Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 101 The Eternal Alley

Katum didn't expect that the seventeen-year-old Voldemort still had such thoughts.

Although he refused to admit it, he made up a new life experience for himself in his dream.

My parents truly love each other, and I was born out of love.

He also fully respected his mother's wishes and did not force himself to change his father.

He even erased the truth about his father's death.

In reality, Old Tom was killed by Little Tom himself, but now he died in a car accident.

I wonder if Voldemort hesitated for even a second deep in his heart when he started to kill his father.

"Oh, it's bitter! It's bitter!"

Katum shouted twice, feeling sorry for Voldemort.

Unable to ask for anything, unable to let go, the obsession that Lockhart mentioned at the beginning was also reflected in Voldemort.

Katum had no intention of awakening Voldemort. If he wanted to support his mother in his dream, that was up to him.

He was just passing through his dream, looking for Bruce.

The owl flapped its wings and flew out of the window. He kept flying until he finally reached the edge of the dream.

There, you can see countless light groups floating outside.

It was a dream.

As the carrier of that silver light, the diary connects all dreams.

"It feels so chaotic!"

The owl is obviously connected to Bruce's soul, but now it can't find which light group belongs to the little bat.

We can only believe in the bond between them!

Katum randomly selected a light group and flew into it.

Bruce, here I come!

“I have always held on to a belief——

“Where there is conflict, give harmony;

“Preach the truth where there is error;

“Where there is doubt, bring faith;

“Where there is despair, raise hope!

"Thank you everyone. From today on, I will return a new magical world to the world!"

In a place that looked like a parliament, Hermione, dressed in adult clothes, stood on the stage and swore an oath to the MPs below.

Everyone in the audience had familiar faces. Harry, Ron, Neville... all looked like children, dressed as adults.

It's like the entire Hogwarts has been moved here.

Katum appeared out of thin air and sighed helplessly.

Wrong place, this was Hermione's dream.

He already believed in his bond with Bruce, but he was still wrong.

It can be seen that the responsibility lies entirely with Bruce.

After he wakes up, he should reflect on it.

The induction speech on stage has ended, and Hermione has taken office at the Ministry of Magic.

She had never seen what the Ministry of Magic looked like, so she recreated the Buckingham Palace exactly as she had seen it on TV.

Hermione sat behind her desk, opposite her cousin Bruce who nodded and bowed.

"Bruce, from today on, I appoint you as the first secretary to help me handle all kinds of affairs!"

"Thank you, cousin!" Bruce in his dream suddenly beamed.

Hermione frowned.

"How many times have I told you!" she criticized, "You must show your job title when you work!"

"Yes, Sir Minister!"

Katum took this scene completely in his eyes, and he waited for a while, but he didn't see what he wanted to see.

Suddenly, the owl cursed loudly.

"Damn it Hermione, I've been so kind to you for nothing!"

He was furious, "You have become the Minister of Magic, why don't you erect a statue for me!"

Katum turned around and flew out of this dream.

Hermione didn't deserve to be awakened.

Katum then tried many dreams.

He saw Harry with his parents, Malfoy who was loyal to Harry, Ron who was admired by thousands of people, and Neville who was reunited with his family...

Um? etc.

While passing by Neville's dreamland, the owl paused for a moment.

Neville, who was usually introverted, was currently with his parents, smiling happily.

Katum thought for a while, Neville's parents are not dead yet, right?

They were tortured crazy by Death Eaters and are now staying in mental hospitals.

In this case, there is still hope.

Let's put this matter to Bruce another day and see if he can find a way for Neville.

Katum left Neville's dream and headed for the next one.

Just when he entered this dream, everything around him instantly darkened, and all magical elements disappeared, replaced by a city, a city in darkness.


"finally found you!"

Katum flapped his wings and flew up, his eyes constantly scanning the city, looking for traces of the little bat.

Not surprisingly, he found it.

At this time, Bruce didn't have any adult dreams. He was still a child, or even a younger child.

At the age of twelve, he transformed back into his eight-year-old self.

Back to the night that changed his life.

Bruce and his parents had just finished watching a performance of "The Mask of Zorro" and were on their way home.

"But how did he become Zorro?"

The innocent Bruce was still immersed in the performance just now, "Why can't I become Zorro?"

He even danced and imitated the Zorro he just saw in front of his mother.

"Ha ha!"

Father Thomas Wayne laughed loudly, "I'm not sure Gotham would welcome a man in a mask who takes the law into his own hands.

"The sad truth is, they would probably throw someone like Zorro into Arkham Asylum!"


Bruce didn't understand much of this.

Who does the ‘they’ in my father’s words refer to?

He didn't even hear the rest of the words clearly, he only remembered 'Zorro is going to Arkham'.

Before you know it, the alley of destiny is approaching.

Katum stood on the streetlight and looked at the Wayne family quietly.

He didn't wake Bruce immediately, but let the dream continue.

See if whatever trapped Bruce is still there.

Although Katum didn't make any sound, when the Wayne family passed by him, Bruce still seemed to feel something and looked up to find him.

"Mom, look, owl!"

Little Bruce pointed at Katum and said happily.

He didn't know why he was in such a good mood when he saw the owl.

Martha smiled and said to her son: "Seeing the owl means we will have good luck tonight. Bruce, you have to show kindness to it!"

In Western culture, the owl is regarded as a symbol of luck and wisdom.


Bruce listened to his mother's words and smiled and waved to Katum.

On the other side, Thomas's expression suddenly became strange after seeing the owl.

It seems that the word owl is some kind of taboo that cannot be said to him.

"let's go."

He grabbed Bruce, quickened his pace, and entered the alley.

Katum watched them pass.

After a while——

Two gunshots rang out, and tragedy happened again.

Katum flapped his wings, followed into the alley, and saw everything that happened inside.

"Oh, sure enough." He couldn't help but say.

In the alley at this time, Bruce was hiding in his mother's arms, shivering.

Martha covered his eyes.

Thomas Wayne, covered in blood, stood in front of them, breathing heavily.

A robber was shot twice and fell in a pool of blood. His eyes were wide open, looking at the dark sky of Gotham.

Katum finally saw Bruce's true heart.

From beginning to end, he never let go of that nightmare and always wanted to change.

Even subconsciously, he remembered what Katum once said to him——

Someone had to die in that alley that night.

So Bruce created this dream.

His parents are not dead, and neither is he.

The robber is dead.

Katum has seen many people's dreams.

Generally speaking, children's dreams are full of wild fantasies and are not obsessed with painful experiences.

Just like Harry, who is also an orphan, he dreams of living with his parents.

And Voldemort's night in Godric's Hollow was simply ignored and didn't exist at all.

But Bruce is different.

His dream is based on real events.

That nightmare night was laid out in front of me in blood, but the final result was different.

Even in his dream, he deeply remembered the alley at night.

"What a embarrassment you are putting me in!"

Katum thought to himself that if he forced Bruce to wake up and made him lose his parents again, it would be as if he had turned Bruce into an orphan.

But he had to do it.

He took Bruce out of Gotham so that he could grow up and be able to go back one day.

By the way, I get a little reward in terms of strength.

Regardless, if Bruce is trapped here, Owl is the guilty party.

"Bruce, wake up!"

Katum calls to Bruce to return his true consciousness.

But Bruce didn't respond.

He acted as if he hadn't heard and still acted like the eight-year-old child.

Katum understood immediately.

If you want to awaken Bruce, you can't rely on your own strength, you can only let Bruce figure it out on his own.

Let him take the initiative to leave his parents and return to reality.

"It's really troublesome!"

Katum complained, but quickly accepted the status quo.

Anyway, the flow speed of time in dreams is different from that in reality. The past few decades in the dream are only a blink of an eye in reality.

It’s okay to spend a little time here.

Otherwise, even if Bruce leaves the cage of this dream, he will only return to a bigger cage.

The Wayne family walked out of the alley without any danger.

The police arrived quickly, and after confirming that the Wayne family was safe and that the man in the alley was a repeat criminal with a criminal record, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If the richest man in Gotham died here without any reason, the police officers really don't know what to do.

It's okay now. It was a false alarm. The Wayne family can go back after finishing the notes.

The transcript was quickly completed, and the Wayne family returned to their manor.

Alfred, the butler, had already received the news and was waiting at the gate of the manor with a worried look on his face.

Finally, he saw a family of three.

"Master Wayne!"

He stepped forward with tears in his eyes, and Thomas waved his hand to indicate that they were okay and no tears were needed yet.

Alfred bent down and took Bruce's hand.

"Master Bruce," he said, "Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid!"

Bruce said with a forced smile.

Because he had his parents with him, Bruce wanted to say.

But when the words came to his lips, something changed.

"I'm not afraid!" he said, "I saw an owl today and it was protecting me!"

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