Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6467: Take what you need

When Lin Rui and others walked out of the customs and left the airport, Yelena whispered, "They let us go so easily."

"I just want to remind us, at least for now, the first one, dear," Lin Rui said slowly, "And I can guarantee that Grace will definitely come to see us tomorrow. No matter how busy she is."

"Oh, what did you write in that Lauren's palm?" Yelena said strangely.

"I didn't write anything. He was too nervous, and his palms were sweaty and wet. So I left a little ink at random, and let them guess. And the more they couldn't guess, the more nervous Grace would be, thinking We have some important clues. So tomorrow she will visit us at the hotel on time." Lin Rui shrugged and smiled.

"You are too bad." Yelena smiled.

"It's just some small tricks, all learned from Jiang'an." Lin Rui said with a little emotion.

Yelena nodded, "I know you have always had a good relationship."

"It's not just good, I've learned so much from him over the past two years. Just before, I was a kid who didn't know anything. But there are some people, they can always make you a better player." Excellent people, including Jiang'an, Zhao Jianfei, Brother Kun, Silver Wolf, and Fatty Long." Lin Rui whispered.

"Don't take me with you." Tang Kun said with a slight smile.

"Why don't you get close to vermilion and get red, and get close to ink to get black. You have really helped me a lot." Lin Rui shrugged, "It is you who have fought with me again and again, and I am even a little overwhelmed. Silly boy. It has become what it is now. I don’t know if this change is good or bad, but I do. At least this change will allow me to survive better.”

Both Tang Kun and Yelena were silent, and this silence was maintained until they returned to the reserved hotel room.

Yes, they are always changing, are always changing. It becomes easier to survive in increasingly dangerous and difficult missions. But whether this change is true or not is good. Nobody knows. Lin Rui himself did not have an affirmative answer. Because to survive. In order to win, some principles must be sacrificed in many cases.

Grace did come the next day. This woman seems to have been under a lot of stress recently, and she has been severely deprived of sleep. Even the heavy makeup on her face can hardly conceal her tiredness and sleepiness.

"Mr. Rick, I hope you can give me an explanation." Grace frowned. "Why are you here"

"Our man is missing. We are looking for him, that's all." Lin Rui whispered, "If you want to explain, I think you should give an explanation. You have promised me. That is the safest Military hospital, but our people are missing there."

Grace said helplessly, "I admit that we were not prepared enough for this incident. But you must also understand that we were paying attention to the incident of the destroyer being hijacked. We didn't have much energy to take care of the hospital. And we have various The news channels can be proved afterwards, we are not responsible, your companion left by himself. And he may have contact with people from the Secret Society."

"What about the evidence?" Lin Rui said slowly.

"Do you still remember the assassination at St. Mary's Stadium?" Grace said.

"Of course I remember, we carried out that operation together. And we successfully killed Vasily, who was suspected to be the Grand Duke of the Secret Society. What's the problem?" Lin Rui frowned.

"No problem. We checked, and it was indeed Vasily himself that you killed. We had always believed that this Russian rich man named Vasily was the number one figure in the Secret Society. We were wrong," Grace whispered.

"Oh how should I say it?" Lin Rui frowned.

"If this Vasily is just a cover, their real purpose is for the Zumwalt-class destroyer. Then how could he, as the Grand Duke of the Secret Society, really risk his life and be killed? And after he was killed, everything in the Secret Society It's still going on in an orderly manner. It's hard to believe." Grace whispered.

"I don't believe it either, but the mission objective was specified by you, and you said it very confidently at the time. It was you who said that Vasily is the Grand Duke of the Secret Society." Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes, all the evidence now shows that Vasily is the Grand Duke of the Secret Society, and you have already killed him. But intuitively, many of us think that this matter is weird." Grace replied, "Because While we were conducting an internal investigation, several suspects we had targeted disappeared one after another. So we began to become uncertain. Because if the intelligence system of the secret society is really so powerful, then it is impossible for them not to have foreseen that Wa Siri is in danger of being assassinated."

"So the assassination at St. Mary's Stadium was arranged, so that you think that by assassinating Vasily, you are assassinating the Grand Duke of the Secret Society." Tang Kun frowned slightly.

"Yes, so as participants in this operation, you guys are also somewhat suspicious." Grace turned to Lin Rui and said.

"Fart, it was you who provided all the information from the beginning to the end of this matter, and you were very sure of the correctness of your information at that time. You yourself have patted your chest more than once to assure me. But now that there is a problem with the information, you In turn, they think we are suspect." Lin Rui dismissed it.

Grace looked a little embarrassed, but still insisted, "In any case, you can't deny that Jiang An's sudden disappearance is very abnormal. He broke the surveillance and then sneaked away. And the purpose of doing this is obviously to Avoid our man. If he is clean, why would he do that"

"I was attacked before, and it was done by several British special forces. Afterwards, your investigation also showed that many British soldiers were bribed. I don't know how many people on your British side are innocent, so in this Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that Jiang An escaped from your monitoring." Lin Rui shook his head.

"Then what about the doctor?" Grace said in a deep voice, UU Reading "We found that there is a military doctor in this hospital, who is very suspicious. They escaped in cooperation with each other."

"I need all your intelligence information and all the details." Lin Rui looked at Grace and said, "Don't worry, we won't cause trouble, we just want to find our people."

"This matter involves military secrets, why do you think I will hand over that information to you?" Grace said in a deep voice.

"Because the missing doctor you are looking for is trying to use him to uncover the shady secrets of the secret society's bribery of military personnel. And if we can find the general, maybe the doctor can be found too." Lin Rui looked at Grace road.

Grace looked at him and finally nodded, "Yes." To be continued.


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