"Give her an intramuscular injection of phenobarbital."

"Have you used the magnesium sulfate injection?"

"Mannitol drips quickly, as fast as possible, and it's best to drip it within 15 minutes."

Faced with the man's pleading, Xiao Chenguang had no time to pay attention.

He came to the bedside and supported the pregnant woman to prevent her from falling out of bed.

At the same time, Xiao Chenguang was quickly checking the pregnant woman's life.

Retinal congestion and swelling, hypertensive crisis, limb edema, lungs full of wet rales...

Especially now, the pregnant woman's eyes were staring, her eyelids were turned outward, and she was still twitching. Xiao Chenguang's heart sank, and a bad premonition came over him.

This is the most serious eclampsia among the five complications of pregnancy-induced hypertension.

And eclampsia is the unexplained epileptic convulsions like the pregnant woman now.

"Doctor Xiao, magnesium sulfate has been used, I'll ask someone to get phenobarbital."

The head nurse heard Xiao Chenguang's medical advice and did not dare to neglect it, and immediately arranged for someone to get it.

"I hope it works, otherwise it will be troublesome." Xiao Chenguang muttered to himself.

For a pregnant woman with such severe gestational hypertension, Xiao Chenguang has basically used all the available treatment drugs at this stage.

As a second-class psychotropic drug, phenobarbital is used for adult sedation like diazepam.

It not only has the effect of treating anxiety and insomnia, but also can relieve patients' persistent epilepsy.

Magnesium sulfate, as the first choice of drug for gestational hypertension, not only has the effect of anti-eclampsia, but is also often used as a pregnancy-preserving drug for symptoms such as threatened abortion.

Mannitol relieves cerebral edema, furosemide (furosemide) diuresis, sodium nitroprusside lowers blood pressure...

Almost all the drugs that can be used for the symptoms quickly emerged in Xiao Chenguang's mind.

As the head nurse brought phenobarbital, the thumb-sized bottle of white powder became the hope of relieving the pregnant woman's eclampsia at this moment.

The saline solution was prepared, and 2ml of empty needle was used for aspiration. As the needle tip emerged from the medicine, the head nurse selected the deltoid muscle of the pregnant woman's right upper arm, disinfected it, and inserted the needle vertically at 90 degrees.

The hair-thin needle completely sank into the pregnant woman's muscle layer, and there was no blood return when the needle was withdrawn. After confirming that it did not enter the blood vessel by mistake, the head nurse began to inject.

After a while, the restless pregnant woman gradually calmed down, and even her vital signs returned to normal.

"Doctor Xiao, it works."

At this time, even the head nurse was a little excited.

After all, she had never seen such a dangerous symptom in her many years of work.

It was natural to be at a loss when dealing with it.

Now with Xiao Chenguang, it was like a tranquilizer, which made the medical staff of the general surgery department feel at ease.

Seeing their relieved look, Xiao Chenguang shook his head.

In this case, no one except Xiao Chenguang could treat it, not because their medical level was so low.

The main reason was that the general surgery department rarely encountered such pregnant women with gestational hypertension.

As for why Xiao Chenguang dared to treat, it was because after the second child policy was relaxed in the previous life, the obstetrics and gynecology department ushered in a wave of baby boom.

At that time, the obstetrics and gynecology department performed hundreds of operations every day, and it was even more difficult to find a bed in the inpatient department. In the end, there was really no manpower, so they applied to the whole hospital for secondment. It happened that Xiao Chenguang, who was still on rotation at the time, was one of them.

At that time, Xiao Chenguang almost vomited from performing operations every day. His ears were full of the crying of babies waiting to be fed, so that he dreamed of pulling the placenta in the uterus at night.

"Hey, Dr. Xiao, why is the heart rate on the maternity monitor so strange?"


Xiao Chenguang, who had been guarding the pregnant woman, looked up at the ECG monitor next to the bed.

I saw a green line on the screen that was constantly beating regularly, and suddenly it became abnormal.

The wide and deformed heart rates, like the ebb and flow of the waves, completely disrupted the originally regular lines.

"The patient's heart is about to stop. Bring me some epinephrine hydrochloride, quick!"

Just when everyone was confused, Xiao Chenguang, with his years of clinical experience, immediately determined the patient's current condition.

Although severe eclampsia causes a heart attack, it is extremely rare, but once it happens, the price is two lives.

In an instant.

Xiao Chenguang's body secreted adrenaline crazily, and his heart rate and blood pressure soared suddenly.

"Ah, the heart is about to stop?"

Xiao Chenguang's slightly manic voice frightened everyone.

They looked at the heart rate still beating on the monitor in confusion. The pregnant woman had just calmed down, why was her heart about to stop?

But the next second, the originally calm pregnant woman suddenly opened her arms and sat up like a zombie.

Her hands were claw-shaped, her wrists turned inward, her forearms flexed and extended, and she was twisted in a weird posture, just like when she was suddenly electrocuted, she slowly curled back.

What's going on? Epilepsy has recurred, but it doesn't look like it.

The sudden change startled everyone.

Just as they were stunned, the originally quiet monitor burst into a shocking sound.The sharp alarm sounded in the ears, and the terrifying red light flashed on the screen. The vital signs of the pregnant woman were disappearing at a very fast speed.

Now, everyone at the scene was like a frightened bird, and they were completely panicked.

Although they didn't understand why Xiao Chenguang could predict the future and judge that the pregnant woman would have cardiac arrest before the monitor warned.

But the situation was critical at the moment, and they couldn't think about it carefully. They hurriedly followed Xiao Chenguang's instructions and began to prepare rescue drugs.

"The carotid artery of the pregnant woman has disappeared, the pupils are dilated and fixed, and CPR will be performed immediately!"

"1mg of adrenaline, intravenous injection."

Xiao Chenguang's fingers slid along the mandible of the pregnant woman and accurately located the internal carotid artery next to the two horizontal fingers.

This is the key step to determine whether the patient has cardiac arrest before CPR.

"1001, 1002, 1003..."

Counting silently in his heart, after five or six seconds, there was no fluctuation at the fingertips, which meant that the heart stopped beating, the blood in the whole body stopped flowing, and other internal organs were about to die.

The strange posture of the pregnant woman just now was because of cardiac arrest, the aorta could not supply blood, and the microcirculation and electrolytes in the body were all disordered, which caused the symptoms like electric shock.

The pregnant woman's face, which was originally rosy, was now extremely pale, without a trace of blood, as if it was stained with a thick layer of white frost.

Then, the skin began to turn black and purple, and even the whole body was vaguely necrotic.

"Bring a simple respirator, open the airway, and help the pregnant woman breathe."

Every second counts at this moment. If the pregnant woman's heart stops suddenly, she will be brain dead in three to five minutes. If she cannot be saved within ten minutes, it will cause systemic organ failure. At that time, no matter how skilled the doctor is, there is no way to save her.

Xiao Chenguang shouted, turned over on the bed, and knelt beside the pregnant woman.

He quickly positioned himself, pressed the base of his left palm on the pregnant woman's sternum, overlapped his right hand, and pressed his arms vertically, using the power of his waist to press down quickly.

He pressed with his palm to restart the heart, and accurately felt the chest rebound of the pregnant woman, and then pressed again.

The frequency is 100 times/minute and the pressing depth is 5cm. This is the standard external cardiac compression technique.

Clang, clang...

The rapid pressing made the whole bed shake violently. Xiao Chenguang's rescue was shocking. The originally bloodless pregnant woman gradually showed signs of life.

But the next more serious problem was placed in front of Xiao Chenguang.

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