Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 172 I am Qin Shi Huang

Bruce and Diana followed the ocean current, and with a little help from the owl, they drifted all the way to London.

When they landed, it was July 15, 1914.

Half a month ago, on June 28, a Serbian youth shot and killed Archduke Ferdinand, the Crown Prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was known as the Sarajevo Incident in history.

This was the trigger for the First World War.

Today, the entire Western world is shrouded in a cloud of unrest. Even ordinary people who don't care about the current situation know that war is coming.

"There's still half a month left."

Katum stood on Bruce's shoulder and said, "On July 28, Austria-Hungary will declare war on Serbia, and World War I will officially begin."

The beginning of the First World War was filled with many seeming coincidences.

When the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia, Serbia's suzerain state, Russia, was automatically involved in the war.

Then, because of Russia's chaotic military system, the Southern Army and the Northern Army were mobilized at the same time, which stimulated Germany's nerves, and Germany joined the war.

However, Germany pursued the "Schlieffen Plan", which meant that if it wanted to deal with Russia, it must first destroy France.

So, in order to defeat Russia, Germany declared war on France and then invaded Belgium, the German-French buffer zone.

Belgium was Britain's barrier on the European continent. On this grounds, Britain also declared war on Germany.

This is what will happen in half a month.

"The whole continent has become a mess."

The owl said to Bruce, "Belgium is also lucky, being taken care of by three great powers."

"Don't say these sarcastic words, be careful if Diana hears you." Bruce said.

"Don't worry, she can't hear you."

Katum shook his head, "Unless you betray me behind my back!"

Diana could understand Katum's words, but only when they came out of his mouth.

The telepathy between the owl and Bruce was impossible for Diana to hear.

The two of them have now landed and are planning to go to London.

Bruce suddenly extended his hands to Katum.

"Take it out!"

"What to get?"

Katum deliberately pretended to be confused, "I don't understand what you are talking about."


Bruce said, "I have no money in this world, so I can only let you shed some blood."

Batboy has never been short of money. Every time he travels to a new world, he will inherit an inheritance there.

But the DC world is different.

This is not a new world for Bruce.

You can tell by the fact that he wasn't thrown into an orphanage.

Of course, when Batboy wants to use money, the money will naturally come to him from other places.

For example, from Katum's small vault.

"You are so funny. I am just an owl, how can I have money!"

Katum laughed, "Besides, even if I have money, I won't be able to use it in the 19th century. You can just use transformation to make some money yourself."

"Don't act stupid!"

Bruce grabbed the owl suddenly and took out several gold bars from its feathers.

"Don't think I don't know, you have been using my inheritance to save personal money!"

Bruce tried to hit Katum on the head with a gold bar, but was dodged.

"Normally I turn a blind eye, but now I need money urgently, your money is my money!"

"I was just keeping it for you!"

Katum kept cursing.

He remembered this grudge.

When the next new world arrives and the new inheritance arrives, if he doesn't be greedy, he will be an owl in vain!

Bruce changed a gold bar into cash. With the blessing of magic, no one had any evil intentions.

He bought two train tickets and took Diana all the way to London.

At this time in London, the atmosphere in the entire city was a bit wrong.

The faces of those young men and women were filled with excitement and excitement. They were not at all afraid that the war was coming. On the contrary, they were looking forward to the war.

Looking forward to protecting our country and changing our own destiny.

This was the case at the beginning of World War I. Everyone was optimistic about the war and felt that it would end soon.

"Let them know they have to play for four years to be honest."

Katum said, "The British did not dare to mention war until they had been fighting for twenty years, but they only dared to appease when they reached the top."

Bruce ignored the owl's thoughts as he and Diana walked in London.

On the streets, horse-drawn carriages and the earliest automobiles walked side by side, and the sound of horse hooves intertwined with the roar of machinery.

Along the Thames, Gothic spiers stand side by side with Victorian buildings, a sight unseen in the Harry Potter world.

Because more than twenty years later, these buildings would be bombed to pieces by German aircraft.

"I'll take you to buy some clothes first."

Bruce said to Diana, "Your outfit is a bit too eye-catching here."

Diana wore a black cloak that covered her whole body. She usually looked fine, but sometimes when she walked a little faster, a pair of toned long legs were exposed.

"Are you going to buy human armor? That's fine."

Diana nodded, "I know how to do as the Romans do. Thank you for your generosity, Bruce. On behalf of the Amazon warriors, I thank you!"

In fact, she wasn't that stupid. She decided to let Bruce pay in just a few words.

Katum's heart was bleeding.

That's all his money! His money!

Bruce took Diana to a women's clothing store. With his youthful face, he was not kicked out by the store clerk.

But even so, buying clothes with Diana is not an easy task.

She doesn't know what a bra, a corset, or stockings are.

I would often walk out in the dressing room halfway through dressing up and ask Bruce why the clothes were so weird.

The clerk couldn't stop me.

Fortunately, there were no other men in the store, so Bruce bore the pain alone.

"Is your sister from another country?"

While Diana was changing her clothes, a clerk couldn't help but ask Bruce.

This is a normal suspicion. Diana's behavior really looks like a country girl from a certain colony.

"More or less," Bruce said. "Come from an island."

The clerk nodded, not looking down upon him, but full of envy.

It's great that I can buy such expensive clothes when I first arrived in London.

I don’t know what high branch I have climbed on, but it belongs to reaching the sky in one step.

A clerk like her can't afford even one of the clothes in a store with a month's salary.

Diana tried on many dresses, and Bruce finally packed them all and bought them all.

Anyway, Katum has enough personal money, so he doesn’t feel bad about using it.

"Let's find a hotel next."

Bruce looked at the streets of London, which were overcrowded. This was a special period. London was considered an important city, and almost all forces gathered here.

I don’t know if I can find a suitable hotel.

Of course, he couldn't find it, so Bruce could only use his money power again to free up two empty rooms in a hotel.

The hotel lobby was transformed into a tavern, and there was a mixture of people and Bruce heard someone bragging loudly.

"I just came back from the far east!"

The man's hairline was prominent and he spoke loudly, which made him very eye-catching.

Several drinkers were listening to his story attentively.

He burped and said: "Thousands of years ago, there was an emperor in the East who conquered the known world and collected all the treasures in the world!"

One drinker asked: "Like Alexander of the East?"

"Yes! Alexander of the East!"

The man said, "He once sent a fleet to look for the elixir of life..."

Someone quickly asked: "Then what?"

"Then? Then some people said that he was not found and died, but in fact it was all bullshit. The emperor was still alive. I met him and became good brothers with him!"

"Really or not!" The eyes of the drinkers obviously brightened.

"Of course it's true!"

The man drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then looked at the glass drowsily and said, "Hey, why is my wine gone?"

"I beg you, I beg you!"

Immediately, some drinkers took out their banknotes, asked the bartender to fill up the drinks, and then urged the explorer to continue talking.

"Tell me, what happened after you became brothers with that emperor?"

"It's like this. Although he is alive, he has lost his entire army."

The explorer drank wine and said, "He promised me that as long as I can give him fifty pounds, he will make me king after he regains the world!"


The drinker's interest was completely aroused, "Then did you give it?"

"No." The explorer sighed, "I didn't have fifty pounds at that time, so I had no choice but to miss this opportunity."

There was a sigh immediately around.

Some drinkers even started to have other ideas. Although fifty pounds was a lot, he could still get it out with gritted teeth.

Bruce saw it all.

"They are all a bunch of fools." Bruce shook his head and said, "They can be fooled by such obvious lies."

"Who said he was lying?"

Katum suddenly said, "There really is such an emperor in the East, named Qin Shihuang, and he has indeed lived to this day."


Bruce was really shocked now, and he quickly asked, "Is it true?"

"Of course it's true!"

Katum said, "Well, you give me back my gold bars, and I will tell you where Qin Shihuang is!"

"Fuck you!"

Now Bruce finally realized that the owl was telling a little lie again.

He turned and walked up the stairs to his room.

The owl flapped its wings and followed behind, shouting: "Don't go, I didn't lie to you, in fact I am Qin Shihuang!"

After resting for about half an hour, Bruce and Diana went downstairs.

After all, they are not here for a vacation, they have business to attend to.

"Let's go straight to Ares!"

Diana said, "Didn't you say he destroyed your school? Then let's go to your school first and maybe we can find clues to Ares!"

How could Bruce take Diana to Hogwarts.

He then said: "There is no need, I know where Ares is..."

Before they finished speaking, they were already downstairs.

But surprisingly, the originally noisy tavern was now empty.

A knight on crutches was standing in the middle of the tavern. When he saw Bruce and Diana, he raised his glass to them.

He smiled and said: "I just came down, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Bruce's pupils suddenly contracted.

He recognized this man.

Lupin, or—


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