Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 166 Speed ​​Force's gears turn in reverse

"Very good!"

The Paradox Bat saw that his goal had been achieved, and Bruce had already started talking nonsense.

What Zurrn? This meaningless babbling was obviously the result of forgetting who he was.

He grabbed Bruce fiercely, and the black electric light kept flashing. The lightning was turned on all the time, and everything around him slowed down.

He couldn't stay in this timeline for long, in case something unexpected happened.

Just as the Paradox Bat was about to leave, he suddenly saw a short figure in the distance, between the graves, looking like he was walking towards this side.

The figure was Peter Pettigrew,

He was holding a swaddling cloth in his arms, that was Voldemort who had not yet fully resurrected.

The Paradox Bat frowned.

This was the moment of his death in the original destiny. In just a few seconds, his future self would be killed by the killing curse.

Now he could easily change all this, throw a lightning bolt casually, kill Peter Pettigrew, and everything after that would not happen.

Really, just a little move.

He could survive in the future.


"Is this your last resort?"

Paradox Bat sneered, "Let me disrupt the timeline and attract the time ghosts? Bruce, I have been running in the timeline for ten years. Do you think I can't see through this little trick?"

He did not move, and took Bruce away without hesitation.

"What is that?"

In the cemetery, Harry and Cedric kept watching the two.

The red and black intertwined lightning was in their sight.

Cedric said nothing, just watching the lightning until it disappeared in front of his eyes.

"I don't know."

He said, "But I saw the lightning just now, and I had a very intimate feeling, Harry, I don't know how to describe it to you..."

Cedric wanted to continue to explore what this feeling was.

But the current situation did not allow it.

A figure was walking towards them from between the cemeteries, and Cedric and Harry drew their wands.

The man stopped in front of a towering marble tombstone, only six feet away from them.

At that moment, Harry and Cedric looked at the short figure.

Suddenly, Harry's scar started to hurt violently.

He covered his face with his hands, bent his legs and fell to the ground.

He heard someone above his head say loudly and coldly: "Kill those who are in the way."

A whooshing sound, followed by a sharp shout tore through the night sky.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A strong green light pierced Harry's eyelids. When the pain in the scar subsided, he slowly opened his painful eyes in fear.

Then he saw Cedric's body appear behind a tombstone not far away.

The Avada Kedavra just now was blocked by the tombstone and did not hit Cedric.

Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief. Cedric reacted quickly and was able to make a judgment in such a short time and avoid a fatal disaster.

The fear on Cedric's face was no less than Harry's, and in addition, there was deep confusion.

He didn't know how he reacted.

When the green light flashed, his body almost subconsciously dodged to the side.

And the figure in the distance obviously did not expect this result.

"Wormtail, your incompetence is beyond my imagination."

The swaddled child in the man's arms shouted angrily, "Even Avada can shoot wrong, what's the use of you!"


Peter's voice was frustrated and fearful, "Give me another chance!"

But there was no chance.

Cedric was in great shape now, he pounced and grabbed Harry directly.

"The trophy is flying!"

Cedric pointed his wand at the Triwizard Cup and shouted.

The trophy flew towards him.

Cedric grabbed the handle of the trophy - he heard the swaddled person shouting furiously, and at the same time felt a tug under his belly button, the door key worked - the two were swept away by a colorful whirlwind.

They went back.


Bruce and Paradox Bat returned to their original timeline.

They were still running and fighting.


Paradox Bat looked at Bruce's lively appearance now and fell into deep self-doubt.

Including this time they came back, they have traveled through time four times.

Just now, Bruce had clearly lost himself and forgot who he was.

But when he returned to the original timeline, he was awake.

He called himself Bruce again.

Red and black, two flashes of lightning continued to run, their speed continued to increase, and the battle became more and more brutal.

Now, the two people who also have super speed have entered the stage of fighting with bayonets.

All means have been exhausted, and only hand-to-hand combat is left.

The eyes of the two people burned with unyielding lightning, and the next contest was only fists and flesh.

Cedric's muscles were tense, and every blood vessel seemed to be clamoring for strength.

He suddenly swung a punch, Bruce dodged sideways, and at the same time counterattacked with a straight punch, accurately hitting the opponent's abdomen.

Cedric groaned, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, but he did not retreat. He roared and punched the face of the Hell Bat Armor.

Bruce was wearing extremely defensive armor, but Cedric's strength ignored all this.

The force directly penetrated the battle suit and hit Bruce in the face.

This is the fighting style from the old gods!

Bruce took a breath, his face was burning with pain, and with this pain, his thoughts became more determined.

The two fists and feet intertwined in the air, and each collision made the air tremble.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, and every breath and every heartbeat became the rhythm of battle.

The fighting continued.

Until the end, both of them were exhausted.

Bruce and Cedric hugged each other, without any fighting skills. The two of them used their last will to fight and punched each other in the face.

"It's over, Cedric!"

Bruce let out a final low growl, and at this moment, an owl's high hoot sounded from his body.

Ripples appeared in his chest, and Katum suddenly flew out and hit Cedric.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Katum suddenly shouted, and a dazzling green light flashed.

Paradox Bat grunted and fell down heavily.

Cedric lay sprawled on the ground, dead.

Did you win?

There was no sign of relief on Bruce's face.

"Congratulations, Bruce."

Katum landed on Hell Bat's shoulders, "We successfully defeated Paradox Bat's first phase. Now, it's time to welcome his second phase."

Bruce had a wry smile on his face.

Is Cedric really dead?

If a speedster dies, his body will return to the Speed ​​Force.

But now Cedric's body did not dissipate, but lay quietly in front of him.


In the next second, Cedric, who had been completely motionless, suddenly trembled.

Black lightning emerged around him, and this layer of lightning completely enveloped him. The time tunnel opened and Cedric's body was sent into it.

Then, without any room to breathe, a figure walked out of the time tunnel.

Black suit, bat logo, and black lightning flashing around him.

Paradox Bat, appears again!

"Bruce, I have to give you a few compliments."

At this time, Cedric was no longer exhausted from before.

On the contrary, he not only seemed to be in excellent condition, but also had a calmer and more terrifying temperament.

"I was defeated by you ten years ago and I am convinced."

Paradox Bat looked at the panting Bruce in front of him and said lightly, "But you still don't understand me very well. With the knowledge of the God of War, I have already transformed myself into an immortal body!"

Man cannot kill God.

Even Zeus couldn't kill Ares completely, and could only leave the god-killing weapon before his death as the last resort of mankind.

Now, the secret of the gods' immortality has been obtained by Cedric.

"It's not about strong force."

Paradox Bat said calmly, "Instead, I transformed my body into a divine body, Bruce. When we fought ten years ago, I had not completed the transformation, but now, you can fully experience it."

The battle he said was ten years ago was just a few seconds ago for Bruce.

At this time, in addition to black, Cedric's lightning also had a hint of blue.

Apparently in the ten years since he started running again, he has accomplished his original goal and become one with Savitar.

He is finally the master of the Speed ​​Force.

Katum whispered in Bruce's ear.

"That's the scary thing about timelines."

He said, "You'll never know how many Paradox Bats are running across the timeline."

Defeat one, and another will come.

Cedric is immortal and his future is endless.

There was no way Bruce could win this battle.

"If I defeat you this time, you will appear thirty years later, right?"

Bruce's energy was exhausted, and he sat down on the ground.

"Thirty years, forty years, fifty years... you will keep appearing until I am completely defeated and obliterated."

"That's right."

Paradox Bat confirmed Bruce's guess, "So, your end is already doomed."

It is impossible to reverse the future!

Because all the future belongs to Cedric!


Bruce sighed and said, "That really makes me a little frustrated. The future does not belong to me, but to Cedric."

"Just a little?" Paradox Bat sneered.

"Of course."

Bruce put his hands on the ground and did not fall into complete despair as Paradox Bat thought.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the way I should go, and I have kept the way I should keep.”

Bruce looked at the sky and whispered a line from the New Testament, "From now on, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness."

"What are you talking about?" Cedric asked with a frown.

"Cedric, after I obtained the Speed ​​Force, I already released Dumbledore and the others from the Speed ​​Force space."

Bruce said, "I fought this time with the determination to die."

"So, this is what you rely on?"

Cedric shook his head, "Even Dumbledore and the four founders can't do anything to me now!"

He suddenly stretched out his hand, and several things appeared out of thin air.

The Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone, and Invisibility Cloak.

"I have long been the master of death, and the immortality of the Dionysus factor is like a joke in front of me!"

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Bruce sighed, "Don't you understand yet? I just admitted that the future belongs to Cedric.

"But it's not you, Cedric!"

"Paradox Bat, do you think I lured you to the timeline of your death just to watch the fun?!"


At the end of the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric brought Harry back from the cemetery.

He felt himself fall to the ground, his face buried in the grass, and his nose was full of the smell of grass.

Cedric was very dizzy, and felt that the ground under his body was shaking like a ship deck.

Fear and fatigue made him lie on the ground, smelling the smell of grass.

The sound waves overwhelmed him and confused him. There were sounds everywhere, footsteps, shouting...

A pair of strong hands grabbed him and turned him over.

"Harry, Cedric!"

Cedric opened his eyes, and in front of him was a starry night sky, and Albus Dumbledore squatted in front of him.

Surrounded by dark figures, all pressing towards him.

"It could be Voldemort."

Cedric grabbed Dumbledore's hand and said with his last bit of strength, "He almost killed me."

Dumbledore leaned down and helped Cedric to stand up with extraordinary strength for a thin old man.

"We'll talk about it later."

He whispered in Cedric's ear, "Now, don't show abnormality in front of others."

The Triwizard Tournament is over.

The winning school is Hogwarts, and Cedric and Harry share the honor.

Just as the school year was about to end, Cedric was called into Dumbledore's office.

When he went in, he found another old man in the office.

He looked very similar to Dumbledore. Cedric had seen him before. He was the owner of the Hog's Head Inn.

"Let me introduce you."

Dumbledore said, "This is Aberforth Dumbledore, my brother."

Aberforth nodded: "We have met before."

"Hello, Mr. Aberforth."

Cedric greeted him, and then Dumbledore motioned him to sit down and not to worry about anything.

"We have arranged for someone to investigate the cemetery, so don't worry about anything."

Dumbledore said, "I called you here for another matter, Cedric. You said before that you saw two lightning bolts in the cemetery?"


Cedric nodded and said, "I also heard Bruce's name, but he was already..."

Dead last year.

Before the start of the third year, Bruce was dead.

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with a trace of sadness, but he quickly hid it and returned to the topic.

"Let's not talk about Bruce for now. Cedric, can you tell me more about the two lightning bolts?"

Dumbledore said, "Also, why were you able to avoid the Avada Kedavra curse?"

Cedric repeated the previous events in detail without hesitation.

This time, he also described his psychological feelings at the time clearly.

"I didn't react at all at the time, but my body moved on its own."

Cedric recalled, "It may also be that the reaction was too fast, beyond my current thinking."

Dumbledore and Aberforth looked at each other.

Cedric's narration evoked their long-lost memories of someone.

"Resemble?" Dumbledore asked softly.


Aberforth nodded, and he looked at Cedric with a nostalgic look.

"You have the qualifications, child, you do have the qualifications."

Aberforth murmured, "Cedric, I have a gift for you."

After that, he turned around and took out a neatly folded red battle robe from behind.

"This once belonged to my son. It is a relic he left behind."

Aberforth handed the battle robe to Cedric, "Now, I entrust it to you."

Cedric was confused.

"Mr. Aberforth."

He quickly refused and said, "I can't accept this! I, I don't even know why you gave me this gift!"

"Because you are the one chosen by the Speed ​​Force."

Aberforth said softly, "This battle robe has the remaining Speed ​​Force of my son. It is his wish to give it to you now.

"Many years ago, he once told me that there should be no such thing as Speed ​​Force in this world. Everything is wrong.

"He repeatedly asked me to keep this battle robe well when he was dying. This is the hope for the future."


Cedric murmured, "Do you want me to inherit the Speed ​​Force?"

"Inherit? No!"

Aberforth said seriously, "I want you to research another power from the Speed ​​Force!

"A power that can completely eliminate the Speed ​​Force and restore the world to normal.

"Cedric, I believe you have the intelligence to do this!

"Now, take this suit!"

Cedric took the Flash's suit from Aberforth in a daze.

It was like some kind of inheritance, and also like some kind of mission.

The gears of fate, at this moment, turned in reverse.


Back to the timeline where Bruce is.

The Paradox Bat has completely mastered the battle situation, and Bruce has no chance of winning in front of him.

"I know you lured me to that timeline with bad intentions."

Paradox Bat sneered, "But I didn't do anything to disrupt the timeline. The variables you expected didn't appear!"


Bruce didn't argue, just looked at the Paradox Bat quietly.

He remembered a conversation he had with Katum.

"I'm a little confused."

Bruce said at the time, "Why does Cedric keep saying his future is dark?"

"I have no idea."

Katum shook his head first, and then whispered——

"Perhaps I am worried about being restarted by Warner..."

Based on Warner's operation, the fate of the new Batman is not bright.

At least as far as Katum knows, the "Batman 2" movie has been announced to be postponed for a year.

Owl will not be surprised if it restarts again one day.

"Restart the world?" This is the first time Bruce has heard of this concept.

"Don't be so surprised. This kind of thing has happened to you, but you have no memory."

Katum said, “But don’t worry, you have escaped this fate since you and I left the DC world!

"What Cedric wants to do is probably to take his destiny into his own hands."

Time returns to the present.

"Control your destiny..."

Bruce sat on the ground and sighed. He had no consciousness of being in a battle. He looked up at the sky, as if he was simply chatting with Paradox Bat.

"Cedric, what I am showing you now is how to change your destiny."

Paradox Bat frowned, wondering what Bruce was talking about.

"Enough chatting," Paradox Bat said, "You deserve to die."

After saying that, black lightning burst out around him, and the Paradox Bat at this moment showed a speed that exceeded the top speed.

His hand shook violently, and the knife was about to penetrate Bruce's chest at extremely high speed.

"Haven't you felt it yet?"

Bruce was not afraid and said with a smile, "A brand new power has appeared between heaven and earth!"

This sentence made Paradox Bat suddenly wake up.


Suddenly, a yellow figure appeared in the center of the battlefield.

His explosive punch knocked the Paradox Bat far away, saving Bruce who almost died from the speed knife.

"I'm late."

The yellow figure took off the mask on his face.

A face exactly like Cedric's appeared.

"Better late than never."

Bruce smiled and looked at Cedric in front of him.

No, maybe he shouldn't be called Cedric right now.


Reverse Flash!

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