Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6266: Sand table deduction

Chapter 6266

Sand table deduction

As soon as Lin Rui arrived at Fort La Serena, he called the officers at the forefront to a meeting.

He invited them to dinner and thanked them for their efforts and sacrifices on the front lines.

After the meal, under the auspices of Lin Rui, the officers were divided into two factions to conduct a sand table confrontation in La Serena Fort. Through the sand table confrontation, various possibilities were envisaged to find the possibility that the Anmore Army might attack during the attack. The problems suffered, preventing Anmor's army from making big mistakes in the offensive.

Unfortunately, Kuaima and others became the representatives of the Orumi Federation army, and they fought stubbornly on behalf of the Orumi Federation army. They wanted to do everything possible to stop the attack of the Anmor army by any means.

Khan, the Black Mamba and several Anmore officers represented the Anmore Army, racking their brains to plan an attack on La Serena Fort.

In order to show that this is not a perfunctory, nor is it pretending to be seen by others, Yang Peifeng also specially took out a generous bonus as a reward.

Sure enough, under the stimulation of the heavy gold, Kuai Ma and others seemed very excited, and soon entered a state of confrontation.

Kuai Ma and others racked their brains to attack, while Black Mamba and others searched for the deadly ground to defend. In order to compete for the bonus, the two sides exhausted all possible means, even the means of perishing together.

It was originally planned to be a two-hour sand table offensive and defensive battle, because the commanders on both sides went all out. It took a full eight hours to end. The Mohr army failed to get what it wanted, and eventually had to temporarily evacuate Fort La Serena due to excessive casualties.

In the end, Kuai Ma and others got the bonus as they wished.

"Fortunately our enemies don't have the talent you have."

Black Mamba had to say with emotion.

"Yes, so the victory is still us."

Quick Horse said cautiously.

After this drill, the officers at all levels in the Anmore military area were full of confidence in the victory of Fort La Serena, and the enemy's response could no longer be beyond their imagination.

They also don't have that level of command.

Sure enough, it turned out that Kuaima had already imagined all the possible tactics of the Orumi Federation army, and formulated corresponding measures for these tactics, which were communicated to each combatant through battlefield training, helping them to be faster and better. The defeat of the Oromi federation army.

Subsequently, according to the method summed up by the fast horses, the Anmore army launched a large-scale attack, and indeed made great progress.

In mid-to-late July, with the participation of two powerful mechanized infantry battalions of the Anmore army, the Anmore army achieved more and more victories, and even achieved an impressive record of capturing four blocks in one day.

On the contrary, the Orumi Federation army became less and less tempered as they fought, and the more they fought, the more demoralized they felt. The Oromi Federation officers, including Commander Woodrow, became more and more desperate for this war.

No matter what kind of measures they take, the Anmor army seems to be able to make a special response to their measures, often letting them steal chickens without losing rice.

Slowly, the Orumi Federation army gradually got used to the situation of being completely passively beaten, and no longer had much ability to fight back against the Anmor army.

Originally prepared to reinforce the Oromi Federal Army of La Serena Fort, because of the siege campaign launched by the Anmore Army in the east, the support to La Serena Fort had to be temporarily stopped.

Without strong support, the Woodrow Corps who were holding on to Fort La Serena felt a lot of difficulty, and the lost districts did not have enough strength to counterattack.

In five consecutive days of storming, the Anmor army captured a large area of ​​land.

It was not until the Oromi Federation Army had to send three infantry regiments to reinforce Fort La Serena that the offensive momentum of the Anmore Army was temporarily curbed.

However, the Anmor army has occupied many favorable terrains and formed a new starting point for the offensive, forcing the Orumi Federation army to run more and more.

Afterwards, Lin Rui ordered the elites of the Anmore Army to join the battle, investing more than 10,000 people in one go.

All of them appeared on the front line of the Anmor army, which immediately brought a great shock to the Orumi Federation army.

The soldiers of the 10th Combat Group of the Anmore Army are mainly from the old army of the former Anmore. Most of them are no strangers to La Serena Fort.

Many soldiers have been stationed at Fort La Serena, and some have even been stationed at Fort La Serena for a few years, so they are more familiar with the situation here.

Their joining has indeed made the Orumi Federation army feel more pressure.

The Oromi Federation army is on the verge of collapse across the board.

At present, in the ruins of La Serena Fort, a total of 40,000 soldiers of the Anmore Army are fighting fiercely with the Orumi Federation army.

In addition, there are nearly two hundred 152-meter cannon howitzers assisting the attack, and the daily consumption of artillery shells has reached an astonishing number. The only factor restricting them is the transportation capacity of the logistics department.

In general, the development of the battle of La Serena Fort is still within the acceptable range of Lin Rui. Although the Anmore army has paid a considerable price, the balance of victory has begun to continue to the Anmore army. slanted.

The final victory of the Anmor army is beyond doubt.

The city of La Serena is sure to fly the blue Anmore flag.

For this. Probably the Orumi Federation Army also accepts it. Unless there is a miracle, they will never have a chance to reverse it.

The only regret is that the armed helicopters of the Anmore Army cannot participate in the battle and cannot use air superiority to speed up the process of the battle.

The Oromi Federal Army is not completely incapable. They saw that the Anmore Army's forces at Fort La Serena were tight, and they might need to mobilize the Anmore Army's armed helicopters, so they deployed troops in the outermost part of Songshi Town. The dispatch will appear to be extraordinarily active.

The front line of the Songshi Town Front of the Anmore Army has not yet fully stabilized, and it must rely on the assistance of armed helicopters to confront the Orumi Federal Army.

This is the fundamental reason why the helicopters of the Anmore Army could not be mobilized to Fort La Serena.

Red Baron, sometimes Lin Rui felt that he really didn't understand this opponent.

As his thoughts drifted, the fierce street battle obviously attracted Lin Rui.

If it weren't for the fact that there were a lot of people watching, he would really feel itchy, and he couldn't help but grab a gun and go to the battlefield.

However, he himself knew very well that in this intricate street battle, personal skills only accounted for a very small part.

Most of them still require luck and perseverance. Even if he goes up personally, he may not be able to play a big role.

La Serena Fort, underground tunnels.

The Oromi Federation Army commander, Woodrowdi, was quite depressed and walked back and forth in the cave.

The underground cave was originally not big, so when he walked around like this, he had to keep turning his head and pacing so fast that the people around him felt a little dazzled.

Everyone knew that the officer Woodrow was in a very bad mood, so except for a very few cronies, the rest of the people were hiding far away.

Originally, as the supreme commander of the Oromi Federation Army at Fort La Serena, Woodrow originally had a spacious and beautiful headquarters, which was luxurious and luxurious.

If nothing else, the toilet at the headquarters is even bigger than this underground cave.

The headquarters also has an endless garden and green space, splendid buildings, splendid and gorgeous living rooms, luxurious and luxurious bedrooms, and even two huge swimming pools...

However, the artillery fire of the Anmor army forced him to hide in this damp and dark cave. Although the beautiful headquarters was not destroyed by the fire of the Anmor army, it forced him to leave there.

After all, even if the headquarters is more gorgeous and extravagant than the palace, it is not as important as life.

If you were to ask the Oromi Federation soldiers where is the safest place in Fort La Serena right now, they would definitely answer underground.

Yes. It is safest to hide deep underground.

However, underground caves are dark and damp after all.

Occasionally it's okay to stay still, but if you stay for a long time, it will definitely make people crazy.

Woodrow felt mad now, but he couldn't find the target of madness. At this time, there were only three or two confidant officers accompanying him.

It seems pointless to get angry at them.

One of them is the commander of the 3rd Regiment of the Oromi Federal Army, and the other is the commander of the 5th Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the Oromi Federal Army.

These two guys, it's time to fight next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

Not much.

But the two of them have always followed Woodrow, and they can be regarded as Woodrow's besties. They are loyal to Woodrow. The initial composition of the Woodrow Legion was the army led by the two of them.

Woodlow walked around restlessly in the underground cave, showing a very anxious mood. His two subordinates naturally saw it. They also knew why Woodlow was anxious. Serena Fort.

Continue to stay here, and the final result can only be a dead end. Do you think Woodrow, as the chief, can not be restless?

But how could he leave Fort La Serena?

The two looked at each other quietly and made up their minds.

The determination prompted Woodrow to make a decision as soon as possible to leave this La Serena Fort, which was already half dead.

The two of them discussed in private, and felt that given the current situation, it would be meaningless to continue resisting. It would only be a waste of the Woodrow Legion's troops, and they had to be flexible.


If you don't go, it will be too late. "

The commander of the 3rd regiment took a step forward and said cautiously.

Woodrow looked at him coldly, his eyes were gloomy, as if if it weren't for the fact that he was his confidant, he would have repaired him severely.

Although Woodrow, as a legion commander, is not very qualified in tactical command and military literacy, he is a legion commander after all. After sitting in this position for more than ten years, a little bit of majesty is still tempered. A Eyes can calm each other down.

It's not that Woodrow doesn't want to go. If he could, he would have left long ago.

Fort La Serena is about to give in, so what is he doing here?

There were more than 10,000 soldiers in the Woodrow Corps, plus the troops from the Orumi Federation Army and Cong who had been temporarily transferred to Fort La Serena from Turquoise Town, the total number was more than 30,000.

Now, most of the 30,000 people have lost more than half of their positions.

He continued to lead them to fight, and the final result was not a dead end?

However, there are orders from the Federal Regulatory Commission.

Can he go?

Woodrow can be fearless, he can despise other people, and he can compete with the bigwigs of the Federal Ministry of Defense.

However, he did not dare to violate the intention of the Federal Management Committee in the slightest.

In the Oromi Federation, the will of the Federal Management Committee is the will of the Oromi Federation, and it is the highest decision-making.

Including him, Woodrow, did not dare to resist in the slightest.

If he left Fort La Serena now, he would definitely be guillotined by the Federal Council of Management mercilessly.

"Commander, we heard the gossip that the members of the management committee have left..." the subordinate said quietly.

"That's a rumor!"

Woodrow said coldly, his voice even colder.

His two subordinates had to shut up and continue to think of other ways.

Woodrow walked back and forth twice, looking even more agitated.

At this time, it happened to be the hottest season of the year. There was no wind in the underground cave, and it was very sultry.

After Woodlow walked for a his forehead was covered in sweat, and it became difficult to breathe.

The words of the two confidants just now have actually had an effect, and Woodrow's mind has gradually become active.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that the fact that the management committee evacuated first was not necessarily a rumor.

The people of the management committee are definitely not waiting to die. It is completely reasonable for them to give up their positions.

There may be suspicions of deserters in the abandoned defense zone, but the people on the management committee are not the military, and military decrees have no effect on them.

The problem now is that the Federal Management Committee is not a military order after all, and they can be evacuated.

If there is no special reminder from others, ordinary people will not notice this detail at all.

They give up the defense zone, and they will not have much influence within the Orumi Federation. After all, no one dares to accuse them.

However, the place he guards is the famous La Serena Fort, which is known as the first strong city in the southeast.

There are probably as many people who have not heard of the name La Serena Fort as there are people who have not heard of the Oromi Federation.

This is the focus of the world's attention and the focus of the Orumi Federation. If Woodrow dares to give up La Serena Fort, hehe. Even if he can escape to the ends of the earth, the Federal Management Committee will capture him and shoot him.

Seeing that Woodrow had not responded for a long time, his subordinate said tentatively: "Commander, in this situation, I'm afraid..."

Quietly peeping at Woodlow, seeing that Woodlow was not angry and his face did not change much, he stepped forward and whispered against Woodlow's left ear: "...I'm afraid it's the management committee. The people here are also the power to return to the sky! Everyone else is preparing for the future. If the main force of our legion is damaged here, in the future..."

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