Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 162 Reversing the Future

"I'm ready!"

Bruce nodded and watched Katum take out the time converter from the feather.

"I told you before that forcibly reversing time will cause a flashpoint crisis."

The owl said, "But there is actually a premise, that is, where you are, there is the concept of timeline."

They are now in the tunnel of heaven.

"The tunnel of heaven connects countless worlds, and each world has its own timeline.

"But these complicated timelines can't affect the stability of the tunnel of heaven itself at all. It is a higher-dimensional existence.

"So, as long as we use the time converter in the tunnel of heaven, we can go back to a month ago, when we just returned to Harry's world.

"This is a real retrospection, you don't have to worry about meeting your past self.

"Because in the tunnel of heaven, the past, present and future are a trinity.

"There is only one you!"

Just like a game file read, the current Bruce returns to his body a month ago with the memory of the future.

"Why is the tunnel of heaven like this?"

Bruce asked puzzledly, "What is the specific principle?"

"Quantum mechanics. "

Katum said casually. He didn't talk nonsense with Bruce anymore. He just turned the time converter.

"Let's start reversing the future!"

Then, Bruce saw that the inside of Harry Potter's world began to change rapidly, and day and night kept alternating. After alternating more than thirty times, it stopped.


Katum said, "Now we are back to the past. You are entering Harry's world now, which was a month ago."

That is, before the start of the third school year.

"But before entering the world, we still have to discuss some things first."

Katum blew a breath, and the time converter that was originally held in his wings, because it took on the cause and effect of the time of the heavens, has turned into ashes.

This time it backfired on the time converter itself, and next time, it may backfire on the two people who played with time.

"First of all, you have to know that although in the previous timeline, the dead have been resurrected.

"Harry, Sirius, Fred, etc., they are all resurrected, and they have no previous memories.

"It's like everything is reset to zero and the file is read again.

"But Bruce, you have to know that the existence of the Speed ​​Force will not be erased!"

The moment Savitar created the Speed ​​Force, Harry's world, past, present and future all possessed the Speed ​​Force.

Katum went back in time, not recreated it.

The Speed ​​Force will not disappear because of this.

"This also means that those who were imprisoned in the Speed ​​Force space are still imprisoned and have not been released."

Katum touched his chin and recalled, "Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Dumbledore... should be these three people?"

This is the paradoxical power of the Speed ​​Force.

For example, Dumbledore, when he was imprisoned in the Speed ​​Force space, he disappeared from the timeline.

But his life's achievements still exist.

Hogwarts still retains his history as the headmaster, but he is gone.

"Bruce, so time is really something that can't be played with. Every time you play with it, there will be more and more paradoxes."

I'm afraid that by then, Katum and Bruce will no longer be Owl and Batboy.

It was Paradox Owl and Paradox Batboy.

Bruce nodded, and also felt the horror of playing with time.

"But we can't keep them locked up forever, right?"

Bruce said, "We have to find a way to get them out."


Katum nodded, "This is our first mission this time, and the key to defeating Cedric and Savitar, that is to obtain the Speed ​​Force!"

Only by obtaining the Speed ​​Force can we open the Speed ​​Force space and release the people locked up.

"You want me to become a speedster?" Bruce asked.

He instinctively resisted this.

For Bruce, he does not reject extraordinary power, but this kind of power must come from his own hard study, not suddenly.

He has always believed in one sentence.

All the gifts of fate have been secretly marked with a price.

Free is the most expensive.

"How could I let you become a speedster? Do you think the Speed ​​Force is a good thing?"

Katum shook his head and said, "All speedsters run in the Speed ​​Force when they are alive. When they die, their bodies will become part of the Speed ​​Force.

"You are a Speed ​​Force person when you are alive, and you are a Speed ​​Force dead person when you die. There is no escape.

"Just like Cedric, although we have reversed time and returned to before he gained the Speed ​​Force, his fate is already linked to the Speed ​​Force.

"Sooner or later, under a certain opportunity, he will still become a speedster again.

"Bruce, are you really willing to bear this cause and effect?"

Bruce shook his head immediately. Of course he didn't want to.

His fate must be in his own hands.

"Since you don't want me to become a speedster..."

Bruce suddenly felt touched in his heart, "Katum, do you want yourself..."

"What a joke!"

Katum denied it flatly, "I won't let that kind of thing pollute my body!"


Bruce asked in confusion: "If it's neither me nor you, then who else could it be?"

"Hey! Isn't this a coincidence?"

Katum took out an egg from the feathers and said, "I happen to have an egg that can't be hatched. It's missing something key.

"If, I mean if, we inject the Speed ​​Force from the DC world into this egg from the Marvel world, what do you think will hatch out in the end?"

"I don't know." Bruce shook his head bluntly.

"I don't know either." Katum patted the egg in his hand, "So it's worth a try."

He took the egg back.

"No matter what this egg hatches in the end, it will definitely listen to me."

Katum said confidently, "After all, I tell it stories every night, and my hard work will definitely not be in vain."


Bruce didn't throw cold water on Katum. Since the egg was willing to stand up to the Speed ​​Force, what reason did he have to object?

Immediately afterwards, there is another key question.

"How do we get the Speed ​​Force?"

Hearing this question, Katum suddenly grinned.

This smile made Bruce feel a little sinister.

"Speaking of this issue, we must first discuss why the memory of DC peers appears in the world of Harry Potter."

The owl said, "Don't you find it strange? Lupine suddenly gained the memory of Ares, as well as Sirius, Cedric, Malfoy...

"Obviously there is no intersection between the two worlds, but why do memories coexist?"

Bruce has not thought about this issue.

"Isn't it because of the five metals?"

"I always thought that was the reason," Bruce said.

"Of course not!"

Katum corrected again, "I said, only five metals plus Batman in the main world can open the door to the dark universe. It's just five metals gathered together, that's nothing."

And opening the door does not open the door to memory.

Peer memory appears for another reason.

"Actually, in my opinion, all this still has to be blamed on the Speed ​​Force."

The owl said, "Bruce, I am here to tell you a new concept. The name of this concept is called the Wall of Speed ​​Force!"

The Wall of Speed ​​Force is a product that appeared at the same time as the Speed ​​Force.

The DC multiverse is wrapped in a substance called Sky Blood, and the Wall of the Speed ​​Force is wrapped in Sky Blood.

"Since the Speed ​​Force appears in Harry's universe, the Speed ​​Force Wall will definitely appear."

Katum said, “Speeders will attract each other, and so will the Speed ​​Force. When the Speed ​​Force Wall appears in Harry’s world, the Speed ​​Force Wall in the DC Universe will sense its existence.

"The two may have resonated briefly, very briefly, maybe not even a moment.

"But it was this resonance that caused the memories between the two universes to overlap."

Katum is very confident in his judgment. He doesn't understand the Speed ​​Force, but he understands the universe very well.

Different universes occasionally attract each other.

They even intersect with each other to create a linked universe.

This linkage is usually very short-lived and may end after one incident.

But there are also people who never separate after meeting.

For example, in a universe called The Witcher, a celestial sphere converged, completely changing the history of that world.

"I see."

Bruce nodded, "I understand!"

"You know nothing!" said the owl, "I haven't finished speaking yet, what do you know!"

"Then keep talking." Bruce said without changing his expression.

Katum is very dissatisfied with Batboy's attitude. Who did he learn it from?

"We just talked about how to obtain the Speed ​​Force."

The owl cursed and continued, "You can't force something like the Speed ​​Force. It all depends on fate. Savitar may have a way to let others obtain the Speed ​​Power, but that is the path Cedric has walked. If you want to walk it again, it basically doesn't matter. Very possible."

Unless Bruce takes the initiative to participate in the Banquet of the God of War and massacre everyone in Hogwarts.

That's not impossible. Katum has room to operate, but Batboy probably won't be very willing.

"But besides looking at fate, there is still a trick."

Katum said, "That is to gather around the Flash Barry Allen and become his family, friends or enemies. In that way, the probability of becoming the speedster is very high."

"Don't we still have to go find Savitar?"

Bruce curled his lips, "We are Savitar's enemies now, but we haven't seen him give us the Speed ​​Force!"


Katum reprimanded angrily, "Who told you that when I said Barry Allen, I meant Savitar?

"In the Harry Potter world, is there no native Barry Allen?"

In the world of Harry Potter, Bruce returns like lightning again.

"I'm back."

Seeing the Granger family welcoming him again, Bruce felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

"I brought you a gift."

Bruce took out the gifts he had just bought from the London gift shop and distributed them to his family in this world.

"Actually, there's really no need to be so polite."

Mrs. Granger saw that Bruce always came home with big and small bags, and couldn't help but say.

"It's okay, aunt, I'm very grateful to you for taking care of me!"

At this time, Bruce was handing Hermione a gift.

He looked at the face that had just been separated from him, and couldn't help but whisper -

"I did what I promised you."


Hermione was confused and couldn't figure out why Bruce suddenly said such a thing.

Bruce smiled and said Katum's mantra: "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

What happened next was exactly what happened a month ago.

The owl from the Ministry of Magic delivered the time turner. Bruce looked at the shining hourglass and remembered what Katum once said to him.

If everything can be undone, maybe something irreparable will happen this year.

"Fortunately, we jumped out of the world and got another chance."

Bruce thought to himself, "But it's only once, and this time, there won't be any tragedy!"

Put his Batman name on the line!

"You ask Professor Dumbledore?"

In the afternoon, Bruce and Hermione were sitting in the living room, discussing what happened in the wizarding world during the summer vacation.

Bruce asked a question.

"Dumbledore lives in the principal's office during school hours, so where will he go during holidays?"

Bruce said, "I mean, does he have a family?"

"have no idea."

Hermione shook her head, "Dumbledore is very mysterious, and his past is almost a mystery! Bruce, why do you ask this?"

"Be prepared!" Bruce said ambiguously.

As an owl, Catum knew the address of Dumbledore's family.

But no one can guarantee that Dumbledore lived there sixty years ago.

Yes, sixty years ago.

When he returned to this world, Katum had explained everything to Bruce.

"Dumbledore once had a nephew named Credence Baleburn, the son of his brother Aberforth."

"Bailburn? Why isn't your last name Dumbledore?" Bruce asked.

"It's a long story. I don't have time to take you through three movies in one go."

Katum laughed and ignored the question.

For the specific details, Bruce will watch "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" by himself in the future, if he has the chance.

“This Credence, besides being Dumbledore’s nephew, has another identity.

"He is the Flash of the DCEU universe!"

According to Katum, when the Wall of Speed ​​Force appeared, it penetrated the past, present and future.

Then if the peer memories overlap, they will also run through the timeline at the same time.

Credence sixty years ago was naturally not immune.

He must have the Flash's memories.

"Credence is the counterpart of the Flash, and this world has the Speed ​​Force, which is equivalent to the Flash himself coming to this world."

Katum said, “As he continues to accelerate and run, he will surely catch a glimpse of the future inadvertently.

"Knowing that there was a poor helpless owl who needed his help and wanted to know how to gain the Speed ​​Force."

Bruce completely disagreed with these words: "How could such a coincidence happen?"

"The odds are really low."

Katum admitted this, "But what does it matter? When we have the speed force and the little owl hatches from the egg, wouldn't it be enough to let the little owl travel across time to deliver a letter?"

Tell Credence that they need help and want to know how to gain access to the Speed ​​Force.


Bruce couldn't help but corrected, "I told you, that egg is not an owl egg!"

Can't hatch an owl.

"That's not the point."

Katum said, “In short, with the Speed ​​Force, we can reverse effects into causes.

"Because we need Barry to leave information, he must have left information sixty years ago."

"But what if we don't get the Speed ​​Force?" Bruce said worriedly, "Then nothing will happen?"

"Have faith in yourself, Bruce."

Katum flapped his wings and said, "Okay, no matter what, let's go to Dumbledore's house first. Anyway, there is no one at his house now.

"I believe that with Dumbledore's character, he will definitely take good care of his family's belongings!"

That's right, a relic.

Katum actually also thought about the possibility that Credence was still alive.

After all, his uncle Dumbledore wasn't dead.

If that were the case, Katum and Bruce wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to obtain the Speed ​​Force.

You can immediately have the Flash as an ally.

But after a little investigation, I found out that he was overthinking.

Credence Barebone, he is an Obscurus, and there is a dark power called the Obscurus in his body.

Most Obscurials die before the age of ten, with the exception of Credence, who lived to adulthood.

But this does not mean that the influence of Obscurus on him does not exist, and his life span will still not be longer than that of ordinary people.

After the third installment of Fantastic Creatures, Credence chose to live with his father Aberforth.

If he dies, the relics will remain with Aberforth.

Or out of strength considerations, keep important things in Dumbledore's hands.

"So now we have two places to look."

Catum said, "One is Aberforth's home, in the Pig's Head pub, and the other is Dumbledore's home or the headmaster's office."

Anyway, go check it out first.

Anyway, they are all in the direction of Hogwarts.

"Let's go!"

After chatting with Hermione, Bruce returned to his room.

He reached out and grabbed Katoom's claws.

Katoom performed Apparition, and the two of them disappeared from the room.

When they reappeared, they were standing on a large plain, and they could see the silhouette of Hogwarts from a distance.

"I'm back again."

Bruce thought to himself, and Katoom grabbed his shoulders and flew up.

"No time to sigh for you, that timeline no longer exists."

The owl said, "Our top priority now is to find the clues Barry left for me!"

If you want to defeat Savitar, it's difficult to have the speed force.

Because when you just get the speed force, your running speed is not fast. Only after slowly adapting to the speed force can you increase your speed until it is close to the speed of light.

When Barry Allen just got the speed force, his speed was not even Mach 2.

"No matter what, this battle must have super speed."

The owl's belief is more determined than anyone else.

"With a speed like that of a locomotive, it can only be used as a punching bag!"

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