Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 181: The Arms Dealer of Olympus

Red lightning wrapped Bruce and Diana in a completely unfamiliar place.

In front of them was a city standing on the top of a mountain, with clouds covering the mountains, like a paradise beyond the mortal world.

The city of Olympus, the temple where the gods live.

Harley burped and exhaled a breath of dragon breath.

After completing the delivery mission, its eyes began to blur, and a wave of sleepiness came over it. In a blink of an eye, it fell asleep in Diana's palm.

"It seems that this kind of mission is still too difficult for it."

Katum grabbed Harley from Diana and stuffed it into the small leather bag on his chest.

"Let it have a good sleep."

It was a bit hard for this palm-sized dragon to wrap two people and a bird with super speed force and take them through the barrier of time and space.

Diana was already a little dazed at the scenery of the Temple of Olympus in the distance.

"This is... the realm of the gods..."

She murmured, "where Zeus is."

When Diana mentioned Zeus now, she still didn't dare to call him father. The legends she had heard from her mother in the past always made her have a filter for the gods.

She hadn't adapted to her identity as a demigod yet, and still felt that all gods except Ares were superior.

Bruce disagreed with this very much.

The old gods were just stronger humans after all. Judging from Ares's performance, they also had seven emotions and six desires, and they couldn't transcend everything at all.

"Okay, Diana, we have to find the god of fire."

Bruce reminded, "Here, let's try not to attract other people's attention."

According to the legend of the Amazon, Zeus had died countless years ago.

Bruce was skeptical about this. He had seen too many things that came back to life from the dead. He wouldn't be surprised if Zeus suddenly jumped out one day.

But anyway, Zeus is not here in Olympus now.

The one leading the gods is Zeus' wife, the queen of heaven Hera.

This is a bit troublesome.

Katum said that in Hera's eyes, Diana's mother Hippolyta was equivalent to Zeus's mistress.

Now the mistress's daughter came to her house. If she knew, it would not be something worth looking forward to.

This matter is also recorded in "Injustice".

"Let's keep a low profile and find the God of Fire."

Bruce looked far away and searched for the traces of the God of Fire in the God's Domain.

This is not a difficult thing.

The God of Fire built his forge in a volcano, where the flames shot up to the sky and the sound of hammers knocked incessantly, which was very conspicuous in the God's Domain of Olympus.

Soon, he saw a volcano spewing magma, and the burning flames even dyed the sky red.

Bruce and Diana approached the volcano, and the smell of sulfur penetrated into their noses, causing people to cough.

The temperature around was so hot that it was unbearable. Bruce cast a spell to create a group of cold air around, which slightly relieved the dryness.

But before that, Diana had torn off her human clothes and returned to the Amazon warrior costume.

"This set is still comfortable to wear."

Diana said, "Bruce, are you okay? Do you want me to get you one too?"

Although there was air conditioning to cool down, the heat waves still made Bruce sweat on his forehead.

He was wearing a British-style uniform, wrapped tightly all over, so Diana asked this question.

Bruce naturally refused.

What a joke, all Amazon armors are female, all breastplates, small skirts and long boots. Diana looks good in it, but what about him?

On the other side, Katum opened his mouth and urged them.

"Okay, don't worry about what you wear, just go in quickly!"

He didn't like the high temperature around him. Although it didn't cause any harm to him, it always made him feel like he was about to be cooked.

Let's get things done and go.

At the foot of the volcano, there is a huge cave, which is very eye-catching and not hidden at all.

Walking down the cave, the temperature gets higher as we get deeper.

Diana is fine, she is a demigod and can adapt to extreme environments.

Bruce's physique is just that of an ordinary human being, so he can only keep releasing cold air to make himself feel better.

"In fact, just put on the Hell Bat Suit."

Katum reminded him, "You will always reach your limit if you use your human physique to resist."

"Wait until I really can't bear it."

Bruce shook his head. He didn't want to rely on the Hell Suit forever, and he believed that this high temperature could temper his will.

Seeing this, Katum said nothing more.

In this world, there are always some people who like to suffer and can't be persuaded to come back.


Bruce didn't know how long he had walked in the mountain passage.

He only knew that after a long dark journey, a red light began to appear in front of him.

That was the end of the passage. After walking through it, they arrived at the Vulcan's workshop.

The sound of metal knocking rang in their ears, one after another, it was the sound of hammers hitting.

Bruce and his companions finally walked out of the passage, and what appeared before them was a red world. In the hollowed-out mountain, a huge furnace was working.

A human standing in front of this furnace was like a mayfly looking up at the sky.

The furnace was in the middle, connected to countless molten iron tank cars.

The wind wheel of the molten iron tanker rotates, pulling the hot magma out of the molten pool, separating it in the pipes, and pouring it into the furnace.

The magma splashes and sometimes drips to the ground, immediately emitting white smoke and making a gurgling sound.

A huge figure turned its back to them, holding a hammer tightly and hammering away.

Thumb thump thump——

Every time it is struck, the entire volcano echoes.

One after another, it actually sounded like some kind of rhythmic melody.

Bruce recognized this man as the god of fire they were looking for, Hephaestus.

He is a very majestic god, but because of his unique appearance, his handsomeness is not obvious enough, and his ugliness is too prominent, so that you can recognize his identity just by looking at his back.

After Bruce and Diana approached, Vulcan's action of pounding the iron felt suddenly stopped.

He turned around, and the look on his face made Diana a little frightened.

A bit like Tolkien's orcs.


He suddenly said, "Are you Diana from Paradise Island?"

Ms. Wonder Woman didn't need to introduce herself for Vulcan to recognize her.

"You know me?" Diana asked in surprise.

"Don't be so surprised. It's me who should be surprised."

Vulcan had a calm personality and did not show too many emotions on his expression. He put the hammer aside, went to the other end of the workbench, and took out a few iron cups.

Then he picked up the teapot and poured out the liquid inside, which was a bit like magma in a molten pool, glowing red.

"I've seen you before, but you were just a child."

Vulcan held the iron cup and placed it in front of Diana and Bruce, who suddenly looked embarrassed.

For a Vulcan, this is probably the size of a cup, but for a human's size, these two iron cups are equivalent to two iron buckets.

"I never thought you would come here and come to me."

Kagami took his cup and drank it in one gulp.

"And I didn't expect that you would actually fall in love." Vulcan said, "Diana, you are only five thousand years old, how can you fall in love so early?"

"I, this..."

Vulcan's words made Diana feel a little embarrassed. She wanted to explain that Bruce and her were not in that kind of relationship.

But Vulcan didn't let her continue.

In other words, he didn't say this for Diana.

"I'll take you to meet your sister-in-law when you have time."

He said, "Let your sister-in-law take care of it for you. You are still too young and can easily be deceived by men."

This is the point of what Vulcan said.

As the ugliest god in the entire divine realm, he married the beautiful goddess Aphrodite as his wife.

Even though he has a calm personality, he will never forget to show off.

Diana had nothing to say. She could only stammer and echo: "Okay, thank you, brother."

This brother's words obviously made Vulcan very useful.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Vulcan leaned against the workbench and said, "Why do you come to me? All I can think of is to let me make weapons and armor. Apart from that, I have no use."

He didn't show any concern at all, which made Diana a little embarrassed to speak.

"Don't be so embarrassed."

Vulcan waved his hand and said matter-of-factly, "Forging is my job and my hobby. You are my sister. When I meet you for the first time, I should give you a gift."

He looked at Bruce and Diana. Both of them had empty hands. Diana was even more obvious, carrying a shield but no corresponding weapon.

Kagami understood immediately.

"The weapon is gone, right?"

He said, "Then I'll take you to my warehouse to have a look. If you see anything you like, just take it away."

After saying that, Vulcan stood up from the workbench and waved to Diana and Bruce to come together.

The interior of the volcano had indeed been hollowed out, but it had not been completely transformed into a workshop. Vulcan led them walking through the internal passage and soon arrived in front of an iron door.

The iron door was extremely thick and heavy, but Vulcan pushed it completely open with just a slight push.

The dazzling collections inside immediately appeared in front of Bruce and the others.

Then, Vulcan casually picked up something that Bruce had never thought of.

A heavy machine gun with wheels, much like the Maxim that was popular in Germany during World War I.

"How about this?"

He said, "I imitated human weapons and named them the Vulcan Water-cooled Heavy Machine Gun Type 2. It is made of divine gold. A row of bullets can penetrate an asteroid."

Ah this——

Bruce was stunned.

He never imagined that Vulcan would recommend such a thing.

But when I think about it carefully, it feels very reasonable.

Vulcan practically forged the weapons of the gods, in other words, he was the arms supplier to Olympus.

Keeping pace with the times is natural.

"Not satisfied?"

Vulcan saw Bruce's expression and scratched the top of his head, which had only a few short hairs.

"How could you be dissatisfied? Aren't you humans your favorite thing lately?"

He muttered and put down the Vulcan water-cooled heavy machine gun Type 2, and then took out another thing.


"Vulcan grenade, a throwing weapon, can easily destroy a city."

He said, "I will give you twenty-four, which is enough to deal with any enemy."

"No no no!"

Bruce reacted and quickly declined, "Mr. Hephaestus, this is not the kind of weapon we want!"

Just kidding, he wanted weapons to eliminate bad guys and protect civilians.

This grenade made all beings equal.

Diana also nodded continuously.

To be honest, she didn't understand what the God of Fire had just taken out and how to use it.

"We want swords!"

Diana said, "Swords that can penetrate any armor and shield!"


The God of Fire suddenly realized, "So you are conservatives, why didn't you say so earlier? Then come with me!"

Hephaestus finally put away the face of an arms salesman, and he took Bruce and the others to the other side of the warehouse again.

The things there were the traditional cold weapons, swords, spears, swords, halberds, armor and shields.

Diana finally understood.

"If you want a sword, I recommend this one to you."

The God of Fire picked up a sword with two fingers and handed it to Diana.

"This is the weapon I made for Ares, but before I could give it to him, he was exiled from the divine realm."

The God of Fire said, "I spent a lot of effort to make this sword, but after all, it was made thousands of years ago, and the style is a bit outdated. If you want it, I can help you recast it."

Ares' weapon?

Diana held the sword in her hand, and felt a distinct sense of heaviness. The blade was cold and chilly, revealing endless killing intent.

This is a murderous weapon.

But it is also a top-notch divine weapon.

"This... is very good."

Diana hesitated and said, "But brother, you are right, the style is really not suitable for me."

"Then recast it, it will be quick."

The God of Fire took the sword back and prepared to recast it in Diana's style.

Then he thought of something and asked, "Do you only need a sword? I can help you strengthen your armor and shield."

The equipment Diana is wearing now is forging technology from Amazon.

It's not bad, but compared with the craftsmanship of the God of Fire, it's still a little lacking.

"That's not it..."

Diana felt that it was a bit too much trouble for others, and just wanted to refuse, but at this moment, Bruce rushed to say.

"Thank you!"

"It's a piece of cake." The God of Fire said, "A set of armor and a shield, it won't take much effort."

Since it has been decided to give his sister a gift, it's better to get everything in place.

According to the God of Fire's idea, it's better to forge a golden armor for Diana so that she can deal with more crises.

"What about you?"

The God of Fire asked Bruce, "Diana's little boyfriend, what do you want, the same configuration as Diana?"


Bruce thought for a while and said, "Mr. Hephaestus, I don't actually need you to help me forge any new weapons. I already have weapons, but they are damaged. I want you to help me repair them."

"No problem, what weapons? Take them out."

The God of Fire is very confident. As a craftsman god, there is nothing in the world that he can't repair.

But when Bruce took out the fragments of Thor's hammer from Katum's feathers, Vulcan's expression changed immediately.

His whole huge body instantly pounced in front of Bruce, crawling and picking up the fragments, with a look of surprise and joy.

"Completely different craftsmanship..."

He murmured, "I can feel that this forging process is extraordinary, I have never seen it before! Interesting, interesting..."

At this time, Vulcan's expression was infatuated.

He has been completely immersed in the study of Thor's hammer.

As the god of craftsmanship, Hephaestus has seen countless forging methods in the world, even if he looks at the entire universe, he has seen a lot.

He has been learning and constantly improving his skills, so that now he can easily rub out an interstellar battleship with his hands.

However, the forging method of Thor's hammer really surprised him.

This method has never been seen before!

It is a brand new knowledge. If he can master it, his forging skills will surely reach a higher level!

"What's your name?"

It was only then that Vulcan began to take Bruce seriously for the first time.

He no longer regarded him as Diana's boyfriend, but as an independent man.

"Bruce, my name is Bruce Wayne."

Bruce introduced himself, and then Vulcan felt a little confused at this time.

"I seem to have heard of this name before? Forget it, never mind."

He quickly got to the point, "Little Bruce, can you sell these fragments to me? I can exchange them for my entire warehouse!"

Everything in the warehouse was made by Vulcan. If he can make it once, he can make it countless times. There is nothing to regret.

But Thor's hammer is different. This is brand new knowledge and a priceless treasure!

Bruce shook his head. Although he was also very tempted by this proposal, he still refused.

"Sorry, Mr. Vulcan, this weapon is very important to me. I can't sell it to you casually."

He said, "I just hope you can fix it. I won't consider other suggestions. If you insist on buying it, then I have to find someone else."

Although in the entire solar system, Vulcan's craftsmanship can be called the first echelon.

But Bruce believed that he could always find another person.

At this moment, Vulcan was anxious.

"Find someone else? No, I'm Diana's brother. If I force you away, I'll be embarrassed to see her in the future."

He thought about it and finally made a decision.

"Forget it, if you don't want to sell it, then don't sell it. I'll repair it for you, but there is a condition. You have to keep this hammer with me for a few days, and I'll study it carefully."

"One day at most."

Bruce said, "I need this weapon to defeat the enemy..."

"Three days!"

Vulcan bargained, but Bruce refused to give in and insisted on only one day.

In the end, Vulcan could only grit his teeth and say, "Well, it takes time to repair anyway. You might as well give me three days. In exchange, I can let you take two things from my warehouse at will!"

"Whatever?" Bruce confirmed, "Can I take whatever I want?"


Vulcan nodded, "This way both of us can be satisfied."

Okay then.

Bruce could see that if he didn't agree, Vulcan would still insist. He didn't have time to waste now, so he could only agree.

After he nodded, Vulcan was ecstatic.

But when Bruce handed all the fragments to him, his expression became extremely sad again.


He said sadly, "I am over a million years old this year, and I have made countless weapons in vain. How can I have this one? Alas!"

"Mr. Vulcan."

At this time, Bruce suddenly asked, "It's not that I doubt you, I just want to open my eyes. How do you plan to repair this weapon?"

Vulcan returned to reality from sadness.

"Oh, I understand what you mean."

He said, "This hammer is indeed extraordinary. Its core used to be a dying neutron star. Now that it has been broken, the original divine power has all dissipated, like a dead object.

"But it doesn't matter. I just need to replace it with a better core."

Replace the core?

Bruce asked in confusion: "What core do you plan to replace?"

Vulcan took the fragments, observed them and said: "There are traces of the power of thunder on these fragments. I guess this weapon was once used to control thunder.

"In that case, I will put another weapon that controls the power of thunder into it as the core, which is more suitable than a neutron star."

Another weapon that controls the power of thunder? !

Bruce immediately thought of something.

He hesitated and asked: "Are you talking about..."


Vulcan nodded, "It's the 'thunder' that my father Zeus used!"


Bruce's first reaction was that Vulcan was bragging.

"Isn't this possible?" Bruce said, "After Zeus passed away, thunder, as a relic of the God King, should have a special meaning, right?"

How could it be used to repair weapons for an outsider?

"My father's thunder is indeed not in my hands."

Vulcan said, "But what does it matter? After all, thunder is also a weapon made by the Cyclops, and I have mastered all the giant's forging techniques."

His implication is self-evident.

With his current ability, he can easily make another thunder!

Bruce was completely shocked by Vulcan's current confident look.

The weapon of the God King, he said he would make it, and from his tone, it can be heard that this matter is not difficult for him.

"Since, in this case..."

Bruce no longer objected, "Then I'll leave it to you."

"It doesn't matter, we have reached an agreement."

The God of Fire held the fragments, as if he was looking at rare treasures.

Unprecedented alloys, unprecedented craftsmanship, this deal is actually a win for the God of Fire.

"You can go to the warehouse casually, take whatever you see, it doesn't matter if you take more, anyway, if you take one more, I will stay one more day."

The God of Fire couldn't wait any longer, he left this sentence at last, and went to the forging workshop with the fragments.

Only Bruce and Diana were left here.

Bruce was very curious now, he asked Katum: "What will be made by combining Thor's hammer and thunder."

"I don't know."

Katum clenched his wings into fists, "But this is not what we should care about now."

What we should care about now is the arsenal of the God of Fire!

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