Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 79 Ravenclaw? Ravenclaw!

The Sorting Ceremony for the new school year began, this time hosted by Professor Flitwick, the Head of Ravenclaw.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were standing by the door, seemingly discussing something.

Bruce could vaguely hear——

"You don't have to plead anymore, Severus!"

Professor McGonagall said angrily, "At least seven Muggles saw what they did, and they must pay the price for their actions!"

"But the car belongs to the Weasley family!"

Snape argued, "I guess it's enough to punish Weasley alone? Harry is innocent!"

"Severus, I am the Head of Gryffindor!" Professor McGonagall said displeased.

They seemed to be discussing Harry and Ron's speeding car.

Bruce stopped eavesdropping, he just sighed.

Snape was so kind to Harry!

At this time, Justin came close to Bruce.

"Bruce, did you go to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during your summer vacation?"


Bruce didn't know why Justin asked so suddenly. He remained calm and just said, "No, my schedule is too tight and I don't have time to go."

"That's a shame."

Justin said with emotion, "People in Ilvermorny have been in panic these past two months. The grave of Isolt, the founder of their school, was dug up, and even the snakewood tree next to the grave was gone!"

The grave is dug!

Bruce is extremely sensitive to this kind of topic now. Maybe it's Barbatos' pursuers again, digging graves and resurrecting corpses.

But when I heard about the snake tree, I thought it might not be the case.

Salazar Slytherin.

He thought of this name. Maybe the prisoner was none other than the founder of Hogwarts.

Iseult's grave was dug up not for the body, but to get back his wand.

Now it seems that he has succeeded.

"Katum, I have a question."

Bruce suddenly said, "Isn't Slytherin the founder of Hogwarts? Then he should be a highly respected wizard educator. Why did he behave like a dark wizard after his resurrection?"

"Isn't this normal?" Katum said, "What gave you the illusion that the four founders are very kind?"


Bruce didn't understand what the owl meant. If he said so, wouldn't the four founders of Hogwarts still be bad people?

"Think about wizarding history, Bruce."

Katum reminded, "Think about how wizards lived in the early days."

Bruce began to recall the contents of the history of magic books.

In the eyes of many people, wizards with magic are far superior to Muggles.

But actually the opposite is true.

Before the establishment of Hogwarts, the living conditions of wizards were very poor. They lived in seclusion in Muggle villages, often disguising themselves as herbalists or doctors in exchange for the opportunity to coexist with Muggles.

They have never been superior to others. Instead, they have struggled to survive in the cracks.

The reason why this happens is--


Bruce suddenly realized the crux of the problem, "The wizards back then would not easily disclose the spells they mastered to others, because this was the basis for their survival."

"That's right, Bruce."

Katum nodded and said, "Because of the mutual concealment between wizards, many powerful spells only exist in the collections of some pure-blood families and will never be disclosed to the outside world.

"Even the Levitation Curse, which is now required for first-year students, was something that was out of reach in the eyes of many wild wizards at that time!"

How could a wizard who only mastered one or two spells be able to fight against the xenophobic Muggles?

This is natural.

“But the four founders changed all that.”

Katum said, "Look at the Hogwarts library now. There are no banned books. Where do you think these come from?"

Bruce finally understood.

Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin.

The reason why these four founders are great is that they transcended the limitations of the times.

They integrated all the magical heritage in the wizarding world at that time and placed it within Hogwarts, and announced that any wizard can come to Hogwarts to study!

Hogwarts is always open to all little wizards!

Greatness does not come from strength.

There is no discrimination, this is the real greatness of the four founders!

So now comes the problem.

When the four founders were collecting various spells and inheritances, did they just tell others and they would hand them over obediently?

Absolutely impossible!

The road to the founding of Hogwarts is a road full of blood and iron!

For the greater good, the four founders joined forces to penetrate Europe, making all wizard families bow their heads and hand over their family's inheritance - at least most of it.

How could such a person just have the amiable and smiling image in the portrait?

Bruce now fully understands why Godric and Salazar, who were obviously lifelong friends, ended up breaking up.

Because Salazar's heart has changed.

He went against the purpose of Hogwarts, which is to teach without distinction, and opposed Muggle-born children entering Hogwarts.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to letting the long-cherished aspirations of the founders go to waste.

"So, all Salazar's current actions are just to realize his original ideal?"

Bruce asked, "Creating a new Hogwarts?"

"I don't know, maybe he has a deeper reason."

Katum shook his head, not wanting to go any further on this issue.

He was not Salazar, how could he know what Salazar was thinking.

"The only thing that is certain now is that Rowena and Helga will not get involved with Salazar."

Katum was actually a little curious,

Salazar has already gone to the United States and got his magic wand, so where are the other two founders?

After Jason leaves, they should slowly find their true feelings.

It's not like there has been no news for so long.

At this moment, during the sorting ceremony, the Sorting Hat suddenly called out a name——

"Ravenna Royal!"

Katum suddenly turned around and looked at the first-year wizards.

A little witch with long black hair walked out of the crowd. Although she was young, she could already tell that she was a beauty.

There was just a hint of teasing and contempt in the eyes he looked at others.

Ravenna sat on the chair, and Professor Flitwick picked up the Sorting Hat and prepared to put it on her head.

But the Sorting Hat didn't even touch her hair and shouted loudly——


The long table in Ravenclaw House instantly burst into a burst of applause, welcoming this cute little witch to join them.

"Oh My God!"

The owl covered its face with its wings.

No more guessing.

He knew the whereabouts of one of the founders.

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