Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 447: You should ask for help like I do

  Pure Land, Mt. Miaomu, all the people and animals who could watch the battlefield did not expect the battle to unfold like this.

  Datongmu Fengshi was completely helpless to fight back, and was completely suppressed by Ji Xing unilaterally. Even when Huiye sealed her thousands of years ago, the strength gap between the two sides was not so huge!

  It is true that the thousand-year seal has caused at least half of the Otsuki-sealed Chakra to be lost, and its strength has weakened, but this can at least prove that Ishi Pomi has roughly caught up with Otsutsuki Kaguya!

  Not counting the two of Yuyi Yucun, the three great immortals of the Three Great Immortal Lands know Ji Xing best. Thousands of years ago, Shi Posi could only be called a hero, and with the help of Kaguya, he rode the wind.

But after returning after a thousand years, he has become a monster through and through. The improvement of his strength seems to have no end. The powerful enemy of the Otsutsuki clan looked a little pitiful in front of him!

  Who is Otsutsuki? !

   In fact, there is no limit. At the time when the absolute strength surpassed the body, Ji Xing's physical strength basically matched his powerful mental energy.

If you want to improve further, you have to develop slowly. It’s not like grabbing some Otsutsuki’s clan to decompose energy and fill him up to the level of the legendary Otsutsuki God, but isn’t that the case for his intruding bug? ?

  Before today, it was called 'restoring strength'.

  After today, it is practice!

   It's a pity that in the process of recovering his strength, Datong Mufeng was left behind.

  Half of the upper body was lying on the ground, both arms and torso were pierced by black rods. The Datong wooden seal style with very strong vitality actually still had the power to resist, but it somewhat lost the will to resist.

Everything in front of her was like a nightmare to her. Even if the traitor Zi Shi appeared and attacked her, or even Gu Shi betrayed her and joined forces with Zi Shi to besiege her, her mentality would not be so broken. Why was it Shi Po? It's early? And why is there such a gap?

  Thinking back more than two years ago, Ishi Pomi had just recovered, and her volitional body was still pretending to be Otsuki Yarai, playing with Danzo, watching Ishi Pomi tossing around in a cat-and-mouse attitude.

   As a result, I am now a mouse!

   sub-style is also ridiculous.

   Bone pose too, we all are.

  If the story of being killed by the natives of the planet is passed back to the clan, they will all be nailed to the pillar of shame of the Datongmu clan and ridiculed by all the younger generations.

   "It's so ugly." It's meaningless to ask the reason, and regretting can only continue to increase her ugliness. Facing Ji Xing who looked down on her, she only expressed such emotion.

Two seconds later, she asked again: "Why don't you kill me more simply? Do you want to avenge those ninjas who died fighting for you by torturing me? Or... do you want to save them? Want to get back their charades from me?" Carat and spirit body?"

  Ji Xing did not answer, observing her left eye with a golden cross pattern.

   "Hehehe..." Feng Shi smiled lowly: "I didn't expect you to really care about the lives of those guys, it seems that I still have some bargaining chips left.

Don't think about it, the whole world is in our big tree, which means absolute judgment. All the guys imprisoned by this eye will never be able to escape. Unless I take the initiative to release them, their chakra will definitely follow. My death fuses with my chakra, die with me! "

   Ji Xing slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Hahaha, are you in trouble? You hypocritically want to save them, but you don't want to let me go?" Datong Mufeng laughed and said, "Forget it, it's best to end up being sealed, and I'm already in the Tired of being in a rock. Living with those guys, or letting them die with me, will only make my defeat uglier.

   Take it as a reward for your victory, Shi Posizao, as your reward for defeating the greatest **** in the starry sky! Those guys' spirit bodies and chakras, you've got them all! "

   "The world's spirits have the right to release!"


  The dazzling phosphorescence expanded again, and the golden cross in the large wooden sealed eyes was enlarged in Ji Xing's mind, and at the same time, accompanied by those phosphorescences, there were familiar figures one after another.

  Nagato, Jiraiya, Sarutobi Hiruzen... the souls of a ninja who died in battle, as if they had mastered the art of spiritualization, penetrated into Ji Xing's ocean of consciousness, stared at each other blankly, and communicated in confusion.

  If it is an ordinary ninja, this will directly split the personality, but for Ji Xing, who can even cut his own soul, just turn the chakra and send them into the pure land of the ninja world.

  The dazzling phosphorescence gradually receded, Ji Xing looked down at Feng Shi again, and the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed to widen a little: "Don't thank me, Shi Posi is already here, haha, hahahahaha~...!"

  Her laughter suddenly became sharp, almost saliva splashed out when her mouth opened and closed!

   "What's the fun in dying with them? I want to take you! Take Kaguya Otsutsuki! Take this nasty world and destroy it together!"


  Accompanied by her sharp voice, there was a shock and roar looming far away! In the sky, among the only two remaining moons, the seven-tube moon above the Land of Thunder began to disintegrate!

  When she released the ninja soul, she took the opportunity to break the seal of the skill with the pupil technique!

"You don't have time to strengthen the seal of Yagura-sama! Yagura-sama will never underestimate the enemy this time! You will all die, and all the chakra will belong to Yagura-sama, and help him become the legendary God of Otsutsuki , lead our Otsutsuki clan to completely conquer the entire starry sky!"

   She gave up her own survival, and showed her loyalty to the Otsutsuki clan.

   "Hahahaha... Shi Posi, do you regret it? In order to save those guys, you lost your last chance to fight and survive!"


  A penetrating pin through her forehead stopped her laughter, and she heard Ji Xing say, "It's even uglier, and it's not new at all."


  Her proud expression froze on her face, maintaining a three-point puzzled, three-point ferocious, and four-point unwilling expression that entered a petrified state—why did she just see the look of fear I wanted? !

  The same thick eyebrows from before!

  Shi Posi has already done so too!

   Damn it! this world!

   Ji Xing didn't say another word to her.

If he doesn't launch a rescue plan for Kaguya, the ninja world still has a chance to live peacefully for decades or even hundreds of years. Although it will usher in a catastrophe sooner or later, at least this group of ninjas still have a chance to live peacefully. of a lifetime.

  I won’t run like this all the way until the day when I face Otsutsuki’s formidable enemy, Otsutsuki Yarai.

They trust themselves as their ancestors, so the ancestors cannot live up to their trust. What's more, even if the Otsutsuki Kung Fu is not unsealed, there is only one left to press on Otsutsuki Yara, and it may collapse at any time. I am also ready to deal with Otsutsuki Yara!

  She unsealed it, saving herself some effort.

  Datong Mufengshi would not understand this truth. Although she has a face that resembles a girlish version of Kaguya, Ji Xing is not interested in teaching her what 'humanity' is.

  Facts have proved that among the high-ranking Otsutsuki clan, like Kaguya, a lovely goddess who was once as pure as a white paper and only lusted for Chakra is probably very rare.

  At this moment, several ninjas from the Taijutsu troop came over and respectfully called out, "Master Ancestor!"

Ji Xing nodded to them, gestured to Shihua's Fengshi, and said: "Put it away, and continue to act according to the plan. The headquarters should be in touch soon. Let them know the situation here. I will help you with the Datong Mugong Shi over there." to deal with."

   "Yes!" After Ji Xing disappeared in a blink of an eye, the ninjas looked at the petrified half-body with complex and awe-inspiring expressions. For a total of three minutes, this powerful enemy who had made the coalition forces struggle for half an hour...

   Not long after, there was indeed a voice echoing in the mind of the Fourth Raikage.

   "Fourth Raikage-sama! Can you hear my voice? This is Kaiichi Yamanaka. The huge chakra fluctuations on the Land of Land battlefield have disappeared. Have the fifth and sixth barrels been resolved smoothly?"

   "Ah, the battle here is over, how is the command headquarters?"

"Hoo... Did you succeed? The seven-tube Jinchuriki Tateishi fell unconscious just now, and we found that the seven-tube moon has just collapsed. Is the situation still under the control of the ancestors?" Nara Shikahisa's solemn voice came, " In addition, we feel that many people's chakra has disappeared, and they..."

   "They are temporarily killed in battle, no problem!"

The fourth generation of Raikage said in a deep voice: "At present, everything is under the control of the ancestors. The ancestors concealed a powerful power. In fact, he killed Datong Muzishi on his own two years ago! Just now he independently killed Datong Mufengshi, now we are going to solve the Datong Mugongshi that is about to be broken!"

   "...Independence?!" The voice on the opposite side fluctuated in shock, paused for three seconds, and was replaced by another panicked voice: "Master Kushina! Master Kushina felt severe abdominal pain!"

  Fourth Raikage was startled, looked at the biggest moon in the middle of the sky, and said loudly: "Contact all troops to evacuate as planned!"


  Datongmu Gongshi can be regarded as one of the few friends of Datongmu Yishi in the clan.

  After Otsutsuki Ichishiki was confirmed dead, he volunteered to come to the ninja world to investigate, but was hanged in the sky by Kaguya for more than a thousand years.

He doesn't have the ability of five or six or eight barrels. In the past thousand years, he can only learn a little about the ninja world through the seven barrels of Jinchuriki. He knows that Otsuki Kaguya who sealed himself but still makes him very dissatisfied has done so many things in the follow-up amazing thing.

   At this time, he suddenly broke the seal and returned to freedom. He didn't know what happened. He looked around the night sky with a pair of white eyes vigilantly, and only saw a huge moon.

Um? Why is there only one left?

  Is that Yagura-sama?

   While he was in doubt, a big blow suddenly greeted him on his big face, leading him into a desert space in an instant!

  Datong Mugong Style has a huge body of three meters tall and one meter five wide. When it rumbles on the yellow sand, it brings up a hurricane and a sea of ​​sand!

   "Ahem—what are you..."


   "Ouch—Damn it!"




  Blood and lightning along the way, Datong Mugong was quickly beaten until his brain went blank, without any chance to speak or beg for mercy!


  A few seconds ago, Nara Shikahisa's brain went blank for a moment in the headquarters.

Ever since he knew that the one who was sealed in the nine-tube moon was Otsutsuki Yagura, who had exiled the goddess, he had been guessing what the ancestors had prepared to deal with him, but the conclusion was nothing more than to let the goddess return, and then bring Hagoromo-sama and Hamura-sama with him. The opponent fights a game, using the formation created by the ancestors to win a complete victory.

  But never imagined that the trump card turned out to be the ancestor himself? It all became very reasonable, but everything became very unreasonable.

  ‘No, what rationality am I still looking for in the ancestor? '

  He looked back at Kushina, who was surrounded by medical ninjas and looked slightly pained, and then looked at the largest Yue through the window.

  Even before the seal was broken, he already felt his heartbeat changing frequency.

   "Haiichi, have you already arranged it? Then send a message to all the communication ninjas to inform them of the hidden strength of the ancestors! Otsutsuki Yaruo's breaking speed may be faster than we imagined!"

   Yamanaka Haiyi Su nodded, and soon all parts of the ninja world contributed to the warming of the ninja world.

   They need more courage to survive the last cold night of this winter!


  Mt. Myoki, Gamamaru lifted the technique of spying on the ninja world, and said hoarsely: "Only the tip of the iceberg is revealed, and the oppressive force is so amazing. Is this Otsutsuki Yara? I can't watch it anymore."

  In the Pure Land, Yuyi and Yumura are also using their remaining power to seal the world.

  They can't help anymore, so at least they can't add to the chaos, and they can't let Otsutsuki Yana use their chakra to restore his full power!

   "Next, I can only leave it to my father and my mother." The two prayed silently, and the pure land was dead and dark.

  In the distant ice and snow space, the chakra of the nine-tailed beast has been absorbed by Kaguya, and she stands quietly in front of the ice and snow castle that has lived for thousands of years.

  The snow did not fall on her body, and the wind blew her white robe and long hair fluttering.

  In the desert space, Otsutsuki Kungfu, with only a rapidly petrified head, seemed to have sensed something, exhausted his last strength, and called out with hatred: "Master Yagura, save, save me..."

  The voice is weak, drifting with the yellow sand.

  Ji Xing took a step forward and returned to the ninja world!

   At almost the same time, refuges were opened in various parts of the ninja world, and the ninjas stationed outside the refuges all turned their eyes to the sky.

  The biggest and most dazzling moon, which has been entrenched in the center of the ninja world for thousands of years, is also the only moon left in the ninja world. Suddenly, it shines brighter than the sun!


   It was as if the missiles piled up in the weapon space were detonated by Paidaxing, and within a few seconds, the ninja world was restored to daylight!

  The huge moon quickly disappeared under such blazing brilliance, without a single piece of gravel falling down, it was as strange as a magic moon in water!

   There seems to be an invisible 'Yi Li' BGM sounding, and a figure appears under the fading brilliance.

  Goat horns, goatee, the iconic pale skin and pure white coat of the Datongmu clan, two bundles of white hair that hang down to the waist and reach the chest, seeming to be coiled among the nine golden hook jade.

  When his eyes were opened, Ji Xing saw the stars. In those white eyes, there were dense golden spots of light, and the deep pupils seemed to store the entire starry sky, possessing endless mighty power!

  The red nine-gou jade reincarnation writing eye that stands upright in the center of the forehead is even more dazzling.

   Ji Xing looked at each other with two eyes.

  I feel very disadvantaged, this is not acceptable.

   "You should ask for help like I do."

  He took a breath of the cold winter wind, full of breath and serious expression.

   "Goddess save me!"

  Beside him, Kaguya's figure stepped forward, shoulder to shoulder with him!

   After the night vigil, the daily state is poor, and the 4k2 is dead.

  Push this book: Restricted Hokage, formerly known as Nikko Konoha, many people should have read or heard of it, right?

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