Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 184 Wonder Woman is tied up

Bruce knew that the Sea Queen's values ​​were different from those of this world, and he had prepared himself mentally in advance.

But what he didn't expect was that after the Sea Queen and Diana, such a wonderful linkage would occur.

Bruce became a complete bystander, and was completely unable to intervene in this battle between women.

Diana was now full of fighting spirit.

She held the Sword of Vulcan and the Shield of Amazon, both of which were upgraded by the God of Craftsmanship. She was not at all inferior to the Trident of Poseidon.

"For the glory of Paradise Island!"

Diana roared, and her boots stomped suddenly, leaving countless cracks on the floor.

Her whole body soared up, raised her sword high, and slashed at the Sea Queen.

The Sea Queen waved the trident, and three tornadoes wrapped in sea water appeared beside her.

Facing this kind of home field power that manipulated the sea water, Diana's eyes were firm, and she slashed the sword in her hand.

The Sword of Vulcan drew a dazzling arc in the air, and wherever the sword passed, the air seemed to be cut and made a sharp whistle.

The Queen of the Sea held the golden halberd tightly in both hands, pulling the sea water, and three tornadoes strangled Diana.

Just as the tornadoes were about to merge, Diana suddenly turned around, changed the trajectory of the attack, and avoided the frontal impact of the three seawater tornadoes.

With the help of the power of rotation, the sword's momentum did not decrease but increased, and she slashed at the Queen of the Sea again from an unexpected angle.

The Queen of the Sea reacted quickly, and the trident turned violently, and the surrounding water elements gathered to form a water wall, trying to resist this attack.

But the Sword of the God of Fire, which had been upgraded by the God of Craftsmanship, was extremely powerful. The tip of the sword touched the water, and instantly stirred up a splash of water. The sword directly split the water wall and approached the Queen of the Sea.

The Queen of the Sea condensed her eyes, and the trident suddenly inserted into the ground, and powerful waves came from all directions.

At the same time, with the help of the reverse thrust of the waves, she retreated rapidly and avoided Diana's fatal blow.

In the first confrontation, Diana took the initiative.

She was determined to correct all her mistakes and take back those wishes that should not have existed.

Therefore, she did not hold back at all.

The Queen of the Sea also realized how powerful Diana was.

"It seems that you are the type who gets stronger the more you fight."

She said, "That's good, such an opponent is worthy of my full effort!"

The battle continues!

The figures of the two crossed each other in the air.

After a burst of golden swords clashing, the two landed steadily on the ground.

The Queen of the Sea waved her trident, and the sea water was like a dragon, sweeping towards Diana again.

Diana raised her shield to block, and the rushing water column split in two in front of the shield. Diana held the sword and moved forward steadily, constantly approaching the Queen of the Sea.

This indomitable fighting spirit gave the Queen of the Sea a headache.

She began to change her moves, wrapping herself with sea water, turning into a water-shaped giant, and slapping down with her giant palm.

But Diana threw out the truth chain directly, passed through the body of the water-shaped giant, and entangled the feet of the Queen of the Sea.

She pulled hard and found that she could not pull the Queen of the Sea out, so she immediately took advantage of the situation to pull herself over, entered the body of the water-shaped giant, and fought hand-to-hand with the Queen of the Sea.

Bruce and Katum watched their fight and pointed out some things.

"Diana's combat IQ is very high."

Owl suddenly sighed and was agreed by Bruce.

Indeed, although Diana is usually so reckless, when it comes to fighting, the various combat skills she uses on the spot can allow her to quickly gain the initiative on the battlefield.

This has nothing to do with talent. It is completely the result of Diana's hard training year after year and day after day for five thousand years, and the qualitative change caused by quantitative change.

Now that the Queen of the Sea is close to Diana, the battle should not last long.

Sure enough -

Just a moment later, the body of the water giant suddenly collapsed, and two wet female warriors fell out of it.

Compared with Diana's ease, the Queen of the Sea now looks much more embarrassed.

Even the hand holding the trident is shaking faintly.

It's not because of fear, but because Diana's strength is too great. Every time the sword and the halberd collided before, Diana's huge force would hit the Queen of the Sea.

The fact that she can still hold the trident now can only be attributed to the Sea Queen's extraordinary physique.

The battle was about to be decided.

At this moment, the Sea Queen suddenly started to take a different approach.

In just a blink of an eye, her body suddenly turned into water, her real body disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, the Sea Queen appeared beside Bruce.

Then, in front of Diana, she touched Bruce's face.


Batboy couldn't understand why the Sea Queen would do this, and then he heard Diana roaring.

"Stay away from him!"

"I don't want it."

The Sea Queen smiled, "Your man feels good."

As soon as the voice fell, the barrier that originally blocked the surrounding sea water collapsed instantly, and the overwhelming waves came from all directions, and in a blink of an eye, it completely submerged this place.

Diana's attention was on Bruce and the Sea Queen at this time. The sudden rush of sea water made her unstable and lost her balance in the sea.

She could only go with the flow, watching herself being washed into the depths of the ocean.

The Queen of the Sea grabbed Bruce by the back of his collar to prevent Batboy from being swept away by the sea.

As for the inconspicuous owl next to him, it didn't matter.

"I don't really like to make a fuss about men."

The Queen of the Sea's voice rang in Bruce's ears. She could speak even in the water.

"But this woman is really strong and a bit tricky, I can only resort to this last resort, fortunately my guess is right, you are indeed her weak spot."

Bruce was dumbfounded.

Things have come to this point, the Queen of the Sea can still be so sanctimonious.

It's a pity that he is now in the sea and can't speak, otherwise he will definitely let her experience the art of language.

The water pressure around is getting stronger and stronger.

The breath that Bruce originally held was almost exhausted, his face began to turn purple, and the feeling of suffocation became more and more severe.

"It seems that you are dying."

The Queen of the Sea hovered in the sea, looking at Bruce with a smile, "Do you want your sister to give you artificial respiration?"

Get out!

Bruce wanted to say this, but the current situation was beyond his control.

The Queen of the Sea's face was close to him.

She was complacent, as if she felt that she was very good at teasing men.

In her world, in addition to being the king of the seven seas, she would occasionally go ashore to tease some ignorant boys.

The Queen of the Sea is also a veteran in the love field.

However, before the Queen of the Sea could really succeed, a golden light suddenly flashed under the deep sea.

The golden light was getting closer and closer, and a figure could be vaguely seen.


She had put away all her weapons at this time, bare-handed, long hair dancing in the sea water, eyes occupied by light, and there seemed to be a layer of golden film around her body.

The whole person was full of divinity.

The pupils of the Queen of the Sea shrank instantly. She had never seen such a scene before.

The strange man of Earth-11 had never used such an ability!

Diana rushed over here quickly, and she roared in her mouth: "Let him go!"

Then, the whole person hit the body of the Queen of the Sea like a cannonball.

The Queen of the Sea suddenly lost her strength and let go of Bruce's hand. The whole person was clamped by Diana and rushed out of the sea level.

Bruce was left at the bottom of the sea.


It was the same drowning scene again, but this time, Bruce didn't need to hold on anymore. He stretched out his hand and wanted to summon the Hell Bat Armor immediately.

The power of the deep sea, his good brother, allows him to move freely in the sea.

But before he could complete the summoning, a golden light came in front of him, just like when he was drowning in Paradise Island, Diana came to save him again.

Bruce, who was drowning, subconsciously hugged Diana again.

This time, Diana did not pry his hands apart, but just raised her head and rushed to the sea with him, leaving the boundless deep sea.

Diana took Bruce and slowly landed on the ground in the form of a princess hug.

The embarrassed Queen of the Sea was not far away, holding the trident and panting.

She looked at Diana's current appearance and still couldn't believe it.

What kind of power is this?

She didn't need to think too much. After Diana put Bruce down, she rushed to her again.

Their battle was not over yet, and they still had to fight before the winner was decided.

Bruce got up from the ground, shook his head, and shook off the water droplets on his hair, and at this moment, Katum fell from the sky.

Owl was just washed away by the sea and disappeared, but now it seems that he is fine.

Not only that, he wrapped himself in a bubble in the water, and even when he returned to the shore, he did not pop the bubble.

"Good guy."

Katum suddenly sighed, "Diana actually exploded. The move just now was originally used after she witnessed Steve's death."

In the original "Wonder Woman" movie, Steve's plane exploded in the sky, and finally the villain Ares's constant provocation, and finally a wave of memories, Diana used such power.

Now just because Bruce is about to be eaten by the Queen of the Sea, she used it?


Bruce suddenly shook his head and said, "I didn't feel the change of the patronus, and the bond has not been formed yet."

Diana didn't explode for him.

And at this time, Diana's situation also looked a little wrong. Her current battle with the Queen of the Sea has completely lost the superb fighting skills she had before.

One punch and one kick, open and close, only the most primitive fighting instinct is left.

"It's not Diana's humanity or divinity that protects me, but her animality." Bruce said so.

He has figured it out.

Diana sank to the bottom of the sea before, and her life was hanging by a thread, so she entered this super Diana state.

It was completely instinctive, and had nothing to do with Bruce.

"You can't say that."

Katum in the bubble flapped his wings, "You see, even if she lost consciousness, she still wanted to save you, which shows that in her instinct, she has already regarded you as her property."

This is a good start.

It means that at least one-third of the strategy has been completed.

"You are still more optimistic." Bruce said so.

Diana now has a very terrifying aura, like a lioness whose territory has been invaded, and she wants to tear the enemy to pieces.

What the Queen of the Sea wanted to do to Bruce before has deeply offended her.

It really crossed the line.

At this time, the Queen of the Sea's movements were all messed up.

The magic she was proud of had no effect at all in front of Super Diana.

This is a matter of course.

Even the power of the complete Ares couldn't hurt Super Diana, let alone the power of Poseidon's trident?

Soon, as Diana performed a difficult high-leg lift, the trident in the Sea Queen's hand was kicked out of her hand.

"Good opportunity!"

Katum suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and flew towards the Poseidon Trident in the distance.

On the other side, Diana grabbed the Sea Queen by the neck and punched her in the abdomen without giving her any chance to beg for mercy.


Bruce gasped, this bloody scene was really bloody.

Diana gasped like a beast and retracted her fist, blood dripping down her wrist.

She let go of the Sea Queen's hand, and she immediately fell to the ground limply.


The Sea Queen's pupils began to dilate, and the life began to peel away from her body bit by bit.


She said this last sentence, and then her pupils completely lost focus.

She's dead——



Suddenly, a strong heartbeat sounded in the ears of Bruce and Diana.

The Sea Queen's body suddenly trembled, and the big hole in her abdomen began to regenerate rapidly, and her originally dull eyes regained their vitality.

at the same time--

On the originally calm sea, the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and huge waves hit one after another, overlapping and heading into the distance.

That direction——

"It's France!"

Katum suddenly shouted, "That's the direction of France!"

Everything happened too fast. The power of the tsunami rushed to northern France in an instant. The tide landed in Normandy, destroying all the buildings there, causing an unprecedented disaster.

Bruce suddenly understood.

"This is the price of making a wish!" He said, "These descendants are fighting for a country, so the damage they endure will be borne by that country!"

The Sea Queen had suffered life-threatening injuries just now, but she quickly recovered as before.

It's because someone took the pain for her!

"What a love train."

Katum cursed, "How come I don't have this ability!"

"Is that the point?!"

Bruce brought the topic back to the right track, "Isn't the problem now that we can't kill the descendants?"


Katum didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

On the other side, Super Diana picked up the reborn Sea Queen, clenched her fists, and prepared to punch her again.

If you don't kill it once, just kill it again.

"Diana! Wait!"

Bruce wanted to interrupt Diana's movements, but Miss Wonder Woman couldn't listen to anything now.

The Sea Queen was almost dying of anxiety.

She sees that the current Diana has no qualms at all and will kill herself over and over again until France can no longer bear the cost of her death.

By then, the Sea Queen is truly dead.

"Please help me quickly!"

The Sea Queen did not beg Diana for mercy, but instead shouted to Bruce in the distance.

"You don't want people from a whole country to be buried with me! Stop her quickly!"

She was about to cry, and kept saying to Bruce, "Can't you even persuade your own woman? You cry, make trouble, and hang yourself! There are innocent people behind me. Even if you don't save me, you have to save them." ah!"


Bruce sighed, the Sea Queen was right.

Moreover, Diana's current behavior was not from her original intention.

If she is allowed to act recklessly, when she regains consciousness later, she will find that she has done such an irreparable and forgivable thing.

Miss Wonder Woman may really be about to have her heart broken.

"You have to understand, I am definitely not trying to save you!"

Bruce finally said this, then threw out the black secret lasso from his waist and tied up Super Diana.

Strange to say.

Diana, who originally had extraordinary strength, suddenly collapsed like soft mud after her hands were tied, and the domineering power that dominated her body also disappeared instantly.

Super Diana mode is released.

Now Diana's eyes were closed tightly, obviously falling into a peaceful sleep.


Katum suddenly asked in surprise, "How did you know to tie Diana's hands?"

"What hands?" Bruce wondered, "I obviously tied her whole body."

"Oh, that's it, then it's okay."

Katum decided not to tell Bruce the inappropriate content.

The character of Wonder Woman once had an extremely ancient setting.

She is indeed powerful and blessed by the gods, but she has a fatal weakness.

As long as her hands are tied, she will lose all her strength and become at the mercy of others.

Of course, this setting has long been abandoned in countless reboots of the DC universe. Logically speaking, Diana no longer has this weakness.

Now Bruce accidentally accidentally tied Diana's hands with a secret lasso, and actually recreated this ancient setting.

Could it be said——

Katum suddenly had a guess. Could it be that this lasso was a product of the DC universe before it was restarted countless times and came from the original era.

It is precisely because of this that it can activate the earliest setting of Wonder Woman.


The more Katum thought about it, the more likely it seemed. When Bruce first got the noose, didn't he yell that he was an orphan?

The setting of the orphan has followed Bruce since his birth.

Equivalent to core settings.


Katum had a strange idea.

If the secret lasso has this strange ability to restore the old settings.

Then use it to tie up Superman, will the Golden Superman or the Silver Superman appear directly?

"Let's talk about this later."

Katum thought, let alone whether it is possible, it is really difficult to persuade Clark to participate in Bruce's binding game.

At this time, the Queen of the Sea had stumbled to her feet.

The scars on her body had disappeared, but her physical strength had not recovered, not to mention her Trident of Poseidon, which disappeared magically after being kicked away by Diana.

I don't know where it went.

The current Queen of the Sea has greatly reduced her strength, and even if she participates in the Advent War, she will no longer have any chance of winning.

She looked at Bruce and Diana, who immediately became docile after being tied up by him.

It's hard to imagine what these two people usually play.

"I won't bother you, I'm leaving!"

The Queen of the Sea covered her arm, wanting to leave this place of trouble as soon as possible.

Then Bruce stopped her: "You can't leave!"

After that, regardless of whether the Queen of the Sea agreed or not, Bruce took the Lasso of Truth from Diana's waist and threw it into the sky.

This weapon belonging to Wonder Woman actually obeyed Bruce's order and tied up the Queen of the Sea.

The Queen of the Sea fell to the ground in response.

"You have some secrets that I am very interested in."

Bruce said, "After Diana wakes up, we have to study how to really destroy you!"

After that, he sat down next to the two tied women.

Bruce looked at the sea surface in the distance that had returned to calm, without looking away, just quietly waiting for Diana to wake up.

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