Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 834: manor attack


While Lin Rui and others were planning the evacuation, they were also strengthening the defense of the manor.

"In broad daylight, shouldn't they be so blatant?" Jason frowned.

Lin Rui shook his head and said, "You have to know where this is. When this place belonged to Ukraine, these armed men were very arrogant and domineering. Crimea later joined the Russian Federation, but these armed men would not So peaceful. Every now and then something happens, and they don't care about anything."

"There is a situation!" Jiangan said sharply, "A large number of unidentified people and vehicles were found five kilometers outside our manor. They have already begun to act."

"Have you been in contact with our bodyguards outside?" Lin Rui said solemnly.

"Contact has already occurred. The bodyguards stopped the invalids and started firing warning shots. They retreated temporarily. But that was just a test. What will happen next is not good." Jiangishi said with a serious expression.

A loud gunshot sounded, and a mortar shell landed about a hundred meters away from them. Lin Rui said solemnly, "Sure enough, let's go! Go to the monitoring room to check the situation."

They quickly walked into the monitoring room, and from the cameras installed on the periphery, they could see that a large number of armed men began to enter the area. They all wore balaclavas on their heads. A balaclava is a woolen hood that almost completely surrounds the head and neck, showing only the eyes and sometimes the mouth.

This kind of hat is a standard local feature. It originated from the balaclava in the Crimea region. Because it can cover the face and hide the identity, it plays a role in many fields. Such as special forces, terrorists and robbers wear. In fact, it is the kind of black hood with two eyes and mouth exposed.

The armed men are wearing such hats and camouflage. Not all of them are agile, it seems that the quality of the personnel varies, but they are extremely belligerent. He rushed up screaming, suppressing fire with the automatic weapon in his hand.

"These should be the armed personnel bought by the secret society. They deliberately hide their identities, so that we can't distinguish who is the real secret society." Jiangan frowned.

"The people in the real secret society will not move now. They will let these people take the lead. Wait until these people can't hold it any longer." Lin Rui whispered, "This is their usual practice. Toldo, yours Can the bodyguards support it?"

"It's about to die, our people are shrinking and retreating. They are too many, and there are mortars used as infantry support." Toldo frowned.

"Inform them to abandon the woodland, retreat to the inside of the manor, and use the strong fence for defense." Lin Rui ordered.

Toldo nodded, took the communicator and ordered the bodyguards to withdraw. In this way, these militants are more powerful and have the momentum to pursue the victory.

Lin Rui pressed the earphone and said, "Is Jason ready?"

"It's ready." Jason's voice echoed in the earphones.

"Wait for the bodyguards to withdraw and block the front entrance. Hit them hard. Toldo, you and Park Dong-sang protect Tsarkovsky." Lin Rui shouted in a deep voice, "Yelena, Sergey, come with me."

Toldo nodded, "The boss is already protected."

"I want you to see him in person." Lin Rui shouted, "Our mission is to save his life. If the situation is dangerous, you and Park Dongxiang must protect him and evacuate, and go immediately."

"But here..." Toldo was still hesitating, but Pu Dongxiang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, he can handle it here."

"These militants are almost five or six times as many as all of us, **** it!" Toldo said nervously as he walked.

"Don't worry, no matter how big the scene is, we've all seen it before. It's not bragging, it's not a threat to our boss." Pu Dongxiang patted his shoulder. The two and a few bodyguards walked together to Tzarkovsky's safe room.

Lin Rui walked outside with Yelena and Sergey. Several shells exploded not far from him. One even blew off a corner of the century-old building. Stone chips flew and smoke filled the air. Lin Rui shook the stone chips that fell on his body, and smiled slightly, "Now Tzarkovsky will feel distressed. According to this, this is his favorite villa."

"In comparison, I guess he will feel more distressed for his life." Sergey shrugged.

A fierce exchange of fire came from the main entrance of the manor. The defensive line of Jason and those bodyguards is trying to block the opponent's offensive momentum. Strong firepower and strong walls also made those militants feel a little tricky for a while. Unable to make it, they began bombarding the walled area with mortar shells and rocket launchers. The thick concrete wall was blown apart, and the steel bars inside were twisted and exposed.

The bullets hit the temporary bunker in front of the manor like If it weren't for a few machine gun fire points controlling the situation, these militants would have even rushed to the gate of the manor. But they were beaten back several times, leaving dozens of corpses on the ground.

The bodyguards also suffered heavy casualties, after all, there were a large number of opponents. And what made it difficult for them was that the other party also possessed heavy weapons such as rocket launchers, and the wall seemed to be unstoppable.

Lin Rui said solemnly, "Everyone retreated, scattered to the bunkers on both sides, and let the front side come out."

"But they'll be rushing in soon." A bodyguard said loudly.

"Let them come. The gap in the main entrance is so big, how many people can squeeze in even if they are swarmed? Are the firepower on our two wings vegetarian after they come in?" Jason shouted. "Listen to the boss, let's go!"

He took the bodyguards to retreat to the two sides of the manor near the gate. These militants were fooled and rushed in, but they were immediately strangled by the crossfire on both sides. The group that rushed in front thought that Jason and the others had retreated to the interior of the manor, and were caught off guard. Immediately, he was caught by surprise, and he was killed and injured.

Some armed men attacked both sides fearlessly, but did not expect that the seemingly inconspicuous bushes on both sides were full of blade gill nets. Makes their movement completely restricted. And Jason and the bodyguards were high on either side. Condescendingly, hitting these armed men entangled in razor-blade nets is as easy as shooting a fixed target.

"That's cool, boss. How did you come up with this idea." Jason said loudly.

"This is called asking you to enter the urn." Lin Rui smiled slightly. "If you feel good, then withdraw. They will immediately mobilize artillery fire to cover your area. Retreat before they can react." l3l4


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