194 – Mouth watering?

While we ate, we occasionally sneaked a sneak peek at Kyle.

Every time a new menu comes out, you can see that they pretend not to be the case even though they shudder.

Then, when she runs into me, she immediately smiles as if nothing happened.

‘I can see everything. What do you think?’

I have watched Kyle from the side for over half a year. She knows what she’s thinking thanks to her.

Perhaps while eating those foods, how much salt does this have, how much oil does this have.

If others listen to it, they’ll be thinking what the hell does that have to do with it.

At the beginning of the semester, when she was with Kyle, she thought Kyle was particularly nasty.

But after visiting Baron John Nassen’s territory, she realized the opposite.

Compared to his father, mother, uncle, and her elder brother, Kyle was rather a yudori.

Nevertheless, Kyle hardly ever ate such luxurious and stimulating food.

Right now, Kyle is eating as casually as she normally eats.

For me. I want to make my date a little better.


Looking up, Kyle is staring at me.

Is there something wrong with blinking your eyes?

“What do you think?”

“Yes? Ah.”

It seems that I have been thinking too long.

It must have seemed strange to Kyle. She stood there blankly, the fork in her hand.

Originally, she might have been vague. But now, I don’t want to.

On the contrary, to be honest, I also want to get closer to that person.

“Thank you.”


“I know a lot about Kyle. And all semester, you’ve never had a meal like this before.”

There are quite a few times when I went to a cafe and enjoyed dessert, but there really have been no such times.

Stimulating and luxurious food that nobles would enjoy from start to finish.

Even when I eat ice cream, I don’t say, ‘I’ll have to eat this and run for 30 minutes.’

Has Kyle changed? No, please Absolutely no way.

However, for me, he is just like an ordinary lover for now.

“Are you okay? Even if you eat like this.”

“It’s a date. From dating to adjusting my diet and exercising, I don’t think I’ll have anything to say even if I get hit on the back.”

Kyle smiles and shakes her hand.

“Of course I think I need to exercise more tomorrow.”

As expected, as expected, today was reserved for me.

Sorry, but it was good. I hope you continue like this in the future.

“Shall we take a walk? Oh, of course I’m not trying to exercise.”

After the meal, Kyle suggested taking a walk.

I almost laughed when I waved her hand, saying that it was absolutely not an exercise.

“Yes. Like. Let’s walk together.”

I slipped my hand into my pocket and fiddled with the present I had prepared.

When is the best time to give it? Wouldn’t it be strange how to give it?

“I think I will go somewhere again soon.”

Where is the moment at Kyle’s words? ‘ She almost asked.

She is Kyle, who went to the imperial palace yesterday. And there must have been some talk with the imperial family.

If you ask a question here, you’re asking about it.

I heard that it’s rude to ask what happened at the imperial palace.


Did you notice my inner thoughts? Kyle didn’t even ask, but she answered.

It seemed like he was trying to tell me all the things I was curious about.

“You know there are nomadic tribes on the eastern borders of the Empire, right?”

“Yes. I heard it in history class. But it’s strange. The nomadic tribes of today are the Empire and….”

“We were close. Until recently.”

“… That means, not anymore.”

I thought that some of the content of the history lectures would change sooner or later.

“Originally, I was worried about whether or not to go, but now I have no choice but to go.”

“Did His Majesty ask for a favor?”

Even Kyle would not be able to openly refuse the request of His Majesty the Emperor.

He is a direct descendant of Baron John Nassen, so he has no compulsory power, but he is formally an aristocrat of the Empire.

It would be difficult to reject Her Majesty’s request, considering the deterioration of the princess.

“No. Rather, it seems that His Majesty the Emperor tried not to inform me. Do you need to be tired?”


It was amazing. I never thought that even His Majesty the Emperor would take notice of Kyle.

Once again, I felt the position of Kyle and John Nassen.

“But I heard the news that is too exciting to just ignore. I can’t go.”

Something that sparkled in Kyle’s eyes stayed there and then disappeared.

Are you angry? No. That’s not the expression you see when you’re angry….

Yes. It’s what you see when you see something very interesting.

For example, when I was training Ian or Leto, I showed that look in my eyes.

“We are going to fight again.”

“It would be nice if it felt like fighting. Until now, it just felt like I was warming up a bit.”

“Anyway, it could be dangerous. You said you weren’t hurt.”

I heard it once from Kyle and once again from John Nassen.

I don’t know what the people of the Empire think, but we are all the same.

If you get sick, you get sick, if you get injured, you bleed, and if the condition is severe, you die.

That’s why you train to have a stronger body.

‘It’s not normal for Kyle to go out like that. It must be bigger than what happened in the west last time. Yes. It will. It’s very likely.’

As soon as I reached that point, the part I was worried about naturally disappeared.

I can’t just worry about it anymore. So, I grabbed Kyle’s hand and pulled him toward the bench.


“Sit down for a minute. Kyle.”


There was a strangely firm tone in Tisha’s voice.

Feeling that, Kyle sat quietly without even asking why.

I got the feeling that if I asked a question here, Tisha would be very embarrassed.

“… Me, this.”

After sitting Kyle on her bench and thinking for a long time, Tisha finally took her lips off.

She then takes something of hers out of her pocket and puts it on Kyle’s hand….


For a moment, Kyle unknowingly exclaimed.

That’s probably the case, because what was on my hand right now was none other than a ring.

‘What is it? What is this What does that mean. What’s there?’

No matter how smart Kyle was, he couldn’t help but lose his head momentarily.

The ring he knows is a kind of gift that comes out at a really important moment.

He was even more embarrassed because the woman gave it to him first, not himself.

“Tea, by the way, no! It’s not like that, Kyle!”


“Oh, me! That… You, don’t overthink it. Therefore… Yes. You can think of it as something similar to the necklace I gave you last time.”

The necklace I gave you last time… Ah, is that so

A necklace engraved with the spell of protection. Thanks to that, fighting Mathieu was a little easier.

It’s not something that strengthens this side’s power like runaway mana.

It was a gift that lowered the number of injuries a little, with a heart of concern and a wish not to get hurt, while not affecting the fight.

“I heard that it is difficult to engrave magic on things like this.”

“It’s nothing special. You just have to keep imprinting the wind every day.”

That’s what’s difficult. There is no set deadline. You have to do it until

In a way, witchcraft can be said to be similar to physical training.

There is no expedient. You have to keep it constant with a strong mind and strong wind.

“This is a gift from me. When I go east, I must do it.”

While saying that, Tisha said ah! She does, she adds hastily.

“No, of course I don’t mean to put it on your finger! You can hang it on a string and make it look like a necklace! Or simply put it in her pocket….”

There was nothing more to say. Kyle put the ring on my finger right in front of me.

What is a ring? A ring is meant to be worn on the finger.

If you have to wear it around your neck, you’d call it a necklace. If you’re going to carry it in your pocket, they say it’s an amulet.

“Car, Kyle?”

“It was useful in the last fight. I think this will be of great help. Someone’s wish is stronger and hotter than any magic. Because that’s what they say.”

Maybe I was lucky. Or was Tisha’s keen eye?

The ring fits on the finger leaving a little bit of room.

“Thank you very much, Tisha. More than that, this… You can’t just receive it every day. I’ll have to give you a gift later. I’m looking forward.”

I think I already received that gift.

Tisha, who was about to answer that without realizing it, clears his throat with a hmm hmm.

I told you to seize the opportunity when it comes. Those who miss always regret it.

“Can’t you give me that gift now?”


Tisha grabs Kyle’s hand and raises him up. Then she suddenly opens her arms.

“Follow me.”


It was only then that Kyle realized what Tisha wanted.

So, as she stands still with her arms spread, Tisha burrows into her.

Then, after wanting to rub inside her for a while, she quietly opens her mouth.

“Are you going to keep doing that?”

“Absolutely not.”

Hold her in your arms and caress her hair.

A very simple wish for a witch. I thought you were hoping for better.

A knocking sound is transmitted. Is this the sound of her heart, or Tisha’s?

If not, it could be both. It’s so fast. This will burn calories… Oh, not this one.

‘One thing bothers me.’

I wonder if what I want is too small compared to what Tisha gave me.

What can I say about just hugging you like this? It also sounds like great disrespect.

It’s a date. It’s a date, but when it’s over, there’s nothing to say even if someone comes and slaps you on the back of the head.


He pushes Tisha away very slightly.

Then Tisha looks up at her Kyle as if asking why.

“Since we’ve made it this far, we should do it like this, right?”

It’s something you’ve done once, so it’s not difficult to do it twice.

The two smiling men and women slowly overlap their lips.

I heard her first kiss was the sweetest. That said, it’s wrong.

It just seemed sweet at any time.

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