The pork was bought for eating, but before eating, Xiao Chenguang could use it first.

It’s good to be young.

Even though he had just finished the night shift last night and had experienced a major rescue this morning, he sat in the rental house to rest for a while, and his fatigue was swept away.

This was different from his previous life when he was tortured to death after staying up all night.

Xiao Chenguang now still feels energetic.

In fact, in the hospital, the union has assigned dormitories, but there are only three or four people living in one room, all of them are young men, and they are all energetic.

Every night, they either go to the dormitory to play poker, or get together to build the Great Wall or play mahjong.

Anyway, it’s messy all day long, and the shouting is one after another.

Even when Xiao Chenguang got off the night shift and returned to the dormitory, he was either hungry because of the smell of instant noodles in the room, or coughed and cried because of the smoky second-hand smoke.

Not to mention reading and studying, even wanting to sleep normally is very difficult.

Actually, there is nothing that can be done about it.

After all, in this era, there is a relative lack of entertainment options. Unlike later generations, everyone has a mobile phone and can happily watch videos and read novels.

But it must be said that here, Xiao Chenguang can clearly feel the enthusiasm of people in the 1990s.

Carrying a tape recorder with four speakers, walking in the streets and alleys, playing popular classic songs.

Everyone's life is very relaxed, and they will not curse or fight in the street because of trivial matters.

Even the white knife in and the red knife out are often broadcast in news reports.

Of course, Xiao Chenguang chose to take out part of the money from his tight salary to rent a house outside, mainly to facilitate his own operation training.

Don't look at these two operations. Xiao Chenguang's performance is amazing. In addition to his extraordinary talent and rich experience, another part of the reason is that every day after get off work, he will use his unique training method to practice surgical proficiency with pork in the rental house.

The rental house where Xiao Chenguang lives is just opposite the hospital. It is actually a shantytown that has not yet been demolished.

It is close and cheap, but the environment is a bit poor.

There is a row of two- or three-story buildings, dozens of rooms, and only one small room in the room, which is more than ten square meters in size, with a bed and a table. Not to mention natural gas, there is not even a gas stove and a toilet.

To cook, you need to go to the public stove specially set up at the corner of the first floor. If you want to go to the toilet, it is even farther.

After leaving the gate of the compound, walk a hundred meters away to find a toilet built with white paint and red bricks.

But these are not a big deal for Xiao Chenguang at this moment.

He rented this house, and most of the time he spent practicing, except for sleeping.

He put the backpack on the bedside and took out the books he shamelessly asked for from Wang Jingang's office.

Neatly placed on the table.

At that time, medical books like this were not pirated books that could be bought for just a dozen yuan in later generations.

The price of any one of these books is probably enough to pay for a month's rent.

Next to the books, there is a clean wooden chopping board.

This is the tool that Xiao Chenguang uses as a workbench for his daily practice.

Washing hands, putting meat, cutting, suturing...

Xiao Chenguang didn't stop until a whole piece of pork belly was riddled with holes.

Then he began to review the shortcomings of the suturing just now, and then readjusted the state to maintain the flexibility of his hands.

This is what Xiao Chenguang requires of himself every day. The so-called practice makes perfect, roughly speaking.

After all, in the hospital, it is impossible to perform surgery every day, and you can't always practice on patients.

Although someone once said that an excellent or even famous surgical master has a few lives under his hands.

But those are all experiences accumulated from painful lessons. If possible, Xiao Chenguang would rather not have them.

"If I can get some laparoscopic instruments and practice at home, the flexibility of my fingers will definitely improve."

Xiao Chenguang thought of the laparoscopic simulators of later generations, which can directly simulate human tissues and perform corresponding laparoscopic surgeries.

Although there is still some gap with living people, it is enough to practice and maintain the state.

As for now, it is estimated that there are.

But at this time, they are all in the hands of the United States and other countries. They are core technologies. Not to mention that the price is ridiculously expensive, the key is that they will not give them to you at all.

Of course, Xiao Chenguang also has a way to deal with this, but the problem that needs to be solved at present is where to get laparoscopic instruments.

After all, sterile gloves, blades, and sutures can be reported to the department and taken back for practice.

But laparoscopic instruments are still too expensive at present. Even if Xiao Chenguang is already the technical director, he cannot take them home privately.

"It seems that I can only start from other ways."Gurgle gurgle...

Unconsciously, it was already noon.

The stove outside was already busy, the oil pan crackled, the ingredients and the shovel were stir-fried, and the aroma of meat and vegetables drifted into the corridor and into Xiao Chenguang's room.

"Let's solve the problem of eating first."

Xiao Chenguang simply stopped thinking about it, but took the minced meat on the chopping board and a handful of green peppers left over from the day before, and went downstairs to make a stir-fried pork with peppers.

After eating, he fell asleep.

He slept very deeply this time, and didn't even dream.

He was awakened by a rapid beeping sound.

This was the paging reminder tone unique to the pager.

Xiao Chenguang only felt sore all over, but instinctively touched the pager placed next to the pillow and flipped through it.

After reading the content clearly, Xiao Chenguang sat up suddenly.

"It's an emergency consultation."

Since Xiao Chenguang is already the chief resident of the general surgery department, he will be notified immediately if there are any difficult problems.

Xiao Chenguang glanced out the window, the full moon was hanging high, and there was silence.

It was already the middle of the night. As long as it was not a matter of life and death, the department would not call him.

Xiao Chenguang did not dare to delay, and touched his face with clean water. The coldness penetrated his skin and instantly made him sober.

After putting on his clothes, Xiao Chenguang immediately ran to the emergency department of Shengli Hospital.


At this time, a tense atmosphere permeated the emergency rescue room.

"Doctor Lin, the patient's oxygenation is still decreasing. What should we do now?"

The nurse looked at the monitor that was constantly alarming. The blue line representing the blood oxygen saturation was flashing a dazzling red light.




In a short while, the normal blood oxygen saturation had dropped to a dangerous value.

Looking at the unconscious patient on the stage, Lin Gaoyang was extremely anxious.

Today was his first 24-hour emergency shift since he joined the company.

Although he could work independently in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, emergency was different from the ward after all.

During the day, facing all kinds of surgical emergency patients, with his knowledge and clinical experience, he almost couldn't cope.

He thought that by midnight, there would be fewer patients and he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Indeed, at night, there were fewer patients than during the day.

Even for one or two hours, no patient was seen.

Lin Gaoyang originally thought that he could go to the duty room and spend the night safely, but in the middle of the night, a young woman came to see a doctor, which completely broke the calm of the emergency department.

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