Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 5 Bruce enters the orphanage

"I want to explain to you the rules of traveling through the heavens first."

"Whenever we go to a new world, the laws of the world will arrange an origin for you based on your situation.

“This is to facilitate your activities in this world without arousing too much suspicion.

"You don't have to worry about it, just accept it."

Katum stopped on Bruce's shoulder and explained to him everything that happened in front of him.

But Bruce still had a hard time accepting it.

"You mean, this arrangement best suits my identity?"

"That's right!"


Bruce stood in front of the iron gate of the building and double-checked that he had read it correctly.

This is an orphanage.

"I'm not an orphan!" Bruce protested unbearably, "I have Alfred!"

"Don't tell me this. It's not my assigned identity. If you feel that your fragile dignity has been hurt, you should protest to the world."

Katum said nonchalantly. He looked at the name of 'Wu's Orphanage' and knew what world he was in now.

The world of Harry Potter.

Wu's Orphanage is also famous in the Harry Potter world.

Because it has an outstanding resident named Tom Riddle.

Katum glanced at the newspaper on the roadside before. The time now is 1991, the timeline where the original story begins.

This means that the current world is relatively peaceful. Even if the world is in chaos, it will take a few more years.

Little Bruce grows up in such a world and will not encounter any life danger for the time being.

What happened in the Zhutian Tunnel before was also a lingering fear for Katum.

When he first came into this world, he immediately came to this conclusion.

"Barbatos won't let it go."

Katum maintained his image and reminded Bruce in a nonchalant tone.

"As the Lord of the Dark Universe, he is bound to the DC world, but this does not mean that he will give up on you.

"If my guess is correct, he should choose to release DC characters into your world and capture you."

Little Bruce was puzzled at the time: "Why are you arresting me? I don't know him at all!"

"I said, you are the most important part of his plan. Just know this and don't ask about anything else."

The reason why Katum didn't say anything was because the truth behind it was not something a ten-year-old child could bear.

This will subvert Bruce's world view and severely damage his belief in becoming stronger in the future.

In the original comics, Batman's life trajectory was almost always designed by Barbatos, the god of bats.

Including the death of Bruce's parents.

Barbatos' purpose is for Batman's body to become a portal that opens the Dark Multiverse into the original Earth.

And Katum took Bruce away, which was equivalent to storming out of Barbatos' house and carrying the door away.

How could he give up?

The pursuers who will capture Bruce will definitely come. They may be Gotham criminals, super-powered villains, or even Batman himself from the parallel universe.

Anyway, the higher the intensity of the world Bruce is in, the stronger the pursuers will be.

The Harry Potter world is considered a low-magic universe, and the safety factor is relatively good.

Bruce is a man who keeps things to himself.

Katum didn't want to say more, and he didn't have the strength to press, so he simply didn't ask further and just thought he would find out slowly in the future.

The most important thing now is to integrate into this new world.


Bruce pushed open the iron door of the orphanage and walked straight in.

Passing through the big iron gate, there is a bare yard. Behind the yard is a square and old building, surrounded by high railings.

The Wu Orphanage will be demolished next year and an office building will be built on the site.

Therefore, there are not many people living in it now, and the whole orphanage has a gloomy and old-fashioned atmosphere.

Bruce muttered: "Very good, I have begun to hate this world."

Catum followed him, flew into the orphanage, looked around, and came to the conclusion: "It feels a bit like Wayne Manor."

Bruce didn't argue with this.

To him, the parentsless Wayne Manor was indeed as big a tomb as the orphanage.

Bruce walked up the steps leading to the front door. Before he could knock on the door, a middle-aged nun wearing an apron came forward aggressively.


She shouted angrily, "Where have you run away! I told you someone would come looking for you today! You always have to run around by yourself!"

Looking for me?

Bruce felt baffled. He had just come to this world, how could someone be looking for him?

But before he could refute, he was pulled into the front door by his nanny.

Bruce turned back and wanted to ask Katum for help.

But he found that the other party had already flown to the mailbox and showed no concern about what happened to him.

Bruce was finally pulled away.

Katum really doesn't care what happens. This is the world's own arrangement and is helping Bruce improve his identity.

No need to intervene.

This arrangement is completely random and sometimes brings some unexpected surprises.

Even if it turns out that Bruce is Voldemort's illegitimate son, Katum will not be surprised.


As Bruce was pulled into the building, the surroundings became silent.

At this time, an owl slightly smaller than Katoom landed on the mailbox and stood with Katoom.

It held a letter in its claws. Katoom took a look and saw the words "Wood Orphanage, Bruce Wayne" written on it.

On the back of the envelope was a wax seal and a shield emblem. The capital "H" was surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

The little owl tilted its head, not understanding why there was already an owl standing here.

Wasn't the task of delivering the letter assigned to it only?

Katoom turned around and looked at the little owl.

Both sides were silent, and in the eyes of the two owls, there was only the figure of each other.

Suddenly, Katoom flapped his wings and slapped the little owl off the mailbox at lightning speed.

"Where is your mother?"

Katum cursed, "What class, standing in the same mailbox with me."


"Mr. Bruce Wayne, right?"

In the director's office of the orphanage, two men in suits and leather shoes, holding a stack of documents in their hands, kept comparing them with Bruce in front of them.

Bruce frowned.

He didn't like the feeling of being scrutinized, which made him extremely insecure.

This situation didn't last long.

One of the men quickly put down the documents and showed a confident expression.

"It can't be wrong!"

He said so, and then showed a warm smile.

The attitude towards Bruce changed 180 degrees.

"We finally found you, Master Wayne!"


Bruce frowned even deeper.

What's going on?

How did he become a master again?

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