Faced with Xiao Ning's direct and emotionless threat, Xiaoyaozi couldn't hold back any more and knelt down immediately.

Facing Xiaoyaozi's submission, Xiao Ning was not surprised at all. He casually fired out a few thunderous auras, which penetrated into Xiaoyaozi's body and sealed his Dantian and three important meridians.

In this way, his daily actions are not hindered, but if he has second thoughts, Xiao Ning can directly detonate the thunder sealed in Xiaoyaozi's body with a single thought, shattering his Dantian and meridians, and turning him into a useless person. All the fighting spirit was wasted!

Afterwards, Xiao Ning once again communicated with Jin Shi and Jin Gu of the Gold-Eating Rat Clan, and after deciding on a policy of friendly exchanges between the two parties, he found an excuse to decline the request to visit the interior of the Tianmu Mountains. After politely declining, he He took Xiaoyaozi and left the Tianmu Mountains.

The latter did not dare to say anything, and rushed to the nearest city with Xiao Ning, the city in charge of the space wormhole leading to the Central Territory!

The distance between the Central Territory and the Northern Territory of Zhongzhou is also very far. Even if Xiao Ning can tear apart the wormhole in space and travel through it, Xiaoyaozi cannot. In order to obtain first-hand accurate information, Xiao Ning cannot easily let go. When he left, he once again chose to use the space wormhole.

Facing Xiao Ning's arrival, the urban family in charge of the space wormhole also showed fear and fear, and showed an extremely grand ceremony. Xiao Ning did not offend them and accepted it happily.

Soon, after they provided the highest-level space shuttle they could provide, the seven-star space shuttle, Xiao Ning took Xiaoyaozi and strode into the silver space gate filled with strong space energy.

Inside the pitch-black space passage, there are space barriers on both sides that are condensed by the power of space. Looking through the silver-white barriers, you can still see the endless pitch-black void outside. That kind of darkness seems to be endless. It chills people's hearts.

Xiao Yan was sitting cross-legged on the space shuttle in the middle of the ship, while Xiaoyaozi was at the bow of the ship, controlling the direction of the space shuttle. There were also many large or small space ships around them, and on them, there were also It was also filled with many people. With so many people rushing on their way, the silent space passage did not seem so lonely. There were constant sounds of laughter and chatter coming from the surroundings.

"Sir, passing through this space wormhole, even at the speed of this seven-star space shuttle, will probably take at least nearly a month."

Xiaoyaozi raised his head and looked at the sturdy figure sitting cross-legged in the center of the space ship. Then he spoke cautiously. After hearing his slightly cautious words, Xiao Ning also raised his head and glanced gently. He glanced at it, and then spoke calmly, his voice not loud, but full of unquestionable words:

"In this case, you will be responsible for taking charge of the space shuttle and work with peace of mind. After the matter is understood, this pavilion master will naturally let you go."

"But if you have ulterior motives and this pavilion master finds out, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

"That's all!"

After Xiao Ning finished saying these words, he stopped caring about him. Instead, he sat cross-legged and comprehended all the mysteries around him. He closed his eyes and began to practice, consolidating the power he had gained after breaking through to the second cave.

Although he is very strong now, looking at the entire Zhongzhou, he can be considered the number one figure, not counting the top forces and ancient races, but ever since Xiao Ning broke through to the second cave, there has always been a shadow of haze lingering around him. There seems to be something bad happening in my mind, and it's about to happen!

All these weird things made Xiao Ning feel a sense of urgency in his heart. He simply didn't think about anything else, but seized the time to improve his cultivation and strength.


Under the control of Xiaoyaozi, the space ship turned into a silver stream of light and flew towards the distance, along the dark passage, as if walking on the night road.

Only a little bit of silver light is left, symbolizing traces of its existence. At the end of the extremely distant space passage, there is the center of Zhongzhou Continent, a place far more powerful than the northern region of Zhongzhou.

As if in the endless space passage, streams of light flashed past, and vaguely, some ship-shaped outlines could be seen.

Xiao Ning was not worried about leaving the control of the space ship to Xiaoyaozi alone. After all, there was no need for Xiaoyaozi to fight with him. He also agreed to the latter. After understanding the matter, he would let him live. In addition, every move of the space ship is already within his scanning range, and any accident will not escape Xiao Ning's capture!

During this period of time, Xiao Ning was not idle. Instead, he checked all the many thunder-related fighting skills brought out from Fenglei Pavilion. After mastering them, he could do it with his understanding of the Thunder Emperor's treasure skills. Draw inferences from one example, and these fighting skills can also provide Xiao Ning with ideas and train him to create a killing move of his own!

After experiencing the previous battle, Xiao Ning also realized what he lacked now, and that was the secret method of increasing combat power in a short period of time!

Although these secret techniques have certain sequelae, the explosive combat power they can provide in a short period of time should not be underestimated. Xiao Ning thought about it, if he had a weapon similar to Feng Lei when he fought against Venerable Xuan Ming before, With the secret method of increasing combat power such as the arrival of the thunder god in the pavilion inheritance, I am afraid that I may take the initiative in the battle just before the third palm bet, and may even rewrite the outcome of the battle, making it easier to win.

Therefore, after thinking about this, Xiao Ning also put all his energy and spirit into it. Based on the records of the Thunder Emperor's treasure art and his own experience, he integrated it and began to create a combat amplification of his own. Secret method!

And with the blessing of many experiences, brilliant thunderbolts appeared out of thin air around Xiao Ning, strange phenomena suddenly appeared, and the aura in Xiao Ning's body also began to deepen.

Various ideas about the origins of experience and secret techniques gathered together in Xiao Ning's mind, and then he continued to revise and deduce it, and gradually turned it into a feasible idea.

Two weeks later, Xiao Ning, who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the space ship, suddenly opened his eyes, and then streaks of thunder flashed through his eyes. A tyrannical aura erupted around him, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes. With a look on his face, his hands quickly formed marks, and streaks of thunder appeared all over his body. Between his eyebrows, a little lightning flashed, and the marks appeared.

"Three layers of the Thunder Emperor, the first layer!"

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