Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6271: Armored Tactics

, the fastest update battlefield contract workers! Chapter 6271 Armored Tactics

Although the fighting in the northern La Serena Fort area is still in full swing, the Anmore Army has not yet fully controlled the entire area of ​​La Serena Fort. But the discerning person can already see that it is only a matter of time when the Anmore army fully occupies La Serena Fort, and the final defeat of the Oromi federal army is inevitable after the Anmore army occupied La Serena Fort. The situation in the interior of the Oromi Federation will definitely deteriorate further and eventually collapse completely. Therefore, the Orumi Federation troops still stationed in the northern plains of the Orumi Federation began to make their own calculations, measuring how to deal with the changes after the collapse of the Orumi Federation.

After receiving the order from the superior, Aldrich immediately gathered his men and quickly issued the order: "Bring your people, prepare to attack!"

"As ordered!" the company commander exclaimed excitedly, his eyes were still red, which was a typical manifestation of severe sleep deprivation.

Reverse cut assault is the military term of the Anmor army. It actually means that the armored troops of the Anmore Army run along the anti-tangent line along the edge of the village or town, and the distance from the target is about 200 meters. In the process of running, they fire, shoot and lure the enemy. This attack method can not only give full play to the firepower advantage of the Anmor Army's armored forces, and kill the enemy to the maximum extent, but also induce the enemy to pursue the unbearable provocation, lead the enemy out of the fortifications, and then annihilate the enemy. .

If the enemy in the village is still, they will continue to run back. Continue to counterattack until the enemy has lost all casualties or can't bear to fight back. This method of combat is a bit like the tactic of harassing small armoured units. They also often take this approach, using a dense rain of bullets and vehicle-mounted artillery to hit the enemy, thereby disrupting the enemy's camp and eventually giving other armored units the opportunity for a full-scale assault.

Of course, the Anmore Army has now made the most of this method, and they are all very good at shooting in Mercedes-Benz. At a distance of about two or three hundred meters, the hit rate is very high. However, compared to the Orumi Federation army, it is more troublesome to deal with such a harassing attack by the Anmor army. Unless they are specially trained to shoot at moving targets, it is certainly difficult to hit the speeding Anmor army armored units. The power of rockets is indeed great, but the accuracy is relatively poor. The hit rate is worse after the distance is drawn.

The attack of armored troops is naturally different from that of infantry, and they will never attack from the front rashly. If that's the case, it's right in the arms of the Orumi Federation army. They fire a volley of firepower intensively, which can be intertwined into a firepower network on the front, which will cause damage to the armored troops of the Anmor army. The commander of the Armored Forces of the Anmor Army is not a three-year-old child, and of course he will not do such childish things.

Sure enough, when more than a dozen Anmor Army armors began to cut along the edge, the Orumi Federal Army stationed in Bell Town immediately felt a strong pressure. The shooting of the armored troops of the Anmor Army in the Mercedes-Benz caused the soldiers of the Orumi Federation to suffer, and they did not build too many fortifications. Usually, the original brick and tile houses were used for resistance. As a result, many people were pulled down from the roof or the wall by bullets.

However, there is no way for them to lie still on the ground. In case the armored troops of the Anmore Army suddenly came up at this time, their situation would be even worse. The Anmor Army armored troops were too close to them. If they suddenly came up, it would not take a minute at all. Therefore, the officers of the Orumi Federal Army were shouting at their soldiers and threatening them to fight back. However, they faced each other. The hit rate against the Anmor army armored troops that galloped past was too low.

Although Bell Town has a dangerous terrain, it does not actually have much defensive advantage in itself. The entire area is as flat as a mirror. Probably considering that it is easy to attack and hard to defend, the Orumi Federation Army in Bell Town has only deployed about two or three thousand soldiers, which is about the strength of one wing. To tell the truth, with a company of Aldrich's less than ten Anmor army chariots, it is not realistic to want to wipe out the two or three thousand Oromi federal troops. After all, the Oromi federal army is not a vegetarian. of.

However, the Anmor Army armored troops have unlimited mobility possibilities. They can use superb tactics and huge pressure to squeeze the Orumi Federation troops out of the village little by little and expel them to the open area outside for slaughter. . If the Oromi federal army refuses to come out and wait for them, it will also be a dead end.

No matter what time it is, it is very uncomfortable to only be beaten and not fight back. After the continuous attack of the Anmor army, the Orumi Federation army basically exhausted the original elite troops. Later, most of them were young adults recruited temporarily. According to the analysis of the intelligence department, these young adults of the Orumi Federation did have a great disgust for the Anmor army, so they did have a passion for the attack of the Anmor army. It is easy to refuse to surrender, and the will to fight is quite tenacious.

However, this warm blood can easily make them excited and make them lose their minds. For example, in the situation where they can only be beaten and can't fight back, most of them will strongly demand to leave the position and "desperately" with the Anmor army, and each of them is counted as one. If we can make good use of this psychology, the armored forces of the Anmor Army can successfully lure the Orumi Federal Army out, and take advantage of the overwhelming advantages of the armored forces of the Anmor Army in mobility and firepower to carry out a one-sided attack on the enemy. massacre.

The attack of the armored troops of the Anmor army can easily create the illusion of the Oromi federal army, that is, the large troop of the Anmor army will come soon, and the heavy artillery of the Anmor army will come soon. In fact, the armored troops of the Anmore Army did not carry heavy artillery at all, but there were very few calm people on the battlefield, especially a large number of recruits who had not experienced **** battles, often panicked. What the armored troops of the Anmore Army should do, It is to let this panicked emotion spread out and spread it to every Orumi Federation soldier as much as possible.

The houses in Bell Town are basically brick houses, which cannot be protected from artillery fire at all, let alone large-caliber howitzers. A 152-meter ground howitzer came down, and at least a dozen brick houses were to be levelled.

The huge shock wave may also knock off the roofs of all the houses within 30 to 40 meters, and shatter all the windows, forming a huge no-man's land. These are all very feared by the soldiers of the Orumi Federation.

Sure enough, they ran back and forth for five laps in a row, cutting the Orumi Federation army five or six times in a row. The enemy in Bell Town began to riot, and their morale was not high. Some of the evacuated personnel also felt particularly desperate and depressed. At this time, they were shot by the armored units of the Anmor Army. They were beaten but could not effectively fight back. Not to mention how depressed they were. Some were thinking of running away quietly, while others were furious and wanted to fight back.

Aldridge took the opportunity to get the troops to set up their only three mortars. Attack the most densely populated areas of Belltown. Aldrich's armored units only had these three mortars, and they didn't carry many shells.

These Russian "Cornflower" 82 automatic mortars are completely different from traditional mortars. They are towed automatic mortars with the function of self-loading nuclear bursts. It can use single-shot and burst firing. When using burst firing, the maximum rate of fire can reach 100 to 120 rounds, while the rate of fire of traditional mortars is usually only 30 rounds.

The "Cornflower" mortar has a simple and compact structure, light weight, easy operation, good maneuverability and strong firepower. Its biggest feature is that it can not only shoot with a large shooting angle like a traditional mortar, but also shoot directly. Originally, he was going to wait for the attacking team to use it, but now in order to speed up the occupation of Bell Town, he decided to use some of the shells.


The mortar shells accurately landed in Bell Town, and a dazzling fire broke out, and large areas of houses collapsed. The gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the smoke and dust were billowing, and the ground did cause quite a shocking scene. The shells also ignited the collapsed house, and the fire slowly spread and eventually turned into a continuous burning fire. Cries and screams came, which made the atmosphere of the battle even more tragic.

In Aldridge's view, the effect of the mortar attack was indeed a little weak, and it did not even cause many casualties, that is, it only blew up a few houses. Compared with the powerful howitzer, it is indeed too bad. But in the eyes of the Oromi Federation soldiers, the dust erupted from the collapsed houses, flying all over the sky, greatly enhancing the power of the artillery shells, and they seemed to be able to feel that even if the Anmor Army armored troops stayed there and did not attack , just by firing artillery shells, they can all be wiped out.

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, Aldrich let another group of Anmore Army armored troops also start to cut in from other directions. Flank fire on Oromi Union soldiers stationed in Bell Township. The two armoured troops of the Anmor Army attacked from left and right, and the gunfire continued. Those Orumi Federation soldiers were attacked by the enemy and could not take effective cover, so they were knocked down one after another. Some gunners of the Anmor Army Armored Forces only needed to see where the Orumi Federation soldiers showed half of their heads to be accurate. He quickly found and aimed at the bunker, hit the target, and greatly shocked those Orumi Federation soldiers.

Finally, after about half an hour, some of the Orumi Federation soldiers could no longer resist, and some of them began to retreat along the fields to the west. The armored troops of the Anmore Army deliberately did not pursue this strategy to lure the enemy to escape. The enemy must see that there is a way to escape, and they will flee more actively. Otherwise, the enemy will be forced to break the boat and fight back desperately. Only after a considerable number of enemies, or all of them, have left the fortifications, will they catch up from behind and destroy them all.

The rout of a small number of people soon caused a large-scale rout, and more and more Orumi Federation soldiers saw their teammates leave the fortifications, and as a result, they were not pursued by the armored troops of the Anmore Army. So they instinctively joined the ranks of escape. Those Orumi Federation officers also killed a few Orumi Federation soldiers to set an example, but in the end they couldn't help but run away. Only a few of the most stubborn Oromi Federation officers continued to keep the soldiers from retreating, only to be shot dead themselves.

However, not all Oromi Federation officers and soldiers chose to escape. In desperation, some Oromi Federation troops who were not afraid of death also took shocking actions, that is, their suicidal counterattacks. Armed with rocket launchers and explosives, he jumped out of the fortifications, and charged towards the Anmor Army armored units with a scream. Most of these Orumi Federation soldiers are those hot-blooded young people. They are not willing to be destroyed like this, and they are determined to bite the armored troops of the Anmor Army before they die.

Aldrich saw coldly that more than 100 Orumi Federation soldiers with explosive packs rushed towards the Anmor Army armored troops fearlessly. I have to admit that these are the real Orumi Federation soldiers and the future hope of the Orumi Federation. Compared with those soldiers who chose to escape, UU reading www. They are more worthy of the respect of the Anmor army. Perhaps only death is waiting for them, but their footsteps are not hesitant.

"Disperse!" Aldridge said calmly, taking the lead in opening the distance.

Although this part of the Orumi Federation army is heroic and deserves the respect of the Anmor army, the mission of the Anmor army armored troops is to destroy them without hesitation. The Armored Forces of the Anmore Army will never make direct contact with them, and face to face with them. Mobility and firepower are the magic weapons of the Armored Forces of the Anmore Army. At any time, Aldrich will never forget this. a little.

With an order, the armored troops of the Anmor Army spread out quickly and swiftly. Avoiding the sharp counterattack of the Oromi federal army, they formed a huge circle and started vehicles continuously. The Orumi Federation army, which surrounded the counter-attacking Orumi Federation army in the middle of the circle, completely became the target of the Anmor army's armored troops, and fell one after another.

The sound of large-caliber machine guns rang out in the wilderness, and every shot almost represented the end of a young life. The counterattacking Orumi Federation troops screamed, but they couldn't catch the shadow of the Anmor Army armored troops. They ran angrily in the fields with their weapons, trying to blow up the Anmor Army armored troops. destroy. However, how can their speed be comparable to the vehicles of the Anmor army armored troops?

They are like angry bulls, facing the siege of a large pack of wild wolves, although they are angry, they have no effective way to fight back. With the sound of gunfire, more and more corpses fell in the wilderness, and finally, about twenty minutes later, the last Oromi Federation soldier fell helplessly. He held the broken flag firmly in his hand, and drowned in the fields without a sound, and slowly melted into a tragic scene with the surrounding vastness.

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