Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 394: The downfall of the Celestial Dragons!

  Chapter 394 The fall of the Tianlong people!

  Wrapped in white gauze.

   Wearing a three-fingered gold crown.

  The eyelashes are curved and the bridge of the nose is small.

  If you ignore the three golden circles in the red pupils that bring an ominous look, and ignore the decay and vicissitudes that accompany her, Im, who appears in front of the camera, looks like a young woman.

  Her height is also relatively ordinary, not counting Jinguan's two meters tall, she looks very thin under the average height of the strong three meters.

  She walked to the edge of the cliff near Ji Xing, looked up at Ji Xing, and behind her, all the Celestial Dragon elites and CP0 members had already kneeled in a circle, lowered their heads, and shouted in unison: "Master Im!"

  Imm didn't respond, and turned his gaze away from Ji Xing, looking at the photographer who flew to the side and focused on her with a relay phone bug, and a strange wave suddenly emanated from his body.

   Ji Xing raised his eyebrows in the air.

  Long's expression froze, he suddenly increased his strength, and crushed the relay phone bug in his hand!


  Buzzing—The audience friends in front of the TV were concentrating on observing Im, when the broadcast screen suddenly turned into a mess of snowflakes and no signal.

   "Huh? What's going on?"

   "The Revolutionary Army Dragon has been attacked?!"

   "Has the broadcast been forced to stop?!"

  It’s like the worst kind of broken chapter, just about to end, and when you see the result, it suddenly disappears.

  The audience was anxious and anxious, but within a dozen seconds, the disappearing scene reappeared, and Ji Xing's flirtatious face with two cracks appeared in front of the camera after being demonized.

   "I'm sorry, there was a little accident, and the relay phone bug was sacrificed. Fortunately, I was prepared and brought a spare in my arms."

  In my arms...brought a spare?

  Many people were stunned immediately, and thought of one thing - the relay phone bug in your arms is still fine after fighting to such an extent before?

  The next moment, as the camera shifted, so did their attention.

  Because they saw a figure attacking Ji Xing violently, and Ji Xing was holding a phone bug with one paw to shoot, and the other paw to block it.

"What's going on here?"

   "The leader?!"

  All over the world, the members of the Revolutionary Army who sent the relay phone bug all changed face, because the one who attacked Ji Xing was none other than the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long!

Then Ji Xing's commentary sounded: "The reason why Im can become the king of the huge kingdom is because she made outstanding contributions to the birth of the devil fruit maker, and she was the first to discover human desires." It was the first fruit she made and took that could be turned into essence!

  The fruit is desire itself, making her the incarnation of desire, able to control people's desire! "

  Fruit of Desire? Manipulating desire? Everyone thought of Ji Xing's evaluation of the 19 kings before.

   "She can pull all the desires of a large person, and because of this, almost every fruit is born with her assistance.

19 of the 20 kings had the desire to rule the world independently. Normally, their reason, kindness, etc. could firmly suppress this desire, but after being magnified by her, they provoked the desire to rule the world 800 years ago. The massacre of betrayal!

  I say they are not to blame because everyone has desires, and everyone has a dark side that flashes through.

   Seeing a beautiful woman creates lust. Seeing treasure creates greed. See power, want to chase. This is all common sense, without Im's magnification, we will all hide the darkness. "

  Everyone gradually understood that, looking at it this way, the queen of really amazing.

   But now the Revolutionary Army Dragon...

   "No, no way? Impossible!"

  The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army couldn't believe that dragons would also have dark thoughts of ruling the world independently!

Ji Xingdao: "What the dragon was provoked by her was not the desire for power, but the worry about the future of the world and the desire to control. Because my power is too strong, he thought that I would sit on the new dictatorship after overthrowing the world government. Worried, he hoped that I would die with the world government.

  This is also human nature, and I don't blame him. "


  Amidst the explosive sound, the dragon attacking around Ji Xing was punched in the chest violently!

   The air wave circle exploded in the air, and the dragon vomited a big mouthful of blood, spinning into the distance!

   "Wake up!" Ji Xing called out.

  Long is hard to do, already rolling his eyes.

  The audience in front of the TV: “…”

   Human nature, I don't blame him?

   It's really dark to start.

   But speaking of it... It is indeed human nature, Ji Xing is too strong, so strong that it surpasses everyone's imagination, so strong that everyone is afraid.

  In the distance, Long managed to wake up before falling to the bottom of the sea, coughed twice, and with a somewhat helpless and ashamed expression rose back into the sky, caught the relay phone bug thrown by Ji Xing from afar, and resumed the task of photographer.

   "Don't come here, and don't look into her eyes, your armed color and domineering color can't handle it."

Ji Xingdao: "Joyboy was able to defeat her because of the characteristics of the fruit, which suppressed darkness and desire with pure smiles and happiness. Others, unless they are rare, like the queen of Alabasta, it is difficult for others to face her. "

  That's what he said, but he looked straight at Im, because during the period of speaking, Im has been constantly stirring up his desire!

   It's a bit like the ability of a one-person world with four madness and a corpse to paint the monarch's house, but its power is more than a hundred times that. Even with Ji Xing's state of mind, he can still feel a little bit of influence.

Im's expression like an old tree and stagnant water below has not changed, and he finally said: "I have never seen your fruit ability. Has Vegapunk recreated the devil fruit maker? His ability seems to be better than me. If you want to be more outstanding, you should know that you should control him more thoroughly."

  Her voice is like mud that has been soaked in water for hundreds of years, full of decaying smell, which makes people's nerves jump.

   "But you, not Joy Boy."

  You overestimate the resistance you can do!

  嗡—The invisible dark purple halo only expands in the world of knowledge and knowledge, covering the sea and sky, and suddenly penetrates Ji Xing's body!

  Imm's eyes fluctuated slightly.

   This person... didn't resist?

   Ji Xing smiled and looked at her. Being the king of the world has no meaning for him, his biggest and deepest desire is to 'kill Im and Tianlongren to be more exciting, and raise the starlight to five stars as soon as possible'!

   If you want to zoom in, zoom in!

   "The next scene may be bloody. Please watch the underage princes and princesses accompanied by their elders. It's best not to watch it."


  Amid the short sound of piercing wind and wind, Ji Xing came to Im in an instant as if moving in space, and waved his right paw!


  A pitch-black thunderbolt fell from the sky, reflecting Im's face extremely pale!

  Her slender left hand was raised, and it precisely resisted in front of Ji Xing's sharp claws, and the extremely powerful domineering domineering gushed out at the same time!

  She who has ruled the sea for more than 800 years and who has extinguished countless lights of resistance also possesses a terrifying domineering look.

   and Ji Xing's overlord color rushed to the top, and the two darkness suddenly intertwined, instantly dyed the sky into pitch black, and tore the earth layer by layer!

   Then there was a boom.

  Imm flew out, crashed into several walls, and embedded in a rock protrusion!

  The crown hovered briefly in the air, fell, and fell to the ground with a jingle, making a crisp sound.

  Behind the smoke and dust, all the Celestial Dragons, CP0, and the audience who relayed the telephone bug queen all showed sluggish expressions, and just... flew away?

Ji Xing hovered on the edge of the cliff, looked at them and said, "What? That's right, she is the queen who has controlled the world for more than 800 years, the root of everything, but you don't think she is my opponent? You don't Do you think she can beat me?"

   "..." Everyone was silent.

   Nothing wrong, but also quite sudden.

   Actually Im not weak.

  800 years, the talent is ordinary, and it can be honed into a strong man with time. What's more, Im can become the queen of a huge kingdom, and his talent is definitely not ordinary!

Eight hundred years ago, she possessed the strength equivalent to the top combat power in the sea, but now, the three-color arrogance and so on have been worn to the limit. It is said that she can match the absolute strength of Ji Xing when he was facing the three generals. too exaggerated.

   But facing Ji Xing who broke the limit?

  If she can fight, in the anime, Luffy will have to perform at least three tricks to win against her!

  Hua Hua—

  Im, who smashed into the rock wall, escaped from the gravel, but was not injured by the blow, but looked a little embarrassed, and his style dropped sharply.

  No embarrassment, no discoloration.

  When Ji Xing smashed the Holy Land, she knew that she would not be Ji Xing's opponent, but the result of the provocation of desire was very strange, which made her a little surprised and dignified.

   But it is not panic.

   No one is immune to flaws.

Over the past eight hundred years, she has seen too many people of all kinds and wiped out the lights of too many rebels. Ji Xing is indeed the strongest among them, even so strong that it violates the rules, but human beings are a collection of desires. He must have weaknesses too!

   "Come on." She said hoarsely.

   At the same time, the ability of the fruit of desire was activated again, completely covering the surrounding area!

  CP0 Everyone's expressions were shocked for a moment, ignoring the difference in strength, dragging Hailoushi chains, Hailoushiwang, and rushing towards Ji Xing from all directions!

   They have the desire to become Draconians!


  Ji Xing's wings trembled, he soared higher, and with a wave of his sharp claws, huge sword lights slashed at them, severely injuring them, tearing them apart, and even shredded the sea tower stone net!

   "What's so good about being a Celestial Dragon." At the same time, he shook his head and said, "Do you know why the real elite Celestial Dragons never live in Marijoia? And the five old stars only live in the periphery of Marijoia.

  Because the people who live here will gradually be affected by the power of desire released unconsciously by Im, and become that kind of idiots and pigs! Of course, the status they enjoy also makes it easier for them to indulge in desire!

   They are all poor guys too. If it wasn’t for Im, the descendants of the 19 kings should also be able to enjoy good power, and they wouldn’t be able to get to where they are today, to be disgusted by the sea and hated by all the clans! I am a kind-hearted person, and I can't look down on poor people... Let them be relieved first! "

  Woo—The figure once again seemed to span across space, and Ji Xing instantly appeared in Mary Joya's remaining city within a city, a luxurious mansion!

  Here are the core members of one of the 19 Tianlong people, the patriarch and the descendants.

  They have some fighting power, and their reactions are not slow, but they don’t know what to do. When they saw the figure with black wings appearing suddenly, they were still questioning and cursing: "What are you...?!"


   "It's the **** of death who takes life."

  Blood splatters! Corpses lying around!

  The house also exploded!

  In the sky, the dragon faithfully recorded all this, and passed the picture to all parts of the sea!


  So it turns out that the Celestial Dragons became like that because of Im? How pathetic.

  It's good that Hollow can help them out.

  Looking at the screen from the relay phone bug, many kings have compassion.

  It is so kind to help people who can destroy the whole city with one blow and slaughter all the Tianlong people one by one.

   It’s just that the elite Celestial Dragons and CP0 are a little ignorant, and keep rushing towards Holo like moths to a flame, reducing efficiency.

   Well, yes!

   Kill, kill hard!

  The kings of the franchise countries are mostly kind, they can keep up with Ji Xing's thinking, and they are happy for the Tianlong people.

  The Snake Girl on Nine Snake Island, Kerla on Murloc Island, and Yulia on Vera Island... Those who have been slaves are so happy that their bodies tremble, and their eyes are filled with tears!

   "11, 18..."

  It is said that more than a hundred Celestial Dragons died that night more than three years ago, but no one saw it. Now everyone can count the Celestial Dragons wearing bubble hoods and rushing to die!

  When the number exceeds 500, it is not easy to count the number in the chaos. In the past, if a Tianlong person had an accident, he would dispatch the admiral, but today, the Tianlong person has become a fish and shrimp waiting to be cooked!

  Many Celestial Dragons earned their money, and one of them, who was the Patriarch of the Celestial Dragons, knew of Im's existence, and with a look of horror on his face, several children hugged him to find Im.

   "Master Im! Why do you..."

   Bang, there was a crisp sound.

  Imm broke his neck casually, and his golden circle pupils followed Ji Xing all the time.

   She ignored the crying, feces, and yelling Celestial Dragons. Those were just tools for her to rule the world, and to hide her own existence to avoid troubles like Joy Boy. Now they are useless.

   Putting out the lights of the most troublesome challenger in the past eight hundred years, and then rebuilding the order is the most important thing!

  In her field of vision, there are many lines of different colors in Ji Xing's head.

The lines are long and short, each representing a desire of Ji Xing, and under the influence of her ability, one of the long red lines has been stretched several times. This color generally represents "selfishness, self'!

   But it is very strange that stretching this line will lead to his massacre of Draconians? Alright, let these guys stall for a little while.

   Change another one.

  Find, find his weakness...

   "Master Im, please think about..."

   "Get out!"

  The Tianlongren who came to ask for help again was directly thrown into the distance by her palm, and died of vomiting blood!

  Technology protection is broken, the strong can hardly resist Ji Xing for three rounds, and Im is powerless to control it no matter what, for Tianlong people, their lifespan is over!

   One thousand people, two thousand people!

   Those who jumped off the cliff in despair were all swallowed by giant sea kings, not giving them any hope of life!

  The Tianlong people who have been worshiped as gods for eight hundred years and enjoyed all the wealth, howled, struggled, and feared, with a tragic appearance, they are heading for destruction!

  (end of this chapter)

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