Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1000: on vacation

Lin Rui and others returned to St. Kaiser Island, and Long Zhengwu reiterated the idea of ​​letting them take some time off.

"At present, St. Catherine Island is still under construction. There is a lot of infrastructure work. We have to build roads and power supply facilities. No new tasks will be accepted for the time being. I know this is a short time, and everyone is going through a difficult time. I want to take advantage of this I have the opportunity to give you a full rest." Long Zhengwu looked at the team members and said.

"I don't want to rest." Lin Rui hesitated and shook his head. "Maybe I can stay on the island during this time."

"No, it's my order. Besides, you can't do anything when you stay. Financial management and resource planning, construction and maintenance, these are Angel's expertise. No one is better than him in this area. As a combatant, You are even worse." Long Zhengwu shook his head and said, "And you need to relax very much."

"That's right, boss, we might be able to go to Europe to have a good time." Sergey smiled. "Lincoln, where are you going on vacation?"

"I don't know. Maybe to Asia." Lincoln shrugged.

Lin Rui frowned, "I don't know what to do when I'm free."

"Really? Then maybe Yelena can help you." Long Zhengwu said with a smile, "Boy, remember my words, everyone needs to rest. Especially our high-risk jobs with great pressure. I have seen many self-righteousness before. Guys of steel, they end up in mental asylums or die on the battlefield.

The only ones who survived are old fritters like me and Yinlang, and not too old fritters like Gu Lei and Zhao Jianfei. As for you, boy, you're still too young. In our eyes, although you are no longer a rookie, you are still a piece of fresh meat. "

Lin Rui smiled bitterly, no matter who said this, he would not be convinced. But when this Fatty Long said this, he couldn't find any reason to refute it. No way, this dead fat man has enough qualifications to say so. If he hadn't fought so hard against Brigadier General Lannis, his brethren would still be in trouble right now.

"Don't take yourself too seriously, you are human too. There is no harm in relaxing." Long Zhengwu smiled, "Pressure can make people alert and forge ahead, but too much pressure can completely destroy a person. Find a time away from the battlefield and feel a comfortable environment, it won't do you any harm."

Lin Rui shrugged and said nothing. In the end, he reluctantly agreed with Long Zhengwu's decision. But he really had no interest in vacation, and finally at Yelena's repeated request, he went to Russia for vacation with her. The place they went to was Sochi, the world-famous Black Sea seaside resort city. Both men entered Russia under false identities and entered Russia as tourists.

There are snow-capped mountains here, as well as hydrogen sulfide hot springs close to 40c, with a pleasant climate. Caucasian barbecue, Georgian finger dumplings, Turkish salad, various delicacies, it is a good recuperation place. Lin Rui didn't have much interest in this, but when he breathed the air of the Red Polyana Snow Mountain for the first time, he was still excited.

"How is it? Isn't it wonderful here?" Yelena said to Lin Rui with a smile.

Lin Rui nodded, "Yes."

"I grew up here my entire childhood. When I was eleven, my family went to Zabaikalsk, the border area of ​​China, Mongolia and Russia. I learned Chinese there and also learned to shoot." Yelena smiled.

"At least the Chinese language is good. He doesn't look like the white bear. The moment he speaks, he speaks of the northeastern Chinese dialect." Lin Rui smiled and looked into the distance. From mountains to sea. This city has the longest and narrowest city in the world, with the Black Sea on one side and the Caucasus Mountains on the other. The climate is pleasant almost all year round. Looking at the past, the eyes are full of greenery and moist air! Resorts and spas big and small!

The streets are filled with happy tourists and a handful of locals, and everything here seems to have moved away from the sound of gunfire and gunpowder. They are here to enjoy. They don't know that there are people on the other side of the world who spend their days in gunshots, bloodshed and even death, let alone people who work by selling **** conflicts.

Yelena is like a happy little girl, here she no longer has that gloomy face, and the creepy viper nickname. She is just a young girl. Lin Rui sometimes does admire these Russians, they are persevering enough, but they are very easy to satisfy and happy.

Yelena ran over from a few vendors selling tourist products and handed Lin Rui something, "Lin Rui, this is for you."

"What is this?" Lin Rui frowned at the ornament that looked like some kind of badge and ribbon.

Yelena nodded and said, "This is the St. George's Ribbon, a kind of ribbon created by Russia to commemorate the victory of the Great Patriotic War. This orange and black striped ribbon symbolizes victory in Russia and is a symbol of the heroic spirit of soldiers on the battlefield. ." Yelena said with a smile, "It suits you very well."

Lin Rui's hand that took the ribbon was a little stiff. He knew that victory and honor might be the proudest things of this But to him, these didn't mean much. Because he knows that there is no direct relationship between heroism and victory, and honor is only a false name.

He still took the ribbon badge and pinned it to his chest, but he didn't want to disappoint Yelena too much.

Just when Yelena took his arm and turned around, Lin Rui's eyes suddenly moved, frowning slightly at a figure flashing by the street corner. Even in a busy city, it is difficult for him to change the vigilance habit that has been formed in the battle for a long time.

Just a glance, Lin Rui can be sure that he has seen this person before, and it seems that he has been with them for a long time.

Lin Rui sighed and said, "We may not get our wish on this vacation."

"What's wrong?" Yelena frowned.

"We are in trouble." Lin Rui whispered, "Someone is following us."

"Could it be that you are too nervous?" Yelena frowned.

"Maybe you are too relaxed." Lin Rui whispered, "But there is only one way to prove it." He pulled Yelena away quickly and turned to the side of the street. Lin Rui knew that if this was a stalker, then this person would definitely follow him again. He also prefers his own to be wrong.

Lin Rui and Yelena quickly turned into a narrow alley, then stopped and waited with Yelena for the stalker to appear. But to their surprise, no one has walked into this narrow alley.

Yelena breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "You might really need to relax."

Lin Rui frowned, looked around, and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid I'm right. We're really in trouble, and it's a big trouble. It's not one person who is staring at us, but a whole group of surveillance. Team. On the right, there is someone watching us from the heights at two o'clock, so there is no need for that person to follow up."

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