"The patient is awake!"

Originally, Xiao Chenguang was still a little drowsy, but the patient's awakening shocked him.

"Teacher Zhuang, can you hear me?"

Xiao Chenguang immediately came to the bedside and called Zhuang Zhouyan's name.

At this time, Zhuang Zhouyan was lying on the intensive care bed, with tubes inserted all over his body.

The tracheal tube in his mouth, the wires on his body, the infusion tube, the gastrointestinal tube, the drainage tube, the urinary catheter...

It was so dense that it was dazzling.

Zhuang Zhouyan's eyes were dull and he looked at the ceiling with a dull expression.

On the dome, the chandelier was emitting soft light, but in Zhuang Zhouyan's eyes, it was like a dazzling daylight.

Is this heaven?

In his memory, when those young children stabbed him with ferocious faces.

It felt like life was suddenly stopped by someone.

It was pitch black in front of his eyes.

The sound in his ears gradually disappeared.

It was as if he fell straight into an abyss.

Until the invisible big hand pulled him up vaguely, everything changed.

"Teacher Zhuang, can you hear me?"

The familiar voice sounded again.

In a trance, it seemed that someone was calling his name.

Zhuang Zhouyan turned his eyes and found a young doctor in his sight.

His hand moved slightly, and a piercing pain penetrated into his bones, tearing his body full of holes.

His heart rate suddenly soared, and his breathing and blood pressure became abnormal.

Beep beep... Ding dong... Ding dong...

The monitor and ventilator flashed alarms, and the volume rose alternately, resounding in the ICU.

"Don't move, don't move, you are seriously injured and are in the hospital now."

"The operation is done and it was very successful. You should rest well first and talk later."

After a simple communication, Xiao Chenguang was sure of one thing.

Zhuang Zhouyan woke up.

Although he had a tube in his mouth and couldn't speak, he was conscious and able to follow instructions, indicating that there was no problem with his central nervous system.

Severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, for example, did not come to the door.

After all, Xiao Chenguang had encountered a case where the patient's breathing stopped and consciousness was lost due to anesthesia errors.

As a result, the young man in his twenties suffered from severe hypoxic encephalopathy, and his IQ returned to that of a 3-year-old.

Although the young man's IQ was raised to 5 years old after various efforts in the later period, it was always fixed at the IQ of a 5-year-old.

At the age when he should have blossomed in youth, he now needs lifelong care from his family.

It's a pity to say.

This is why Xiao Chenguang is very proficient in anesthesia.

Avoiding all medical risks that can be avoided for patients is the belief that Xiao Chenguang has always followed in his medical career for many years.

"Add more painkillers."

Seeing that the patient fell asleep weakly again, Xiao Chenguang couldn't bear to disturb him.

After such a big rescue, even a strong young man couldn't stand it.

As the nurse injected the medicine into Zhuang Zhouyan's body, his painful expression gradually eased.

At this time, the door of the ICU was slowly opened.

Wang Jingang walked in.

His eyelids drooped, and his eyes were bloodshot, obviously he didn't sleep well last night.

It's not because he's old and doesn't sleep much, but when he thinks of Xiao Chenguang still working all night for critically ill patients, he tosses and turns and can't sleep.

Look, he rushed over from the office as soon as the sky was slightly bright.

"Xiao Xiao, what's the situation?"


With one sentence, Wang Jingang felt relieved.

"I'm still very weak now, and I fell asleep again."

Xiao Chenguang added another sentence.

"It's good that he can wake up." Wang Jingang was full of emotion, and the thrilling operation last night came to his mind again.

"Alas, it's all thanks to you that he saved his life."

Wang Jingang patted Xiao Chenguang's shoulder, feeling both distressed and fortunate.

"By the way, the steamed buns and soy milk I bought outside are in the office. Go and have some."

"Leave it to me. Go and have a rest after you finish eating. I'll find you if there's anything."

Wang Jingang came to the ICU early in the morning to replace Xiao Chenguang so that he could have a rest.

After all, no matter how young or how hardy he is, after last night's rescue, he has to work all night. No one can stand it.

Although sometimes, hospital staff often laugh at themselves, saying that women are used as men and men are used as animals.

But even the donkeys in the production team have to rest.


This time Xiao Chenguang didn't act pretentiously.

If it were someone else, he might have thought about it.

But he was facing Wang Jingang, and he was relieved because of his experience.

He came to the office and ate a few bites, and he felt full.

It's not that he wasn't hungry, but because he was too tired now.

He fell on the bed, closed his eyes, and went straight into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a sudden noise outside.


A knock on the door sounded in the duty room, and at the same time, the anxious voice of the nurse on duty came.

"Doctor Xiao, bed 1 is very irritable, come and have a look."

Xiao Chenguang woke up from his deep sleep in an instant, his heart beating like a Gatling gun.

What happened again!

His adrenaline surged, and he was wet as if he had been fished out of the water.

The duty room was stuffy and hot, and Xiao Chenguang didn't have time to put on his white coat, so he ran out of the room wearing a white hurdle vest.

At this time, more than a dozen postoperative complications suddenly emerged in his mind.

And the corresponding treatment measures.

When he came to the ward, he found that the room was full of white coats.

A closer look showed that they were all the directors of the internal medicine departments of the hospital, who were facing the patients at a loss.

What's going on?

Xiao Chenguang didn't have time to think about it, and walked forward quickly.

"Xiao Xiao, you're here."

"Director, what's going on?"

"The patient is very strange."


Wang Jingang explained the situation, and Xiao Chenguang gradually frowned after listening.

At this time, the patient's vital signs were very stable, whether it was the drainage in the tube or the tidal volume on the ventilator, they were all very normal.

"Director, you mean, as soon as he was out of sedation, he became very irritable and kept looking for paper?"

"Yes, as soon as he woke up, he asked the nurse for paper, but he couldn't write to him, and his vital signs were also very bad, but he was always sedated. Although he was very calm, it had an impact on his cardiopulmonary function. I was afraid that the patient would not be able to remove the tube at that time..."

Wang Jingang was very entangled.

Originally, I thought that after the operation, the patient would be fine after a stable night.

But now.

The patient was obviously very awake, but he was very irritable, as if something happened.

He invited all the directors of the internal medicine department that could be invited.

Even the psychiatric department unique to Shengli Hospital was invited for consultation.

But it was useless.

The patient seemed to have hysteria, or some kind of obsession, which made him very anxious.


Xiao Chenguang seemed to have an epiphany.

At this time, the alarm sounded again in the quiet ICU.

The nurse guarding the patient's bed said anxiously.

"The patient is about to wake up again!"

Zhuang Zhouyan had already opened his eyes at this time, with a tube in his mouth and unable to speak, so he shook his hands and made writing movements.

The monitor and ventilator kept flashing red lights.

The vital signs began to be unstable, and even the blood oxygen saturation dropped from 100% to 90%.

Seeing this scene, all the directors present began to worry again.

In this situation, what should we do? We can't always use sedatives to calm him down.

Just when they were at a loss, a soft voice rang out.

"Teacher Zhuang, do you want your briefcase?"

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