Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5982: dark web administrator

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"In this case, as long as we find a dark web forum with similar technology or provide similar services, we may be able to find this person.

Maybe the name itself is a network ID. ' asked Cobain.

"You can say that." The professor nodded.

"Professor, I think it's a little strange, since they are communicating via video, why do they use this method to make the other party unable to see themselves clearly?

Wouldn't this trouble be avoided by direct voice communication? ' Sergey asked.

"Because voice communication is very likely to be deceived, the current voice synthesis technology is very sophisticated. It can be completely faked.

Therefore, when some hackers are in contact, they will use video to confirm that the person who is talking to them is indeed the person in front of the camera.

But this method is likely to lead to the appearance of being discovered, so they use such a technique to cover the face. ' the professor explained.

"But now there are no video tools like virtual masks that make people look like cartoon avatars or animal masks," Sergey asked.

Cobain shook his head, "This is different, this is based on the principle of masking special effects through video, but in fact, it will still reveal its true colors.

That is to say, on the surface, you may be well covered by the virtual mask.

But you're actually still in the camera with some self-deceiving special effects on it.

It is still possible for the other party to discover your true appearance. "

"What about their video call?" Lin Rui asked.

"Through a dark web forum, where you communicate, you can use a special camera that makes your face so blurry that it can't be scanned or recognized by a human face.

It started two years ago as the use of facial recognition technology started to increase. Many hackers use this technique to evade.

In Russia, there should be four or five companies offering similar services on the dark web.

But there are three in St. Petersburg. I know who is running these darknet forums.

We can look around and see which forum the instant messenger software the photo was taken from.

After we find it, maybe we can manage to find the ID you said named Gorpov. ' the professor explained.

"That's a good idea. Let's try it now." Cobain smiled.

"Now?" the professor frowned.

"Yeah, this is urgent." Cobain took out the computer from his backpack and put it on the table, then turned it on and connected to the network.

The professor immediately logged into the dark web and quickly connected to several forums on the dark web, but he and Sergey were busy for a long time, but they could not find a similar communication service.

"No match." The professor shook his head. “Could it be the uncommon kind? There are a few very niche darknet forums.

Maybe we can try our luck there. I remember a few forums for hacking groups that used to offer instant messaging like this. "

"Try it again." Cobain nodded.

I have to say that the professor is indeed a well-known figure in this circle, and soon he found a darknet forum through other people.

They did find a similar video communicator on this darknet forum.

"That's it." The professor nodded and said, "Both parties in the communication cannot directly contact each other, only through the special interface of the dark web forum.

The photo of this person should have been intercepted on this. "

"Can you trace this information?" Lin Rui asked immediately.

"No, this kind of dark web forum is to keep secret from being traced. Even we may not be able to find the person you mentioned.

But we can't, you can. ' replied the professor.

"Professor, don't be kidding, I never went to college." Sergey shook his head and said, "I have no use for my computer other than playing games.

How is this possible for me to track down cyber hackers. "

"It's not like that." The professor shook his head, "We can try to find the administrator of this forum.

The administrators of such dark web forums generally rely on such illegal information for profit. I know who this darknet forum belongs to.

You can find him, as long as you find the forum administrator, you can get his permissions,

And through his permissions, we can view all registered users and find this Gorpov.

If the ID he uses is indeed this, we can generally lock him, and then see if he logs in often.

Once he is logged in, we can try to locate and find him. "

"In other words, we have to find the forum administrator first and get his administrator rights." Lin Rui nodded.

"Yeah, I happen to know this guy. He's also a bit well-known in St. Petersburg's hacker circles.

His real name is Yang, and he is of Chinese descent. For the past few years, I have lived by running dark web sites and forums.

And he doesn't live far. I can give you the address, but I can't take you to him.

After all, I don't want to get myself involved in whatever you're up to. ' replied the professor.

"Of course, we are already very grateful for what you have done." Lin Rui nodded.

Cobain also patted the professor's arm. "Thank you very much. But after this is done, you'd better leave St. Petersburg during this time. Go on vacation."

The name given to them by the professor is a Chinese, near a large supermarket in the western part of St. Petersburg.

Lin Rui and others found the place according to the address.

But I found out that this Yang was just an ordinary supermarket employee,

Although he secretly operated darknet forums and made a lot of money, he still appeared in his work position when he was working.

But when he saw Lin Rui take out the pistol, he also knew that he was in trouble.

Lin Rui walked over and put his hand on his By the way, he showed him his weapon.

"We just want to find a place to talk to you, don't do stupid things. The deeds you do on the dark web are enough to sentence you for more than ten years."

That Yang turned around helplessly, "Okay, find a place to talk."

Lin Rui was taken to the back warehouse by him.

"Sir, what do you want? Do you want money? How much do you plan to ask for?" Yang asked while looking at Lin Rui.

"I want your account and password. I know you are the system administrator of this website." Lin Rui turned on his phone and showed him.

"It was for a while," Yang replied, "but I basically don't pay attention to these businesses now."

"You don't care, I don't care. We're not some police. What I care about is, the rest.

I need to find someone. This person should be a registered user of your darknet forum. Lin Rui looked at this Yang, "You just need to hand over the administrator account and password. The rest, we'll do it ourselves. "

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