Xiao Chenguang was too bold. The person he scolded was Secretary Hao.

Dean Li felt dizzy and sweat dripped down the brim of his hat.

A group of people could break into the operating room, and the dean was still following them.

In this kind of scene, you can imagine that the people who came here are not simple.

But Xiao Chenguang scolded without mercy.

What should I do?

Just when Dean Li didn't know how to explain.

The secretary stopped in Xiao Chenguang's scolding.

He looked at the young man on the stage in surprise.

The latter had sharp eyes and looked at him fearlessly.

It felt as if if he dared to take another step forward, the instrument in the palm of the latter's hand would hit him in the face.

"How is he...?"

The secretary knew that he had lost his composure.

The patient was still in surgery on the stage. At this time, the surgeon was everyone's hope.

"He can live."

These two simple words made the secretary feel refreshed.

He looked at Xiao Chenguang again.

His eyes were still sharp, but his expression was more confident and calm.


"I'll wait outside."

The secretary nodded and turned around and left without hesitation.

Then a heavy stone in his heart fell to the ground.

He didn't mind Xiao Chenguang's bad attitude at all, and even felt a little fortunate.

Perhaps the doctors who have the confidence to say the word "can survive" have bad tempers.

As the secretary left the operating room, everyone present was stunned on the spot.

What? !

The secretary, who was scolded, actually left without saying a word.

Who is the surgeon on the stage, and how can he be so powerful.

At this moment, Dean Li, who has not yet recovered, has Xiao Chenguang's two words in his head.

Can survive? !

Can he really survive?

When did the doctors in his hospital speak so confidently?

You give people hope now, what if he can't survive at that time?

Isn't this blocking all your escape routes?

Young, still young!

Dean Li's face was almost green with anger at this moment.

Just as he was thinking about how to explain this to the secretary.

The circulating nurse who had gone to make a phone call earlier came back in a hurry.

"Doctor Xiao, the blood transfusion department replied that the blood stored in the blood bank can't make up the second set of red blood cells."

As soon as this was said, everyone in the operating room was stunned.

"How could it be?!"

"The blood volume in the blood bank is usually sufficient, how come it can't even make up the second set of red blood cells today?"

The people present were all department directors, who usually performed surgery on patients and often transfused blood.

Therefore, they were very familiar with this set of procedures.

Faced with the inquiry, the nurse was also very anxious.

"The patient's blood type is AB, which is the smallest of the four blood types."

"The blood bank replied that there was a major car accident in Dongcheng District, and there were seriously injured people with AB blood type."

"The People's Hospital has applied in advance and taken the last set of red blood cells, so the blood bank is temporarily out of blood."

After hearing the nurse's report, Dean Li, who had not yet left, felt dizzy and almost fainted on the spot.

The accident happened just after he said it.

You know, red blood cells are like nectar to surgical patients.

Having blood and not having blood are also two different challenges for surgeons.

"I will contact the blood bank myself, and this person's blood must be transfused."

Dean Li hurriedly started to make a phone call.

But the reply he got made him helpless.

Because of the sudden car accident, the AB type red blood cells in the blood bank were completely exhausted.

Dean Li was a little at a loss.

Through his connections, he contacted a blood bank in another place. Although they had the required AB type blood, it would take at least an hour to deliver it urgently.

But can the patient hold out for that long?

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Dean Li had not come out for a long time, the secretary thought that the patient was in trouble and turned back.

When Dean Li explained the situation, the secretary made a prompt decision and said, "Call the blood collection vehicle and organize people to donate blood immediately."

Dean Li looked embarrassed after hearing this.

It was the middle of the night, who would donate blood?

You can't call and notify everyone one by one and pull people out of their beds right now.

That's too inhumane.

"What are you afraid of? I have AB type blood. Take mine first."

The secretary rolled up his sleeves, revealing his thick blood vessels.

Although he is over 50 years old, he was also an educated youth who went to the countryside.

He did all kinds of work, including odd jobs, heavy work, and farm work, and he has always maintained a good health.

"Who else came here with us has AB blood type?"

As soon as the words fell, several more people stood out from the crowd.

Seeing the secretary take the lead, Dean Li dared not say no.He quickly contacted the blood station staff to come to the scene to collect blood.

Soon, bags of fresh blood were collected with the efforts of everyone.

When the processed fresh blood was sent to the operating room, you could even feel the temperature on it.

"Xiao Xiao, the blood is coming."

Wang Jingang, who was standing on the stage, didn't know if it was because of his old age.

His eyes were sore and tears moistened his eyes.

At this moment, everyone was working hard to do what they could for Zhuang Zhouyan on the stage.

Since one person can save a city.


One city can also save one person.

"Director, let's start."


Wang Jingang nodded in response, and then pulled the necrotic intestinal tube out of the abdominal cavity.

Then use warm saline gauze to isolate the intestinal tube and prepare for cutting.

"Resection length 40cm."

Xiao Chenguang once again clarified the length of the small intestine to be resected.

Start to free the ligated mesentery.

The scalpel cut open the mesentery, avoiding the surrounding blood vessels, and the sterile scissors in the hand began to separate the mesentery.

Soon, a piece of mesentery as thin as a cicada's wing was cut off and placed in the treatment bowl on the operating table.

At the same time, Wang Jingang had clamped the arteries on both sides of the resected intestinal tube with a vascular clamp.

Then the intestinal tube was clamped with a non-destructive clamp and a hemostatic clamp.

Leave room for Xiao Chenguang to operate.

"Ready to cut."

Xiao Chenguang said, without hesitation, and then he raised his hand and cut down a very complete intestinal tube at one time.

At this time, due to the blood transfusion, the patient's whole body blood volume was constantly increasing after receiving the second group of red blood cells.

The pale tissue that was originally cut began to bleed faintly at this moment.

This is a good thing.

Xiao Chenguang pressed the hemostatic gauze on it and cut the other end again.

When the entire 40cm long necrotic intestinal tube was placed in the treatment bowl, Sun Chengwu, who was helping on the stage, was amazed.

"Doctor Xiao, your incision of the intestinal cavity is too neat."

As the director of gastrointestinal surgery, Sun Chengwu has been doing intestinal surgery all year round.

When Xiao Chenguang made this cut, he knew in his heart that the operation was successful.

Sure enough, as the incisions on both sides were aligned, the intestinal cavity was tightly closed without leaving any gaps.

It was as if this section of the intestinal cavity had never been cut.

On the operating table, the flying black silk thread turned into a dancing butterfly in Xiao Chenguang's hands again.

Threading the needle and threading, the intestinal cavity at the broken ends was quickly anastomosed, which dazzled everyone.

After 10 minutes, the complete intestinal cavity appeared in front of everyone.

"Director, open the clamp."

Xiao Chenguang's understated voice floated by, but it made Wang Jingang a little nervous.

Open the clamp and check whether there is intestinal fistula, hernia and blood supply in the anastomosed intestinal tube.

It is the most critical step in small bowel resection.

Click, click, click...

The serrations at the end of the clamp loosened one by one, making a clanging sound.

Everyone's muscles were tense, staring at the anastomosis intently.

As the clamp opened, the originally pale intestinal cavity began to turn red.

One minute later, there was no intestinal fluid seeping out of the intestinal cavity at the suture.

A hanging heart instantly fell to the ground.

The directors on the stage showed a long-lost smile.

"No, I have to relax when I go back tonight. This is too... too fucking exciting."

"Who do you want to relax with in the middle of the night? Aren't you afraid that your sister-in-law will block you in the department the next day?"

"Bah, you big yellow man, you drive this kind of broken car."

"What's wrong with a broken car? It's enough oil. If you want to drive, no one is willing to drive with you."

Seeing that the directors started to joke and expose each other as usual.

The circulating nurse in the audience finally mustered up the courage and asked carefully: "Doctor Xiao, is the operation finished?"

"It's finished."

Xiao Chenguang smiled and said to the circulating nurse: "Go call the ICU. The patient is expected to leave the stage in half an hour."

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll contact them right away!"

The circulating nurse was as happy as a little sparrow when she heard Xiao Chenguang's affirmative answer, and she ran out of the operating room chirping.

Outside the operating room, the people who were covering their arms and waiting anxiously stood up nervously when they saw the circulating nurse open the door.

"The operation is finished, and the patient is leaving the stage."

When the news came, the secretary immediately looked at Dean Li on the side.

"Dean Li, what does this mean?"

Although he was not sure, he saw the joy on the nurse's face, and his heart was already in turmoil.

At this time, Dean Li, who heard the news, was obviously stunned.

In his mind, Xiao Chenguang's words on the stage emerged.

"The patient...is alive!"

Exciting news,Instantly infected everyone present.

They had been worried all night.

At this moment, everyone, regardless of identity and rank, couldn't help but cheer.

"Alive... Alive."

The secretary lowered his head and muttered to himself.

His bloodshot eyes were full of fatigue.


He stood up, his eyes revealing incomparable majesty.

In an instant, the cheers stopped.

Everyone was quiet, waiting for Secretary Hao's instructions.

"Everyone has worked hard. After receiving the patient, go back and rest."

Then he said in a deep voice: "Don't spread what happened tonight. All the details will be notified. Do you understand?"


Everyone nodded carefully, and at the same time felt palpitations.

Some people will be rewarded and some will be punished for this matter.

I'm afraid that the next camp city will set off a storm.

At this time, Xiao Chenguang, who was still closing his abdomen on the stage, obviously didn't care about what outsiders thought.

Zhuang Zhouyan has been saved.

Xiao Chenguang was very happy.

And based on current observations, the chances of his recovery are very high.

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