Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 36: Quirrell also did it

After entering November, the weather becomes very cold.

The mountains surrounding the school were gray and covered with ice and snow, and the lake was as cold and hard as tempered steel.

Every morning there is frost on the ground.

Bruce was wearing a black winter robe and a goose-yellow scarf representing Hufflepuff. Katum stood on his shoulders and also wore a small scarf.

He walked across the stone bridge connecting the two towers, and the hot breath from his mouth quickly condensed into ice crystals.

"Obviously Quirrell did it too!"

Bruce vowed, "Otherwise there is no other explanation."

These days, Bruce replayed the events of Halloween over and over again, and there was one question that he couldn't get around.

Who let the troll in?

"Except for the ghost, there were only three people in the hall who were not present at that time."

Bruce walked forward in a hurry, "Hermione, Hagrid and Quirrell. Hermione is the victim, so only Hagrid and Quirrell are suspects!"

Hagrid usually stayed in his hunting lodge, but Quirrell later ran into the hall to report the news.

Strictly speaking, neither man had an alibi.

Of course, if you add the prankster, there will be one more suspect - Peeves.

As for the house elves who had been staying in the kitchen, they were not within Bruce's suspicion for the time being.

Bruce and Peeves had had cordial and friendly exchanges these days. For the sake of the Supreme Wand, Peeves swore tremblingly that he had not let the troll in.

Moreover, Peeves helped Bruce rule out a suspect.

Hagrid spent Halloween deep in the Forbidden Forest, calming the frightened magical animals.

"There has been some instability in the Forbidden Forest recently," Peeves explained. "The unicorns are very scared, as if someone wants to harm them. Of course, I swear, this is not my fault!"

With Peeves' testimony, there was only one suspect left.


Bruce had long disliked Quirrell.

As a teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Quirrell's teaching ability can be said to be completely unqualified.

"He teaches useless things." Bruce once commented.

After hearing these words, Katum looked Bruce up and down, then nodded and said: "It is indeed useless."

And Quirrell always smelled of garlic, which Bruce couldn't stand.

Now he finally had the chance to attack Quirrell.

There was a Quidditch match at Hogwarts today, Gryffindor versus Slytherin, and all the teachers and students of the school gathered on the pitch, where Quirrell could be found.

"I have suspected for a long time that Quirrell might be Dumbledore's black glove."

Bruce said to Katum, "Otherwise I can't explain why such a person can become a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

If you want to become a teacher, you should accept various assessments. It is obvious that Quirrell is not qualified.

But why was he still hired? How on earth did he pass Dumbledore's interview?

The answer is obvious.


Quirrell used his unparalleled loyalty to gain Dumbledore's trust, and finally stayed at Hogwarts.

"As long as there is something wrong with Quirrell, it means there is something wrong with Dumbledore."

Bruce was confident and headed to the Quidditch pitch.

Quidditch is the most popular sport in the wizarding world, but Bruce has little interest in it.

Because after reading the rules of Quidditch, he still had an idea that remained unanswered.

According to the rules, Quidditch does not limit hitting people with the ball, nor does it limit crowding. It can even be double-teamed two-on-one to force a change of direction.

The most important thing is that even if a player is injured, no other player is allowed to replace him.

Unless the game lasts for several days, substitutions are allowed to allow players to take a nap.

That being the case, Bruce didn't understand.

Why don't the two teams just fight each other after taking the field?

After crippling all the members of one team, doesn't the other team just score however they want?

Unconsciously, Bruce came to the Quidditch pitch.

At this time, the game has begun, the atmosphere is in full swing, and the winter chill has been completely dispelled. It seems that all the teachers and students of the school have come to the stands around the Quidditch pitch, and some seats have even been raised into the air.

In the stands, the Gryffindor students were particularly excited because this year's first-year Harry Potter was admitted to the Gryffindor school team as an exception.

Harry was a gifted player and it was said that he could dive fifty feet and catch a ball in flight.

This kind of person is exactly what the Gryffindor school team needs, because they have not won the championship for four consecutive years.

This year is the most promising year.

Harry carries the hope of the entire Gryffindor House.

According to the original work, Malfoy, who joins next year, will not have this treatment.

Because Slytherin was already the champion before he joined.

Bruce stood outside the field, looking for him in the stands, and soon found Quirrell in the stands.

The other party was standing next to Snape, staring straight at the field, mumbling something, not knowing what he was doing.


There was a chorus of exclamations in the stands, as if something unexpected had happened.

Bruce looked towards the field and saw Harry in the sky, holding the broom handle tightly with both hands and clamping it tightly with his knees.

The broomstick was swinging as if it was desperately trying to throw him down.

Bruce frowned: "This is a curse!"

Someone is casting a curse on Harry, trying to make him have an accident.

The Gryffindor stands were already in chaos, and every time Harry's broom moved, they exclaimed.

They could only worry, but they could do nothing.

"It's Quirrell!"

Bruce immediately determined the reason. He saw Quirrell casting a curse just now, and it must be him!

I didn't expect that I would encounter such a situation just by coming to take a look.

Obviously, no one noticed Quirrell's little move, which was a change caused by Catum's prank.

According to the original story line, Hermione accidentally rescued Harry because she suspected Snape and thought he was casting a curse.

And this suspicion came from Snape's previous targeting of them.

But now, this targeting is gone, and Snape's attitude towards Harry can be described as spring breeze.

Even recently, Bruce heard that Snape found a special spell with powerful power and wanted to teach it to Harry.

There is only one premise, this spell can only be learned by girls.

So when Harry was learning this spell, he had to drink Snape's special potion and temporarily turn into a girl.

In this case, Hermione would not suspect Snape at all.

"Is Quirrell so brave?"

Bruce suddenly frowned, feeling something was wrong.

He couldn't think of any reason why Quirrell would target Harry in public.

Unless -

He accepted someone's order.

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