Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1772: code gatekeeper

Lin Rui and Jiangan returned to the o2 station, and the o2 gang all ran out. Eight? One Chinese?? Net ≤≈=≤≈ "Boss, are you back?" Crazy Horse looked at him and said.

"How's the leg injury?" Lin Rui patted him.

"It penetrated the wound and ripped off a piece of flesh. But it's okay, at least it can move." Crazy Horse said with a smile.

"That's fine, take good care of you. You don't have to take part in the tasks during this period of time." Lin Rui nodded, "I heard that you have been making trouble a bit too much recently. You are lame, and you still have time to make trouble?"

"No, it's just that the brothers drank too much, so they played a bit big." Crazy Horse said with a smile.

"There have been a lot of things in the company recently, and the boss is in a very bad mood. Don't hit the gun. Punishing you for cleaning the toilet this time is still light. If you are transferred out of o2 and sent to the front line in Africa, you won't be able to laugh. Yes." Lin Rui shook his head.

"No?" Sergey said awkwardly.

"You can try it." Lin Rui looked at him and said, "Go and inform all the brothers and gather in the tactical conference room. We have a new mission."

"We already know." Sergey nodded, "Aladdin and his bodyguards have arrived."

Lin Rui was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "So fast? Damn it, this old guy is sure we won't refuse."

"Forget it, that's what he is. Let's go and have a look. He should have further information in his hands. If we don't accept the task, they won't provide it. This is also the norm between the employer and us." Jiangan nodded.

"Let's go, let's go take a look." Lin Rui patted him.

The curtains that came to the tactical conference room have been drawn. Also, Aladdin's bodyguard, Duncan, was checking every corner of the room with a small detector. He did it carefully and professionally. Squinting his eyes, he whispered to Lin Rui, "Aladdin's bodyguard, Duncan, may have received professional agent training."

Aladdin saw them coming in and smiled slightly, "Meeting Mr. Rick again. Please forgive my presumptuousness, but I feel that we must strictly emphasize confidentiality before carrying out this mission. Because once the information leaks, we will It could be all done. So, I had Duncan go over the room first. The place is well done, the walls are soundproofed, there are metal shields, and there are no hidden cameras. I'm happy with it."

Lin Rui looked at him and said, "This is our place. What you want to do, it's best to ask the master's consent first."

"Got it, we'll pay attention when we get out of the car. Duncan, put down that **** detector. Now that they've agreed, give them our second profile. Let's hear from these professionals. "Aladdin smiled.

The black bodyguard raised his hand and threw a flash drive to Jiangan, "This is the latest information about the target, which is very detailed."

After receiving the shore, it will be played on the LCD screen, there are a lot of video and audio data, there are also a lot of pictures, text data, and a lot of statistical information. Kishi will bring the picture out. The man in the picture looked to be in his 40s or 50s, with a little beard and glasses, and he did look like a professor.

"Target person: Edric, Romanian. Apparently he is a professor of economics at the University of Bucharest, but he is actually a senior member of the secret society, code-named the gatekeeper. This person disappeared four years ago and is officially considered dead. But the actual He is still alive and has helped the top brain of the secret society, holding an amazing amount of wealth." Aladdin whispered.

"According to the data, he is currently hiding in Meteora, a European island country in the Passaria region of northeastern Greece. It is there because of Mount Olympus, where the gods once lived, and the breathtaking Maitai. The Ora Monastery is famous all over the world." Jiangan frowned.

"Yes, it took me three years to get to the result. Meteora, which means hanging in the air in Greek, is what sets Meteora's many monasteries apart. The target you need to capture is hidden in a hilltop monastery there.

Since there is an unopened area, the ancient monastery was built on the top of the mountain. So the only tools in common with the outside world are ropes, rattan baskets and pulleys, and getting there is as difficult as going to the sky, and very few people are lucky enough to get there. ' explained Aladdin.

"Have you locked his position yet?" Lin Rui frowned.

"It's locked. After a period of investigation, we have now determined the exact coordinates of this person." Aladdin said to Jiangan, "Please turn the page."

Kishi replaced the picture on the LCD screen with a map with coordinates and topography marked on it.

"This is an ancient building around the fifteenth century. It was originally an ancient monastery, and later became a small fortress. It is now a private property." Aladdin whispered, "The property owner of this place is a French. However, we have reason to believe that he is a member of a peripheral organization of the Secret Society group, engaged in large-scale money laundering activities, and is currently in prison. Edric, in this ancient building, helps the Archduke of the Secret Society and manages his vast assets. "

"What about the security situation?" Jiangishi frowned.

"There is a group of Russian mercenaries protecting him. And they have been ordered to take decisive action if necessary - kill Edric. To ensure that the secrets he knows will never be known." Latin whispered.

"So where is this Edric under house arrest?" Jiangan frowned and said No, he went there willingly. Because both he and the Grand Duke of the Secret Society believed that only in that way could they ensure their safety. Aladdin looked at Lin Rui and Jiangan and said, "This person is a diehard loyalist of the Grand Duke of the Secret Society, his most ardent follower. He could even give his life for the Grand Duke of the Secret Society at any time. "

"Why is this, this person is willing to hide in the mountains for the sake of the Grand Duke of the Secret Society?" Lin Rui frowned.

"This is the truth. I said that the most dangerous and unreasonable person of faith in this world is the fanatic. Edric is such a person, he will never betray the Grand Duke of the Secret Society. So after you capture him, the most dangerous Just be careful not to let him kill himself," Aladdin replied.

"It seems really troublesome." Jiangan frowned.

"His group of Russian mercenaries are the real trouble. They're trained in the same way as the Alphas, but better. He's a killer and the best fighter. They were once considered natural warriors. Russian Cossacks. Cruel and violent, but absolutely calm." Aladdin sighed. "Very tricky."

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