Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 24 Little Gotham is shocked

The banquet ended quickly. After Dumbledore explained some prohibitions and the teachers and students of the school sang the school song together, the prefects of each college led the new students to the lounge.

Hufflepuff Common's common room is very secure and is the only house common room with an ejection device to prevent intruders.

The entrance to the lounge is in the corridor on the right near the kitchen, where a pile of large wooden barrels is placed on a dark stone trough.

"Everyone must remember the rhythm!"

Hufflepuff prefect, Gabriel Truman, introduced to everyone——

"Tap the bottom of the second barrel in the middle of the second row according to the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff'. The lid of the barrel will rotate open and the entrance to the lounge will appear. It's very convenient!"

No password is required, and no questions need to be answered.

Bruce spoke highly of this: "It's a very interesting way to open the door."

He couldn't help but think that if he returned to Gotham and designed a secret base for himself, he would have to have a system like this.

For example, the entrance to a secret tunnel is hidden behind a display cabinet in Wayne Manor, and the secret door can only be opened by playing a scale on the piano.

"Everyone must not strike to the wrong rhythm." Truman emphasized again and again. "If you don't strike to the correct melody, strike the wrong barrel, or strike the wrong number of times, the lid of the other barrel will burst. , let you be covered with vinegar.

"So it's best to train by yourself in private, otherwise you'll just have to smell of jealousy all day long."

Truman demonstrated it to everyone at a slow speed and opened the passage door.

A group of young wizards followed him into the lounge.

The decoration of the Hufflepuff lounge is not gorgeous, but it looks very warm. It is filled with soft armchairs and various fragrant herbs.

There is a portrait hanging on the wall. This is a slightly fat red-haired lady, holding a gold cup in her hand and smiling very friendly.

This is the sunny and cheerful witch Lady Helga, the founder of Hufflepuff House.

"Why doesn't this portrait move?" a young wizard asked.

"Hey, it's true." Truman frowned, "This painting was still able to move last year. It seems that the time has really come."

The reason why the portrait can move is determined by the magic power of the wizard in the painting. The more powerful the wizard is, the stronger the intelligence of the portrait will be, and it can even be the same as the real person.

The same is true for the portraits of Hufflepuff. At least a thousand years ago, the people in the portraits could teach magic to young wizards.

But after all, a thousand years have passed.

Since a long time ago, Hufflepuff's portrait can only repeat simple movements, let alone communicate with others.

Now that it is completely motionless, everyone only feels sorry for it, but not surprised at all.

Truman said: "I will report this matter to the dean later. Now, everyone can return to their dormitories in order."

He first led the girls through a door, and then led the boys to the dormitory where their luggage was already placed.

It was late at night, Bruce was lying on the bed with yellow velvet curtains, and Katum jumped on his pillow.

"Bruce, are you thinking about Gotham?"

"Don't ask such silly questions."

Bruce sat up slightly. He and Katum were communicating spiritually, so there was no need to worry about disturbing his sleeping roommate.

"Today I finally saw Dumbledore in person." Bruce recalled the white-bearded figure. "It is indeed as unfathomable as what was said in the book."

"Then what do you think?" Katum asked.

"I think...he's scary."

Bruce pondered for a moment and expressed his worries, "Others say that Dumbledore is one of the most powerful wizards in contemporary times, and he is highly respected and has countless followers.

"No one can restrain such a wizard. What if he wants to do bad things? Can anyone stop him?"

Katum shrugged: "You really don't want to trust others at all."

"It's not that I don't trust others, but my worries are not groundless." Bruce retorted, "If there was such an existence in Gotham, I wouldn't be able to sleep well."

Katum asked, "What should we do? Do you want a Batman vs. Dumbledore?"

"That's not necessary." Bruce lowered his head, "But I have to find Dumbledore's weaknesses so that I can stop him when he does evil in the future."


Bruce's natural persecution paranoia makes him unable to tolerate the existence of any invincible person.

Katum suspected that if one day Bruce traveled to the Warhammer world, with his paranoia, he would have to find a way to pull the Emperor off the Golden Throne, and then sit on it himself.

"Let me tell you, you don't have to worry about Dumbledore."

As a God's perspective, Katum decided to get Bruce back on track.

They didn't come to the Harry Potter world to be saviors, they just came to study and become stronger.

"Dumbledore, don't worry about him, he will die on his own."

Katum said, "What you should be worried about most right now is your good fellow, Jason Todd."

"What's wrong with him?" Bruce was stunned for a moment when he suddenly heard the name.

It's been a while since I heard anything from him. He obviously shouted at me to kill him, but he never showed up after that.

Bruce thought he had given up.

"This kid was brought up by your future self. He has the same problem as you. He doesn't fight an unprepared battle."

Katum explained, "Today I heard the professors talking about him, as if they were looking for something that might be used against the magical world.

"Unlike you, he has no no-kill policy. I'm looking forward to it now."

Bruce frowned: "What do you expect?"

"I hope he can complete the big work and bring a little bit of Gotham shock to this magical world that has been comfortable for a long time."

Hufflepuffs usually attend classes with Ravenclaws.

On the first day of school, Bruce's class schedule included two Potions classes in the morning, one Herbology class, and one History of Magic class in the afternoon.

Potions class is held in an underground classroom.

This place is cooler than the main building of the castle. Glass jars are placed along the wall, and the animal specimens soaked in them make people shiver.

The little wizards of Hufflepuff were bullied as soon as they came to school.

Professor Snape has greasy black hair, a hooked nose, and cold and empty eyes.

"You are here to learn the precise science and art of potion making."

He started taking roll calls as soon as the class started, and then entered the teaching phase without any pleasantries.

"Since there's no silly waving of wands here, many of you won't believe this is magic."

His cold eyes swept over each student's face, and the little wizard couldn't help but lower his head, not daring to make eye contact with him.

Then Snape saw Bruce.

Unexpectedly, Bruce still remained sitting upright, head held high, looking at Snape without any fear.

Snape frowned slightly and continued to speak——

"I don't expect you to truly understand the beauty of the slowly simmering crucible emitting white smoke and bursting with fragrance. You won't truly understand the wonder of the liquid flowing into people's blood vessels, which makes people's hearts and minds blurred. magic……

“I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death——

"But there must be one thing, that is, you are not the stupid idiots I often encounter!"

After saying that, he stared at Bruce, this ungrateful student with gloomy eyes.

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