" Xiaomai immediately bent down to collect the chess pieces, and said with a very embarrassed expression, but his small face could not hide his pride: "The speed of learning by the commander-in-chief is really amazing. If you don't take the next game seriously, maybe you will lose it." I’m going to lose to you.”

 The ant king looked calmly and looked at Ji Xing.

Ji Xing smiled: "Okay, let's change hands."

Pu Fu, who was always tense, watched with deep puzzlement as the Ant King and Ji Xing exchanged places, with Ji Xing sitting opposite Xiaomai.

 Why is there such a scene?

 Is it the realm of a king that I can’t understand?

  No, even if the king has the state of my understanding, this human being cannot have it!

The fear and panic in his heart grew uncontrollably, and what was broken by the birth of the Ant King was restored when he faced Ji Xing.

 He stared at the chessboard, his mood rising and falling with the sound of the pieces falling.

 The first game of chess went very quickly. Only a dozen moves after the formation was completed, Ji Xing surrendered.

“I’m not used to it the first time, so let me play two more games.” He smiled at the Ant King.

“Practice three games with her, and then we will play against each other.” The Ant King agreed.

"Hey? Is this really your first time playing military honors? There were some very imaginative moves just now, and I almost couldn't find a suitable response." Maima raised her little face and said, "Also , listening to your voice, I always feel that you are very tall."

 “My height is now 2.12 meters.”

“Wow~ Our village, no, dozens of surrounding villages have never seen anyone as tall as you!”

“It’s useless to grow taller, and it’s a waste of food.” Ji Xing smiled and said, “Okay, in the next round, you have to be a little more serious.”

"How could it be... Sir Ji Xing can talk to the commander-in-chief about things that ordinary people can't understand? He must be a very powerful person. Unlike ordinary people, if there is no military ceremony, it will be a waste of food."

Maggie placed the chess pieces, and after opening his eyes, he had that unusual aura again: "Then, please continue to teach me, Lord Ji Xing!"

 “Continue to teach.”

Ji Xing reported the positions of the chess pieces to Wheat one by one, and Wheat let out a soft cry: "It's a very defensive formation. It combines several kinds of chess records... It's really a bit tricky."

Speaking of being tricky, her speed of playing chess was not affected and she pushed out a chess piece.

“4-4-1, soldier.”

"Beginners, of course you have to defend and counterattack." Ji Xing said: "4-5-1, ride a horse."

“8-2-1, bow.”

 “9-1-1, endure.”

The sound of falling pieces continued, and it lasted longer than the previous game. In the blink of an eye, more than twenty moves of attack and defense were carried out. On the side of the chessboard, the ant king, who was supporting his raised knee with one hand, frowned slightly.


 As a spectator, he was also very focused, always looking at the chessboard, and more closely observing Ji Xing's side.

If it were him to play this game, he would probably only get to this point. Every move Ji Xing made was close to the answer in his mind, but he had played with Mai Mai for eight hours before!

This only in his second game?

However, he is still not as good as this woman, and gradually entered a disadvantage. In the mid-term, he tried to counterattack and attack from the left, but was completely resolved by this woman's clever touches. Now he can go...

 “4-5-1, barrel.”

 Yes, that’s it!

 Have you reached a similar judgment to me again?

Then next…

 “2-8-2, Zhai.”

As the wheat twister fell, the ant king's pupils suddenly shrank... This hand? !

 Several half-dead chess pieces were fully activated in an instant. How many steps ago was this strategy planned? ! No more steps. It seems that both the 'King of Humanity' and me are still far behind this woman...

"3-7-1, Lieutenant General." Ji Xing did not stop for a moment and fell down.

Um? Still leaving? What does this mean, sending the chess piece into the enemy's position and giving it to the opponent for free? Why not just throw in the towel? !

 The Ant King's face turned slightly and he fell into thinking.

 At the next moment, he found that Wheat had not moved yet. For the first time since the game, he entered the state of long examination!

Um? Is there anything I haven't thought of? !

 “6-2-2, plan.”

 I really didn’t eat it!

 Instead let it pass? !

 What's going on? The king's mood has become very unstable. What did these two humans do? Xiao Yapfu, who had been paying attention, couldn't help but feel anxious, and looked at the two players in the game again.

I saw that Ji Xing was still twisting the pieces and falling as before, while Wheat often had to pause for about five seconds. The number of pieces on the chessboard decreased rapidly as the two of them placed pieces, and gradually there were only a few left.

  No way, could you say...

 “Lost.” At this time, Ji Xing, who had voted for him, let him breathe a sigh of relief. That is, Wang has not won this military honors world championship, how could he win?

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous~" Xiaomai wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and said: "Defense is for better offense. Master Ji Xing's desperate attack almost destroyed my layout, so I can only use the exchange of coins to rely on it." Are you really just playing the second game of chess when you plan those small advantages to win?"

She was not nervous, her little face was still full of expectation, she raised a finger and said: "Then let's play the third game again, Master Ji Xing!"

"Okay, but I've learned it completely, so you have to be careful." Ji Xing said with a smile.

"Of course~ I will be very, very serious about this round!" Mai said with her face raised.

The two of them rearranged their layout. The ant king at the table seemed to be ignored. He did not interrupt. He only lowered his head, still thinking about the move just now.

With his extraordinary thinking ability, he seemed to have constructed hundreds of chessboards out of thin air in his brain, deducing hundreds of possible directions after that move, and verifying each one in his mind.

 Until you see one of them clearly!

 ‘Using lost pieces to destroy Wheat’s formation, and then using pawns to bring the chess game into very complicated calculations, making the outcome unclear? Mai did not choose to fight hand to hand, but took a step back and switched from offense to defense. Although the situation became a bit ugly, he was still able to win steadily! ’

 Neither of them is accidental.

 The king of mankind has been preparing for a chaotic fight from the very beginning of the chess game. Could he have calculated further than me? !

The Ant King suddenly looked at Ji Xing and realized that the third game of chess was coming to an end.

There are only a few chess pieces left on the chessboard. Ji Xing is stroking a chess piece with his hand. There are a few drops of sweat on the face of Xiaomai opposite him, and there is still a light breath around him.

This is...awakening thoughts?

 “We lost again.” Ji Xing said.

"Oh~ I'm so sorry." Xiaomai relaxed, scratched his head, and his body became a little weak: "It may be a draw, but I don't know why a wonderful move suddenly appeared in my head, like It's like cheating.

But Master Ji Xing is really powerful. If we play two more games, I might lose to Master Ji Xing. "

“I’m the one who cheated.” Ji Xing smiled and said, “And it’s not that easy to win. Most of the chess games will be draws, and I’ll rely on my physical strength to win against you.”

“You can rest for a while. Thanks for your advice, I have completely mastered the military etiquette.” He handed two more tissues to Mai and looked at the Ant King: “Shall we do it?”

The Ant King was silent and his face was dark.

 4k7, two updates tomorrow, probably.

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