
Zhao Quanshun was still a little unconvinced, but was interrupted by Wang Jingang as soon as he opened his mouth.

"After probing the patient, the intestinal wall was congested 15cm from the end of the ileum, and there was a small amount of light bloody exudate in the abdominal cavity. We are now continuing to loosen intestinal adhesions, leaving a peritoneal drainage tube, preparing to flush the abdominal cavity with warm saline, and closing the abdomen."

Wang Jingang's words were like a hammer, extinguishing all of Zhao Quanshun's thoughts.

Seeing that his eyes were dull, as if he had lost his soul, Wang Jingang sighed secretly, knowing that this hurdle was a bit difficult for him.

But surgery is like this, whoever has the best skills will have the right to speak in the operating room.

Seeing that the patient would still have some time to wake up, he asked Xiao Chenguang to help keep an eye on the patient, and he pulled Zhao Quanshun out of the operating room.

"What? Do you still think that what I said is wrong?"

"I didn't..."

Zhao Quanshun's eyes were a little red at this moment, and he didn't know whether he was stimulated or wronged.

Wang Jingang sighed and said, "Although I don't know how Xiao did it, have you noticed that the incision he made for the patient is different from what we usually do?"


Zhao Quanshun tried to recall, but he didn't understand.

"Location, it's the location."

Wang Jingang said it twice, and Zhao Quanshun suddenly realized.

"Xiao Chenguang made an incision on the left rectus abdominis muscle, and we usually use a median incision to expand the scope of exploration as much as possible."

Wang Jingang nodded: "So, Xiao Chenguang knew from the beginning that the patient's obstruction was on the left side, so he made an incision on the left side to facilitate the subsequent surgery."


Zhao Quanshun's eyes were open like he had hyperthyroidism at this moment, bulging, his mouth wide open, and he almost pulled the cotton mask to his chin.

Seeing him dumbfounded, Wang Jingang shook his head helplessly.

It's really hard to know until you compare them. Once you compare them, the gap between the two seems to be separated by a Himalaya.

Even Wang Jingang himself was not sure if he could perform the operation faster than himself if Xiao Chenguang was given the right to operate.

The answer is yes.

Every step Xiao Chenguang took on the stage was impeccable. It felt like he could not have done this without a thousand or eight hundred operations of the same level.

"Quan Shun, remember to communicate more with Xiao Xiao in the future. Don't think that he is too young to lose face. He is likely to bring about earth-shaking changes in our surgery."

The earnest words shocked Zhao Quanshun again. When had the master ever spoken so highly of a person?

"Master, that's too exaggerated."


Wang Jingang naturally saw what Zhao Quanshun was thinking. He said everything he should say to his apprentice.

After all, opportunities are only a few times in a lifetime. Whether he can seize them depends on his own choice.

As for Xiao Chenguang, when he stood on the operating table, Wang Jingang knew very well that the era of young people had arrived.


The operation was successfully completed. Wang Jingang gave two more precautions and went back to the general surgery ward to rest.

After all, a half-century-old man, no matter how energetic he is, can't compare to young people.

In the operating room, Zhao Quanshun, who had returned, seemed to have adjusted his mentality under the guidance of his master.

He first checked the patient's vital signs according to his master's instructions. After seeing that there was no abnormality, he asked everyone to go down and rest.

As for him, he took the initiative to stay by the bed and wait for the patient to wake up.

The originally quiet operating room suddenly became lively. Everyone joked, took off their surgical gowns, and left.

"It turned out to be a left rectus abdominis incision. How did Xiao Chenguang do it?"

Zhao Quanshun looked at the thin incision on the patient's abdomen and fell into deep thought.

The master actually asked him to learn more from a child who was a dozen years younger than him. It was really reasonable.

Although Zhao Quanshun still felt a little uncomfortable, the facts were in front of him, which made him lose his temper instantly.

"Teacher Zhao, what are you thinking about here alone?"

"Xiao Chenguang, you didn't leave?"

Zhao Quanshun turned around and found Xiao Chenguang standing in the corner. He didn't leave like the others.

"After all, he is the first patient I've had surgery here. I can't rest assured unless I see him wake up with my own eyes."

Xiao Chenguang smiled and returned to his sunny and cheerful appearance, giving people an inexplicable sense of closeness.

"You are too cautious."

Zhao Quanshun was speechless.

This operation was the shortest and most effective laparotomy he had ever seen.

Even his master left with peace of mind, but Xiao Chenguang would stay here all the time.

Is he not confident in his own skills?

Zhao Quanshun just had this thought.I almost couldn't help but slap myself.

If Xiao Chenguang is not confident in his skills, what about him?

Wouldn't he be a waste?

"After all, he is a doctor. No matter how cautious he is, it is not too much."

Xiao Chenguang came to the patient and saw that Zhao Quanshun's eyes were always wandering on the patient's incision. He smiled and said, "Teacher Zhao, I saw you staring at the patient's incision from just now. Is there any problem?"

Zhao Quanshun blushed when he heard this, but when he thought of the master's instructions before leaving, he immediately put down his face: "Xiao Xiao, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have questioned you just now. In fact, there is one thing I still don't understand. How did you know the cause of the patient's disease from the beginning?"

"So that's it."

Xiao Chenguang pointed to the X-ray on the reading lamp not far away and said, "Combined with the patient's medical history, auxiliary examinations, and the position of the free gas on the film, it is easy to judge."

Hearing Xiao Chenguang's explanation, Zhao Quanshun's face became even redder.

Is it easy?

This ability to roughly diagnose the condition based on the patient's complaints and physical signs requires a lot of clinical experience.

You should know that among all doctors, the best diagnosers are internists, because they need to use various clues to determine the patient's disease.

As a surgeon, Xiao Chenguang, at a young age, can apply diagnostics to a superb level. This talent is indeed unmatched.

"Xiao Xiao, you are really amazing. The laparotomy is done quickly and well."

Zhao Quanshun sighed sincerely. At this time, he was completely convinced. There was nothing else in his mind except admiration.

"In fact, patients with acute abdomen who need laparotomy can also complete diagnosis and treatment without major surgery."

"Even the exploration time will be shorter."

Xiao Chenguang immediately thought of the laparoscopic technology that he used most in his later life.

It can be said that patients like this will not need surgery in the future. They only need to drill a few millimeters of holes in the abdomen to achieve better diagnosis and treatment results than laparotomy.

"Oh? Tell me about it." Zhao Quanshun was completely interested.

Originally, Xiao Chenguang's laparotomy had already shown him what a magical surgery was.

But now, Xiao Chenguang actually said that there was a way to allow patients to complete diagnosis and treatment in a shorter time, which was too incredible.

However, when Xiao Chenguang said the words "laparoscopic technology", Zhao Quanshun's face was not as excited as he expected. Instead, his expectant eyes suddenly dimmed, his whole face was even more worried, and there was even a bit of unwillingness and regret in his expression.

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