"Come on, hook."

At this time, the tracheotomy was not completed. Xiao Chenguang just made a local incision and drainage.

The patient's condition was temporarily relieved.

But Xiao Chenguang's operation also made Lin Gaoyang, who was standing beside him, stunned.

They were of similar age, but his clinical diagnosis was several levels higher than his. Now even his operation level was far better than his.

What did Dr. Xiao say just now?

The patient had thyroid cancer, and the swelling wrapped around the neck was all cancerous tissue.

If it was really as he said.

This means that the normal blood vessels in the neck are intertwined with the blood vessels that feed the cancer, and the blood vessels are as complicated as a ball of wool.

The anatomical structure is completely destroyed, and cutting inside is no different from walking in a maze.

If you are not careful, you will be doomed.

But Xiao Chenguang did not hesitate at all and cut decisively.

Just one cut curbed the patient's sudden drop in blood oxygen saturation.

To what extent does one have to master the human anatomy to be able to do it so easily?

The more Lin Gaoyang thought about it, the more frightened he became. He put on his gloves and began to retract the patient according to Xiao Chenguang's request.

The thyroid retractor is shaped like a capital letter "S".

It may be about the same size as a fountain pen.

With Lin Gaoyang's burly figure, it looks like a baby toy in his palm.

"You inserted the tube?"

After disinfecting it again, Xiao Chenguang glanced at the patient's oral tracheal intubation with the corner of his eye.

"It's me, is there any... problem?"

Lin Gaoyang was panicked. This feeling was like being asked a question by the director at the morning meeting, which made him tense all over.

"Well, it's inserted well."

Xiao Chenguang was a little surprised.

After all, it is rare for a surgeon to be able to intubate the trachea.

Besides, it was still 1999. Xiao Chenguang estimated that in the entire Shengli Hospital, apart from the doctors in the anesthesiology department, only a few directors of the internal medicine department had this ability.

I really didn't expect that Lin Gaoyang, a thoracic surgeon, could do tracheal intubation so well.

Not only was the length appropriate and the fixation reasonable, but even the squeezing frequency of the balloon was very standard just now.

If he hadn't looked at his work badge, Xiao Chenguang would have thought that he was a full-time doctor stationed in the emergency department.

"Really? I also did it with a brave face." Faced with the sudden praise, Lin Gaoyang was somewhat embarrassed.

"Oh? Is it your first time? Very good."

Being able to complete tracheal intubation in such an emergency situation, and when the patient was about to suffocate, this determination is worthy of praise.

Xiao Chenguang had met many young people with good skills, and the speed of practicing tracheal intubation could be calculated in seconds.

But when it comes to actual operation, encountering all kinds of emergency patients, most of them will panic.

Some of them even trembled like they had cerebellar ataxia. At this time, let alone saving people, it would be good if they didn't need to be rescued by others.

During the conversation, Xiao Chenguang's operation was not slow.

According to the patient's physiological structure, he had gradually separated the subcutaneous tissue and cut her fourth tracheal ring.

Seeing this, Lin Gaoyang, who was standing by, quickly pressed the thyroid retractor in his hand to the incision made by Xiao Chenguang.

Gently pull.

The milky white tracheal ring came into view, and in the airway, Lin Gaoyang even saw the tip of the tracheal tube he had established.

"Doctor Xiao, it's in the trachea."

Lin Gaoyang was a little excited.

For him, this percutaneous tracheotomy performed in an emergency situation was the first case.

Although he didn't do much, it was worth it even if he helped to pull a hook.

"Place a tracheotomy tube."

Xiao Chenguang was as calm as water, as if he had done something insignificant.

As the "J"-shaped tracheotomy tube was inserted into the patient's body, the breathing balloon with high pressure was released instantly.

The turbulent airflow was squeezed into the patient's body like nectar as the balloon was squeezed.

The blood oxygen saturation, which was still slowly rising, instantly reached a reassuring value.

"Doctor Xiao, Doctor Lin, the patient's finger pulse oxygen has risen to 90%."

Seeing the numbers on the monitor, the emergency nurse was obviously relieved.

Although the patient has not woken up yet, at least his life will not be in danger for the time being.

This means that their emergency rescue work has been successfully completed. The rest is to hand over to the consultation department responsible for receiving the patient and ask the specialist to deal with it.

"Did the patient come alone? No other family members followed?"

Although Xiao Chenguang came in a hurry, he also glanced at it with his peripheral vision when he passed the emergency corridor.

The dark emergency corridor was empty, and only the lights in the rescue room were on at this moment.

"Before I had time to ask, the patient suddenlyAsphyxiated."

"But judging from the situation, he should have come to work alone. Otherwise, if the situation is so serious, he should have been accompanied by his family."

The nurse tried hard to recall the content of the patient's conversation before he suffocated, and analyzed the possible situation to Xiao Chenguang.

Of course, this was not purely based on her imagination and nonsense.

After all, nurses have worked in the emergency department for a long time, and after encountering many things, they have more or less a sixth sense that cannot be explained.

This feeling can also be regarded as a kind of clinical experience.

Just like a doctor who has been working for a long time, when he sees the patient for the first time, he can roughly judge the severity of the patient.

Then through simple basic means such as visual, touch, percussion and auscultation, the patient's medical needs can generally be met.

Instead of some people, without asking clearly about the disease, they first issue a bunch of examination orders, and then mess around, making the patient spend hundreds or thousands of yuan, and finally can't get a definite result.

"Since the patient has no family members for the time being, let the medical department come to issue a certificate. "

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Chenguang said in a deep voice.

"What certificate do you want?" The nurse was a little confused.

She had never encountered such a thing before, so she didn't understand Xiao Chenguang's request.

"Of course it's a surgery certificate."

As soon as this was said, the nurse suddenly realized that after all, tracheotomy is also a surgery, and it requires the signature of family members.

Now that the patient's family members cannot be contacted, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is indeed a good idea to let the medical department that is responsible for handling such troubles solve it.

However, isn't it a bit too inhumane to pull someone from home in the middle of the night?

Just when the nurse was hesitating whether to make this call, Xiao Chenguang's words came again.

But this time, his tone was more like an order.

"Not only the surgery certificate, but also the patient's authorization. It's better to call 1100 and help contact the family members."

"So anxious? "

"Well, in her case, emergency surgery is necessary to remove the thyroid tumor. Otherwise, when the cancer cells invade the serous layer, damage the blood and cause the disease to spread throughout the body, it will be too late to perform surgery."

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