Seeing the shocked expressions of the crowd, Xiao Chenguang acted very calm.

Laparoscopic thyroid tumor resection.

Whether it is from the axilla or the oral vestibule, observation holes and operation holes can be established for surgery.

However, in this operation, emergency incision and drainage have been performed because the tumor compressed the trachea and caused suffocation.

It is obviously too late to do laparoscopic surgery.

Xiao Chenguang used a negative pressure tube to attract the blood in the surgical area while pressing the bleeding point with sterile gauze.

"Of course, laparoscopy can perform neck surgery, but now I have to use the high-frequency electric knife on the equipment to complete this operation."

"High-frequency electric knife?"

Xiao Chenguang's words startled everyone.

Obviously, this term is a little unfamiliar to them.

Xiao Chenguang was about to explain, but Li Wenxia beside him suddenly reacted.

"Doctor Xiao, I know the high-frequency electric knife you are talking about."


Li Wenxia's words surprised Xiao Chenguang a little.

"The high-frequency electric knife can separate tissues, cut and stop bleeding. It is an electrosurgical instrument that can replace traditional scalpels."

Li Wenxia knew everything about it, and she was almost right, which made Xiao Chenguang amazed again and again.

After all, in the operating room in 1999, many places were not equipped with high-frequency electric knives. Not to mention nurses, some doctors may not understand it.

But Li Wenxia not only understood it, but also could explain the principles, which is not easy.

Seeing this, Li Wenxia was somewhat embarrassed: "I just learned it after I got off the stage last night."

After all, equipment use and maintenance are also one of the daily tasks of operating room nurses.

But last night, during Xiao Chenguang's laparoscopic surgery, Li Wenxia, ​​as an instrument nurse, was completely in the dark and didn't know anything about the laparoscopic instruments.

Watching Xiao Chenguang running around to install and adjust the instruments, Li Wenxia felt ashamed.

It was obviously her job, but because she didn't understand the equipment, the operation was delayed. This was unacceptable to her.

That's why she found the manual of the laparoscopic instrument after she stepped down and read it carefully, so that she could answer Xiao Chenguang's question just now.

"You only spent one night to finish reading the manual?"

Xiao Chenguang was really surprised this time.

After all, the manuals of instruments in this era all have one feature.

That is, no matter how simple the object is, it will be equipped with a thick manual.

And for the sophisticated laparoscopic equipment in front of her, the thickness of the manual can be as thick as a fist.

But Li Wenxia can not only read it in a short time, but also remember it. This learning ability is indeed different from ordinary people.

"I also learned a little more because I am interested."

Li Wenxia pursed her lips, as if she thought of something: "Doctor Xiao, are you going to use electrocoagulation to solve the problem of bleeding during surgery?"

"Yes." Xiao Chenguang nodded.

"But... I haven't seen any surgeon in our hospital use a high-frequency electric knife." Li Wenxia hesitated for a moment, but still said it.

After all, this matter concerns the patient's life.

She had heard from the director before that non-traditional scalpels, if used unskillfully, would often backfire and cause secondary damage to the patient.

"It's okay, just bring it." Xiao Chenguang was calm and composed.

Then, at his request, everyone quickly pushed the laparoscopic device over.

"So many buttons, densely packed, all in capital letters, how can we tell them apart."

Even though they had seen the power of this instrument last night, Liu Tie and others couldn't help but feel a little scared at this moment.

After all, unknown things always bring people fear.

Like the laparoscopic device in front of them, both its size and operation are super complex.

Everyone didn't even know how to turn it on, let alone how to use it to operate on patients.

Even the intricate power cords on it made people's scalps numb.

"What kind of monsters are those who can design this thing?"

They looked at the newly introduced equipment and seemed a little overwhelmed.

Even Li Wenxia, ​​who had just learned theoretical knowledge, was a little timid when the instrument was placed in front of her.

Seeing that they didn't dare to go up, Xiao Chenguang sighed inwardly.

You should know that the high-frequency electric knife was developed by the Americans as early as 1926.

Even by the 1990s, this technology had already matured abroad and was used in almost every operation.

But now, this technology has just started in China, and some hospitals even bought it just to cope with the review and assessment. At best, it is a decoration and is useless.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chenguang shook his head helplessly."If you fall behind, you will be beaten. No wonder domestic hospitals have to pay foreigners patent fees in the billions of yuan every year."

Xiao Chenguang once had a conversation with a respected Chinese medicine doctor.

I heard that in order to change the backward medical level at that time, their generation could only endure humiliation and study abroad.

Not only were they looked down upon by foreigners, but they also had to endure various acts of strangling them.

Xiao Chenguang still remembers the silence and unwillingness in the eyes of Chinese medicine doctors at that time.

And that conversation also made him thoroughly understand that only by mastering technology can one have the right to speak.

Only in this way can one stand on a higher international stage and be respected.


"High-frequency electric knife, it is composed of a main unit and electric knife handle, electrode plate, foot switch and other accessories."

"It is divided into monopolar, bipolar and mixed modes. The hertz energy generated by its electric knife can reach up to 300,000, which is 6,000 times that of ordinary household appliances."

In order to dispel the fear of everyone, Xiao Chenguang began to demonstrate and explain.

As the power was turned on, all the indicator buttons on the instrument lit up, and the equipment started to run with a buzzing sound.

"Put the negative plate on the patient's thigh, and be careful not to touch metal objects."

Under Xiao Chenguang's guidance, an electrode plate connected to a wire was attached to the patient.

Then Xiao Chenguang stepped on the pedal switch on the ground, and the electric knife in his hand made a crackling sound.

"So scary."

"This is much scarier than a scalpel. If you accidentally touch the skin, you will have a big hole in your body."

"No wonder the director is so secretive about this. If such a high-intensity current enters the human body and accidentally touches other organs, there is probably no chance to remedy it."

At first, everyone looked at Xiao Chenguang curiously.

But when the electric knife in his palm fell on the patient, everyone's face changed.

The moment the knife head touched the tissue, a burst of light burst out, and the sound of electric current rang in the ears, just like a welder working with an electric welding gun on weekdays.

However, welders are dealing with cold steel, and even if they make a mistake, they can start over.

But Xiao Chenguang is dealing with a living person, and if he makes a mistake, he will be doomed.

For a moment, the entire operating room was silent, and everyone was like a sculpture, nervous and motionless, for fear of affecting Xiao Chenguang's operation.

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