Free subcutaneous tissue and fat layer.

Xiao Chenguang was very fast. The moment he cut open, he had already signaled his senior brother beside him to prepare the hook.

When the metal hook pulled open the incision, the entire rectus abdominis was exposed to everyone.

"Ah? Is this the muscle layer? Why is it this color?"

Everyone was shocked.

At this moment, the entire rectus abdominis was as pale as snow, as if it had been soaked in formalin.

And the doctors who had performed the operation on the spot knew that the intact muscle layer should be bright red, only in this way can the muscle activity be maintained.

"Has the ischemia reached this extent?"

When Xiao Chenguang separated the rectus abdominis longitudinally, he didn't even use the hemostatic cotton gauze, because the pregnant woman's heart stopped suddenly, the circulating blood volume was insufficient, and there was no bleeding during the entire muscle separation process.

This situation was obviously very abnormal.

"There is no time."

Xiao Chenguang didn't dare to pause. While cutting the rectus abdominis, his hand wearing sterile gloves had already reached in.

"Push harder! Didn't you have breakfast this morning?"

Xiao Chenguang yelled at his senior brother beside him.

At this moment, the field of vision was not fully exposed, and Xiao Chenguang could not accurately cut the peritoneum, which would cause great difficulty in the subsequent delivery of the baby.

In the speed of life and death, he could not show any mercy.

"I'm sorry..."

Being scolded in public made his senior brother's face blush, but as a surgeon, if he couldn't even pull the retractor in place, he might as well go home and herd cattle.

He immediately used all his strength.

The field of vision during the operation instantly doubled, and Xiao Chenguang could even see the position of various organs through the peritoneum.

He pushed away the bladder that was in the way, and then inserted the knife into the abdominal cavity, the entire handle of the knife was immersed in it, and the peritoneum and the anterior wall of the uterus were cut open.

"Those who have given birth, come and press the fundus of the uterus and push the baby forward."

Xiao Chenguang threw the scalpel aside, regardless of the amniotic fluid flowing out, and reached his hands directly into the abdominal cavity.

Following his order, the head nurse immediately came to the bedside, pressed the pregnant woman's upper abdomen with her palm, and began to gradually press down.

Suddenly, Xiao Chenguang felt his fingers touching the baby's body.

Perhaps it was the instinct of survival. When Xiao Chenguang opened his hands and prepared to grab the baby, the latter took the initiative to meet him.

Xiao Chenguang gently lifted the baby, supported the uterine incision with the back of his hand, and carefully took the baby out of the pregnant woman's body, fearing that he would hurt him.

The seven-month-old premature baby was like a newborn kitten, only the size of a palm.

He had handsome features and curled up quietly in Xiao Chenguang's palm, very well-behaved.

The latter glanced at him and said, "Well, he performed well and didn't embarrass the man with a penis."

As Xiao Chenguang successfully delivered the baby, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief.


Dr. Xiao is really amazing.

His trust in Xiao Chenguang reached its peak.

I am afraid that only Xiao Chenguang can calmly operate, perform on-site cesarean section and successfully deliver the baby at the critical moment of life and death.

"Head nurse."


After this tough battle, everyone's tacit understanding has risen to a higher level.

Xiao Chenguang just shouted, and the head nurse had already brought the prepared cotton pad.

Take out the tissue scissors, handle the baby's umbilical cord, ligate and disinfect it, and then hand it to the head nurse next to her.

Such actions seem to have been practiced countless times and have formed muscle memory.

Then, Xiao Chenguang pulled off the placenta that was about to fall off from the pregnant woman's uterus and threw it aside.

"Doctor Xiao, the baby is in good condition, with normal heart rate, breathing, and normal limb flexibility."

After a brief physical examination by the head nurse, the baby's other vital signs were normal except for premature birth.

The exciting news once again encouraged everyone present.

Since the baby can survive, the pregnant woman must be able to do it too.

Everyone turned their eyes to the pregnant woman who was still receiving chest compressions.


"How is it, is there a heartbeat?"


"Where's the adrenaline?"

"I pushed it, but it didn't work."

The doctor in charge of the compressions was already sweating profusely, but he didn't dare to stop the action in his hands.

At this time, five and a half minutes had passed since the rescue began.

The golden rescue time for cardiac arrest was about to come.

The pregnant woman was still in a state of no response.

This made everyone's heart rise to their throats.

Is it still not working?

If the compression is unsuccessful, once the golden rescue time is over, all organs will cause irreversible damage.

The most serious of these is brain death caused by insufficient blood supply.

If it really comes to that point, I'm afraid no further measures will help.

Thinking of this, everyone was silent, and the scene fell into a deathly silence.Quiet.

At this moment, the baby, who was curled up in the arms of the head nurse, seemed to feel the danger of his mother and suddenly burst into tears.

Wow wow wow...

The loud cry echoed in the quiet ward, as if telling the longing for his mother.

No matter how the head nurse comforted him, it was useless.

When everyone saw this scene, their eyes instantly turned red.

As soon as the baby was born, he lost his mother's company. How could people accept such a cruel reality.

Sobbing gradually sounded.

Is there really no way to save people?

Everyone looked at the pregnant woman lying on the bed without life, and a sense of helplessness and frustration instantly hit their hearts.

"Wife, wake up quickly, please, I and the child can't live without you, do you hear me!"

The man trembled all over, and his tears flowed like a river.

The man who had heard the baby crying and squatted outside the house rushed into the ward excitedly.

But what caught his eyes was his wife, who was pale and covered in blood.

He looked at his wife, who was disemboweled and lifeless, and his eyes were instantly filled with red bloodshot.

He beat his chest like crazy, venting his annoyance and regret.

The heart-wrenching cry spread throughout the ward, and even the hall outside the corridor was filled with his grief.

The scene was silent, and everyone was silent. No one stopped the man from venting at this moment.

Pregnancy-induced hypertension, hypertensive crisis, severe eclampsia, cardiac arrest, each of which is a symptom that can be fatal.

And now the baby is alive, which is a blessing in disguise.

Perhaps, this is the best ending.

Originally, what they could do was to fight for the big one and save the small one.

Now the mission is completed.

As for the perfect ending, perhaps it only exists in fairy tales.

But the reality is still cruel.

"Or, stop it."

Someone said in the crowd.

After all, if the rescue continues, it is very likely to cause the pregnant woman's sternum to fracture and ribs to break.

At that time, it will not have any effect except to make the pregnant woman suffer.

Everyone was silent again, but they seemed to gradually agree with his words.

But at this moment, a firm voice suddenly sounded.

"Why stop? There is still hope for the pregnant woman!"

As soon as this was said, everyone was stunned.

Is there really still hope?

Xiao Chenguang put on his sterile gloves again, looked around at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Since chest compressions don't work, do chest compressions."

What? !

You want to massage your heart with your bare hands? !

Everyone was shocked when they heard Xiao Chenguang's decision.

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