Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 175 The Lord of the Seven Seas and the Overlord of Europe

Diana had a dream.

In the dream, she was lying on a black stone throne, and below her was an abyss that rolled like oil.

Countless people wrapped in black mud climbed out of the abyss and climbed up the steps of Diana's throne, leaving black handprints.

They climbed up, stretched out their hands, trying to grab Diana's white ankles, pull her down from the throne, and sink together.

Diana hugged her shoulders and curled herself up helplessly.

Seeing those people getting closer and closer.

Hula la -

Suddenly, a large group of bats flew out from behind the throne. They spread their black wings and formed a black cloud, blocking Diana in front of them, like the queen's loyal guards.

Diana heard a faint whisper.

"Goddess -"

She turned her head and saw that there were already several people kneeling devoutly under the throne.

Some of them wore crowns made of mud on their heads, and some wore black medals dripping with oil, all praying to the goddess.

"Great goddess, I make a wish to you!"

The leaders of the mud said together, "I yearn for peace, but war is coming. Please give me powerful strength to win this war and protect our people!"

Diana nodded: "Protecting the people and yearning for peace are reasonable wishes. So, what kind of power do you want?"

Then she heard those people start to say-

"My country started with the ocean, and I hope to get more favor from the earth!"

"My country is invincible in land warfare, and I hope to have the power to travel across the world!"

"My country has just risen, and I hope to have a strong iron fist!"

"My country..."

One wish after another entered Diana's ears, and she didn't think it was strange in her dream.

In order to protect peace, these powers are indeed necessary.

Diana said: "I grant your wish!"

Suddenly there was a tsunami, and those who kept trying to climb the throne also stopped their actions.

Then, Diana woke up from her dream.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling of the hotel. There were still whispers in her ears, but she no longer felt a headache.


After getting up, Diana began to look for Batboy.

When she opened the door, she found Bruce sitting in front of her door, sleeping with his head tilted.

Obviously, his words last night, "I'm outside the door," were not empty words.

The worry in Diana's heart disappeared completely. Bruce kept his promise and proved his character.


Diana squatted down and patted Bruce awake.

Batboy opened his eyes in a daze and saw Diana's clear and innocent eyes.

"Are you awake?" Bruce said vaguely, "Does your head still hurt?"


Diana shook her head and said, "Do you want to go back to the room and continue sleeping?"

"No! I'll just take a shower!"

After sleeping outside, the only feeling Bruce had after waking up was that he was extremely cold.

Especially in the UK, even in July, the temperature is only around 10 degrees at night.

Bruce went back to his room and took a hot bath. When he came out, Diana had already changed her clothes.

For the aesthetics of a female warrior, Diana prefers windbreakers and pants, which are mainly black and gray.

Bruce thinks this is a good choice. Black and gray are resistant to dirt, and it is convenient to attend funerals in wartime.

He and Diana went downstairs to have some breakfast. The pub downstairs also provides breakfast service during the day, and they don't want to miss any money they can earn.

English breakfast is usually classic coffee, toast, bacon and boiled eggs.

What Bruce ate at Hogwarts was already very rich.

Diana is not very picky about food, but she has a big appetite. When Bruce just finished a piece of bread, Diana had already eaten the third piece.

"I had a dream last night."

She suddenly said, "I dreamed that a group of weird people were worshiping me, talking about wishes and dreams."

Bruce stopped spreading butter on the bread.


He asked, "Can you tell me in detail?"

Bruce had been observing Diana since morning. He still remembered the meeting with Ares last night. The power he gave Diana was not fake.

Katum had explained to him the origin of the yellow crystal.

"Doros Mendachius, the god of trickery, created this mysterious yellow crystal."

The owl said at the time, "So, Ares may have got this crystal from another god, just to give Diana a surprise."

No matter what the specific situation is, he did it anyway.

Diana has become a universal wishing machine.

Of course, it is a wishing machine with tricks.

Now Diana said that someone made a wish to her in her dream, which naturally attracted Bruce's attention.

When she told all the process and details of the dream, Bruce's heart, which was originally hanging, was completely dead.

"You promised their wishes..."

Bruce murmured, "Katum really said it..."

Katum said that this kind of wish for power will be realized in a distorted way.

The most likely way is to summon a group of heroes or villains from the DC Universe to fight for this war!

There is no need to worry about the appearance of characters from other universes.

The power of an old god cannot reach this level.

"Those people shaped by black mud should be the incarnations of the leaders of the countries that are about to join the war, or at least the military incarnations!"

Bruce thought to himself, "Does every country summon heroes who are loyal to them? Or villains?"

"What’s wrong with you?"

Diana asked confusedly when she saw Bruce's appearance.

It’s just a dream, why should we be so cautious?


Bruce sighed heavily, "Diana, don't be afraid of what I'm going to say to you next!"

"Afraid?" Diana shook her head and said, "Amazonians have many weaknesses, but fear is definitely not one of them."

"That's good."

Bruce nodded, and then he informed Diana of the ability of the mysterious citrine.

Diana was still eating and listening, until she heard that she had the ability to fulfill anyone's wishes, and finally forgot to close her open mouth. She put the toast to her mouth and hesitated to bite it.

"Bruce, I, I don't know what to say, your story is so ridiculous!"

Diana didn't believe it at all. The wish fulfillment was probably just another conspiracy of Ares.

To prove it, she grabbed a waiter who passed her.

The waiter didn't look older than Bruce, and he looked terrified when he was suddenly pulled over.

"Kid, don't be afraid!"

Diana calmed his emotions first, and then said, "Tell me, what is your wish?"

"Wish, wish?"

"Yes, or it can be a dream!" Diana said, "Let me see if I can help you realize it."

The waiter immediately looked like he had seen a ghost.

He felt that he had met a madman today, and he just wanted to get rid of Diana as soon as possible.

"As for my wish, I just want to receive more tips, preferably ten pounds!" the waiter stammered.

This was the greatest wealth he could imagine himself possessing.

"Okay, I approve your wish!"

Diana nodded immediately and released her grip on the waiter's arm.

The other party immediately walked away as if running away.

"You scared him." Bruce said from the side.

"He doesn't have the courage of a warrior." Diana said, "Didn't you say that I can fulfill other people's wishes? Then let's see."

Ten pounds was not a small sum before Germany started counterfeiting pounds like crazy during World War I.

The purchasing power is equivalent to 500 US dollars in the 21st century.

For an ordinary waiter, this is already considered a huge sum of money.

Diana did this experiment essentially to prove that she had no ability to fulfill wishes.

But what happened next became complete negative evidence.

The waiter, freed from Diana's clutches, continued to devote himself to his job.

Suddenly, a well-dressed gentleman entered the tavern, followed by a beautiful lady.

The gentleman looked around and saw the waiter, and his eyes immediately lit up.

"Finally found you, boy!"

A gentleman stepped forward and came to the waiter's side.

After all these battles, the waiter began to recall the bad things he had done in his life and began to repent.

But then the gentleman's words dispelled his worries.

"I don't know if you still remember me. One day ago, you picked up my wallet and gave it back to me. There was a lot of money in it!"

The waiter's fearful expression disappeared immediately, and he remembered this incident.

"Integrity and honesty are extremely valuable qualities." The gentleman said, "You picked up the wallet but did not cheat on it. This behavior deserves praise!"

After that, he took out a ten pound note and put it into the waiter's hand.

The seated statue of the goddess Britannia on the banknote looked particularly dazzling at this time.

The lady following the gentleman couldn't help covering her mouth and said with a smile: "You are such a generous gentleman."


The gentleman immediately held his head high and said, "If you get to know me better, you will find that I have more valuable qualities. Come on, let's go to the Savoy Theater together and I will tell you my story!" "

The two left hand in hand.

People in the pub saw all this happening, and the waiter was ecstatic with ten pounds in his hand!

Diana was also stunned.

She was just discussing with the waiter about her wish for ten pounds.

But in a blink of an eye, the wish became a reality!

"Bruce, I..."

Diana was trembling all over. If she could really fulfill everyone's wishes, imagine what a beautiful world she could create!

Then, Bruce interrupted her.

"Don't be impatient yet," Batboy said, "Let's take a look at what's going to happen next."

Fulfilling your wishes comes with a price.

Now that the waiter has received his dream ten pounds, he is about to lose the most important thing.

Sure enough, not long after the waiter received the ten pound tip, the owner of the hotel appeared in the lobby with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, Charlie."

The boss said, "If you can get such a big tip, the hotel will not forget your contribution!"

"Contribution?" The waiter Charlie was dumbfounded. He kept explaining, "No, this is not, this is a reward given to me by the gentleman!"

"But this is not a small sum of money."

The boss's eyes became cold and hard, "Charlie, it was me who gave you the opportunity to work. All your income during your working period has been determined before!"

A weekly salary of two shillings is already a very good salary.

"No, you can't!"

The waiter was still pleading, but the boss no longer left any room.

"Either hand over this money, or get out of here and think about it yourself!"

After hearing this, Diana couldn't stand it anymore.

She wanted to stand up and do justice to the poor waiter, but Bruce grabbed her hand.

"Don't be impatient, let's wait and see what happens next!"

To Bruce, ten pounds was just a small amount of money slipping out of his fingers.

He could solve the waiter's current predicament with just a little intervention.

But now that the experiment has begun, don’t intervene yet.

At this time, the waiter had already made a decision. He clutched the pound in his hand and chose to give up the job.

"Thank you for taking care of me during this time," Charlie said, "but I can't hand over the money."

Ten pounds was equivalent to two years' salary.

"Then get out of here!" the boss said angrily.

Bruce saw this scene in his eyes, and he knew very well that if the boss really wanted to get the money, there were many ways.

But he used none of them.

"It doesn't seem like an equal exchange."

Bruce thought to himself, "It wouldn't be so hard to accept if the price of losing a job was to gain two years' income on the spot."

"You can't say that."

Katum appeared on Bruce's shoulder as if by magic, and I don't know what he was doing before.

“There will be a war soon, the pound will start to depreciate, and supplies will be in short supply. In this case, a stable job will be worth much more.

"And, I have to say, this kid named Charlie may not be able to keep this money."

Maybe they will all be robbed before long.


Bruce stood up and started doing what he had to do.

In any case, it was Diana who started this experiment, and Bruce didn't want any tragedy caused by this experiment.

He called the waiter back, gave the boss ten pounds of his own money, and asked him to pretend that nothing had happened.

"It's useless." Katum said, "Even if you give these ten pounds, this boss will not give up the money in Charlie's hands."

No one thinks too much money.

The best way to deal with it is to give the boss ten pounds and then find someone else to take away Charlie's money in front of the boss.

Then find a deserted corner and return the money to Charlie without letting others know.

In this way, the boss took the initiative, Charlie made money, and the conflict became less intense.

Using this method seems to have gone in a big circle, without any change in the facts, and the money in the hands of the two people has not increased or decreased.

But it eliminates potential contradictions and conflicts.

Often the shortest shortcut is to take a long detour.

"I know what you mean," Bruce said, "but I'm a good guy and I don't want to steal money. Stealing money should be the task of a certain owl."

What's more, he paid the ten pounds to Diana.

At this moment, Miss Wonder Woman has fallen into great confusion.

She couldn't understand why the waiter lost his job after receiving awards for his character even though all human beings were kind.

And she also knew that Bruce paid out of his own pocket to help her solve the bigger trouble that might arise later.

"Thank you Bruce..."

Diana whispered. With her little head, she couldn't figure out what would happen next, but she also knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

"These are all small things."

Bruce didn't hide anything and told her what he was going to do next.

Diana didn't understand why it was so troublesome.

"After all, we are all passers-by, but they still have to live here. You can only try your best to satisfy everyone."

Bruce shook his head and said, "As for the ten pounds I paid, it's just small money, don't worry about it."


Diana felt really guilty at this time, "I spent so much money on you... Don't worry, I will definitely try my best to pay you back in the future!"

"Really no need!" Bruce waved his hand and refused.

But Diana was insistent. She held Bruce's hand tightly and solemnly assured him.

I will definitely pay back what I owe him!

At this moment, Bruce only had one thought.

The ten pounds was well spent.

"Okay, let's talk about this later,"

Bruce withdrew his hand and said, "The biggest problem now is you. You really have the ability to realize wishes!"

And in Diana's dream, even scarier wishes were promised.

She promised a bunch of unknown people the power to win the war!

"Actually, it's not that difficult to know the identities of these people."

Bruce began to analyze, "If I guess correctly, those people should be the emperor or head of a certain country. After receiving the guidance from the God of War, they came to make a wish to you.

"Now, we only need to pay attention to changes in the armaments of various countries, maybe..."

Before he could finish speaking, the newsboy's cries suddenly sounded outside the hotel.

"Extra number! Extra number!"

The newsboy was holding a newspaper and shouting on the roadside, "France has discovered the underwater people and has reached a military alliance with them!"

What! ?

Even Bruce was a little confused now.

Such important news, they didn't hide it at all?

He hurried out to buy a newspaper, opened it, and a headline jumped directly in front of him.

"Atlantis civilization appears, the Lord of the Seven Seas and the European Overlord form an alliance! 》

Lord of the Seven Seas?

Before Bruce had time to read the rest of the text, Katum jumped on his shoulder.

"Oh, this is good!"

The owl said, "You insult the Sea King every day, now the real master is here!"

"Shut up!"

Bruce interrupted Katum's sarcasm and began to read the content of the news.

"Atlantis civilization... Queen of the Sea... France's plan to dominate the four seas..."

At this moment, there was only one sentence left in Bruce's mind.

That was what Diana told him, a wish made by a leader to her.

"My country is invincible in land warfare, and I hope to have the power to conquer the four seas!"

"Is this how it is achieved?"

Bruce murmured, and then he had a little doubt.

Who is the Queen of the Sea?

Isn't she the King of the Sea?

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