Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 444: Unblock again*2!

  During the evacuation exercise in the ninja world, Bai Jue and Hong Jue had been secretly watching.

  In the past two years, apart from secretly observing the changes in the ninja world, they couldn't do much. They tried to secretly manipulate some ninjas, but the huge exposure risk and asymmetric benefit ratio made them give up again and again.

And just as they expected, with Otsuki Muzi's breaking of the seal, Ishipomi's protection of Nagato and the control of Uchiha Madara's spirit body made them no longer able to do anything. The seal made them completely lose the possibility of unblocking themselves.

   This made the two of them abuse Datong Muzishi more than once. They didn't prepare for Datong Muzishi's betrayal at all, and they didn't expect that Datong Muzishi would be defeated.

  Even now, they suspect that the so-called Datong Muzishi was killed by Kaguya is just a lie, and they have not detected Ji Xing's strength. They suspect that Datong Muzishi has actually been hiding in the dark, waiting to plot against them!

   "It's finally coming, I hope they won't choose to unseal the Datong Mugong style."

  Seven-tube Otsuki Kungfu Shiki came to the ninja world together with one-tube Otsuki Shioya, and it was also the first group of Otsuki groups to come to the Ninja World to investigate the situation after Otsuki Ichishiki's death.

  They are the weakest, and for thousands of years, the only one whose consciousness has not escaped Renzhuriki's body is Otsutsuki Kung Fu Shi, and the two cannot be contacted.

  If it was that guy who was unblocked first, they basically could only wait and see what happened.

   "If the **** Zi Shi is really hiding in the dark, the first one to be unsealed is probably Gong Shi." Hong Jue felt that it was not optimistic: "And if Gong Shi is killed by them first, it will be very troublesome."

  Because there are only two people left at that time, if one of them breaks the seal and wants to rescue the other team as planned, it will speed up the time for Otsutsuki Yagura to break the seal to the point that it is possible at any time, which is also fatal!

   "In that case, wouldn't Zishi worry about us dying with him?!"

  Bai Jue's voice was gloomy: "Gu Shi, don't you still have the determination to die?"

   "Tch—don't underestimate people, Fushiki. If we really want to die in the hands of Yagura, I will admit it, but we must not die in the hands of those worms' plots or the betrayer of Shishiki!"

  The two reached an agreement before the battle, just waiting to observe the movement of the ninja world, and a few days later, the ninja coalition army gathered in the land of the earth told them the answer.

   "The target is you, Bone Style."

   Hong Jue, big tube and wooden bone grinned ferociously.

   "Great, let's send these **** to despair, Fengshi!"


  The land country.

  Among the endless mountains, the ninja alliance expanded to 156 people is stationed here.

  It is the end of winter, and there is still some snow on the top of the mountain that has not melted, and the trees and flowers have not yet recovered. The dead environment adds a bit of solemnity to the atmosphere.

  But in such an environment, the ninjas spread out tablecloths on the ground, lit bonfires, and had a picnic.

   Those who should be warned have been told long ago, and the preparations that should be done have already been made. It is better to relax before night falls and before the action begins.

   "Mr. Scorpion, don't you want a grilled fish?" Kisame Kisame brought a grilled fish to the Scorpion of Red Sand who was sitting alone in a corner, and said suddenly: "Mr. Scorpion doesn't seem to need to eat much?"

Scorpion ignored him, and Kisame didn't care either. He motioned to the distance and said: "The battle that will determine the future of the ninja world is about to begin. If we fail, we will probably be wiped out. If we don't take advantage of this time, we will fight with the same village. Ninja say hello?"

   Scorpion still didn't respond.

Kisame dragged a strange tone: "The problem ninjas and rebellious ninjas in each ninja village have been captured by the ancestors in the past two years, and then the villages will deal with them on their own. Most of them have been imprisoned or even executed. Even the Uchiha Obito from Konoha Village has been staying in the cell.

  There are only a few of us who can 'take crimes and make meritorious service', Mr. Xie, are we the same kind? "

   A memory flashed in Scorpion's mind.

   It was about the second day of the battle between Ertong and Batong. That night, he couldn't help but get closer to the battlefield, and he was approached by that ancestor.

  He didn't want to recall the battle after that, and was escorted back to the village...he didn't want to recall either.

And the shark face in front of me seems to be the Anbu of Kirigakure Village, Taketori's diehard loyalist, who suppressed and killed the 'rebels' more ruthlessly than the Taketori clan, and now it has become a bad debt. No one pursued it, but the current Mizukage department didn't quite accept his appearance.

   Same kind? We are not the same.

Seeing that the scorpion still refused to reply to him, Kisame shook his head, took the grilled fish and left, and soon found a new person to strike up a conversation with: "Mr. Tell me about the information?"

   Scorpion glanced sideways, and the ninjas were chatting in groups, everyone had friends and companions, but he was alone.

  He suddenly flashed a trace of doubt.

  The little ghost in Yanyin Village who argued with me about art last time...why didn’t I see it this time? That kid's strength is clearly enough to join the coalition team, but he has already joined before, but because of his young age, was he brushed off?

  He was looking back, staring at Huangyan in a daze.

   Time passed and night gradually fell.

  The remaining four moons appear in the sky.

   Right above the head, there is a big and round moon sealed with six large barrels of wooden bones. Under the slightly scarlet light, the ninjas have collected the garbage produced by the picnic and are ready for battle.

   No need for more verbosity, Ji Xing just stood in front of the queue, his eyes crossed with everyone to confirm, knowing that everyone was in the best condition, he raised his right arm and waved heavily.

"let's start!"


   "It's almost time to start."

  At the same time, in Daming Mansion, the capital of fire, daimyo Ishipo Yuyuki led his wife and children in the courtyard looking up at the sky, silently counting the time.

The capitals of other countries, the pure land, and most people in the entire ninja world focused their eyes on the sky. If Ji Xing could use vitality bombs, in this atmosphere of united will, he would probably be able to give the four moons to the sky with one move. All gone.

   But he couldn't, so the only thing that shone and shattered was the six-tube moon in the shape of a sealed big wooden bone!

  Amidst the already familiar roar of the explosion, Hong Jue, who was hiding in the distance, smiled and disappeared with the shattering of the six-tube moon.

   Under the shattered moon, meteorite boulders fell, and Nagato was still responsible for resisting, and the ninjas in the formation remained unwavering.

   Against these falling boulders, an invisible chakra shot into the sky, and directly penetrated into the body of the figure that appeared in the center of the moon!

  The figure slowly opened its eyes.

  One pair of eyes is white, with white hair. He has a strong body and a fleshy face, like a white-skinned fourth-generation Raikage. And just like other Datongmu clan, he has a pair of gray horns, protruding forward and bending like bull horns!

  The skin on his forehead squirmed, and a golden Liugou jade reincarnation writing sharing eye opened, and at the same time, his thick arms clenched tightly into fists!

  A pair of white eyes pierced the broken rock below, and looked at the ninjas looking up at him. He suddenly snorted, and a dark hole opened up around him, and then walked in directly.

  Teach the 'bugs' a lesson first?

   Forgot to form an alliance with Feng Shi, and instead contact Shi Po Si Zao and Lian Zi Shi? Or try to kill everyone by yourself, by yourself?

  He thought about all these things, but quickly decided to give up all of them. He is a person who doesn't like to use his brain, he hates schemes and conspiracies, and he doesn't want any more complications and accidents!

  Passing through Huangquan Hirazaka, ten seconds later, he appeared in the land of water far away from the sea, in front of the sealed five-tube moon!

   Then... Sen Kagura! In the next moment, dozens of dragon-like bones shot out from his back, stretching continuously, like sun-shattering spears, piercing the five barrels of the moon!

  He is not good at sealing and unsealing.

   He is better at destroying.

  A more powerful and purer attack than Yasogami Sora, instantly penetrated into the huge moon, pierced into its center, and then tore it apart!


  Amidst the violent explosion sound, this six-way earth-exploding star disintegrated due to violent destruction!

  Some rocks larger than the moon that sealed him fell to the land of water, and a figure in the center gradually emerged in the form of a large wooden bone.

  It was a petite woman of the Otsutsuki clan with a delicate face. She was dressed like Kaguya, but her soft white hair only hung straight to her waist, and her two horns were black.

   That is the five-tube large-tube wooden seal type!

   Noticing that the consciousness chakra of the large-tube wooden-sealed style also quickly returned to the main body from Bai Jue, the corners of the large-tube wooden-bone style's mouth curled up into a smile.

  Wake up quickly, Feng Shi.

   Despair, 'ninjas'!

   "...Huh?! What?!"

   At this moment, a dark hole suddenly opened beside him, and a hand stretched out from inside to grab his shoulder, and with a pull, the large wooden bone pose that was caught off guard was dragged into a different space!

  At the same time, the broken wooden seal finally opened his eyes, smiled and said, "Well done, Bone Style."

  Among her eyes, one is a white eye with a black pupil, and it is a perfect Tenseikan like Hamura. In the other eye, there is a golden cross pattern in the pure white.

  But the next moment, the same bewildered color flashed in these two special eyes.

   "Bone type? Huh?!"

  The night sky is desolate, no one answers.

  The wooden seal of the big tube slowly raised his face.

  The next chapter is at 12 o'clock, the last day of the month, tickets come!

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