
The department is going to carry out laparoscopic technology?

The person in charge is still Xiao Chenguang?

Everyone in the conference room raised their heads suddenly, and even because of the large amplitude, their cervical vertebrae were cracking.

But at this time, they didn't care about the pain at all, but stared at Xiao Chenguang with eyes wide open in disbelief.

Facing the collective gaze, Xiao Chenguang was not stage-frightened, and even pouted the director with his mouth, showing an expression of "Why are you looking at me, he made the decision".

Now, everyone was shocked.

They twisted their necks and looked at Wang Jingang again, full of doubts.

What is the director going to do?

Why did he suddenly carry out laparoscopic surgery?

Doesn't he know the current situation of general surgery?

Everyone was confused by Wang Jingang's sudden decision.

Before they could recover from the shock just now.

Wang Jingang immediately announced the second decision.

"From today on, Xiao Chenguang will officially serve as the chief resident of the general surgery department. In my absence, all affairs of the department will be handled by Xiao Chenguang."

"!!!" The head nurse dropped her jaw in shock.

"!!!" The doctors stood there like weak chickens.

At this moment, they were completely stunned by the director's series of decisions.

What's going on?

Did he not check the weather forecast before going out today? How come the weather in the general surgery department changed overnight?

Everyone focused their attention on Xiao Chenguang again, trying to find clues from him.

However, Xiao Chenguang was too calm.

Even though he became the focus of the scene, he still looked calm and relaxed.

This shocked everyone.

Could it be that Xiao Chenguang didn't know what the director meant?

This was not a promotion to chief resident, but the director was looking for a successor for himself.

Otherwise, how could a resident who had just been admitted to the hospital not long ago be qualified to be directly promoted to the chief resident of the department.

You know, there are still many older and more experienced attending physicians in the department, who are still eagerly waiting for the appointment.

But Xiao Chenguang, who has always been low-key, actually got this opportunity.

What ability does he have that Wang Jingang can entrust him with such an important task?

He even hired him in front of everyone.

This is probably the first case in the development history of Shengli Hospital.

"Xiao Chenguang, how about it, come over and say a few words?"

Wang Jingang is very satisfied with the current atmosphere of the department. The reason why he announced Xiao Chenguang's appointment in front of everyone at the morning meeting.

One is to improve Xiao Chenguang's status in the department, and the other is to make these drowsy people in front of him sober up.

General Surgery will not only not be disbanded, but will get better and better.


"Director, I have just been here for a short time, and I still need to continue to learn with my senior brothers. Let's stop talking."

Xiao Chenguang is not stupid.

Most of the people present were his creditors. If he spoke nonsense in front of them like a fool, he would probably arouse public anger.

The so-called "a man who takes favors from others will be grateful, and a man who eats from others will be soft-hearted", this is the truth.

Besides, everyone has a good relationship on weekdays, and there is no need for party disputes in the current general surgery department.

Xiao Chenguang's humble attitude instantly attracted the favor of everyone, especially his senior brothers. After a brief shock, they were all smiling and felt relieved.

Some people even secretly gave Xiao Chenguang a thumbs up.

This made Xiao Chenguang, who was still worried that they would feel unbalanced, feel relieved instantly.

The relationship in 1999 was really simple.

As long as they were in the same department, most of them took care of each other and helped each other. There were few people who took advantage of each other's misfortune and kept themselves out of trouble.

This was much simpler and easier than the complicated social relationships in the future.

Wang Jingang took in all of this and was very happy to see everyone's reactions.

I didn't expect that Xiao Chenguang has good popularity.

That's right.

A handsome guy who always wears a smile on his face will not be disliked wherever he goes.

In this way, Wang Jingang can save himself from talking and helping Xiao Chenguang establish prestige.

"Then let Xiao Xiao lead the ward rounds today, and I'll go to the hospital office to deal with some things."

Wang Jingang said lightly, but Xiao Chenguang knew that the director went to the hospital office with a mission this time.

To strive for the opportunity of laparoscopic surgery for the department and to obtain all surgical rights for Xiao Chenguang.

For this, the director can even slam the table in front of the dean.

In the past, Wang Jingang would definitely not do such an extraordinary thing, but now, he has the confidence.


"Xiao Xiao, oh no, Mr. Xiao, please tell us what happened last night that made the director use you so much overnight."

"That's right, that's right, I was worried yesterdayI was afraid that you would not be able to endure the night shift, but I didn't expect that you would rise to the top and become our superior. "

"You know what, after the director did this this morning, I feel that the general surgery department will not be disbanded. After all, new technologies have been introduced. It is impossible that the emperor died halfway through his career."

"Bah, bah, bah, what nonsense are you talking about? I don't know the evil of the hospital. Now that I finally have hope, your crow's mouth is coming true again."

As Wang Jingang left the meeting room, the atmosphere immediately became lively.

The senior brothers who were listless yesterday were now talking around Xiao Chenguang.

It seemed that they regarded this junior brother as a hot commodity.

"Little... Doctor Xiao, is it time to make rounds?"

The head nurse looked at Xiao Chenguang who was surrounded by people and reminded him in a low voice.

"Yes, yes, yes, the head nurse reminded me right. Today is the first time that Mr. Xiao leads the rounds. Let's all cheer up. "

The senior brothers all echoed, and even Xiao Chenguang, whose face was as thick as a city wall, felt a little embarrassed by the praise.

"Senior brothers, please don't embarrass me. I'm the youngest here. From now on, you can just call me Xiao Xiao. "

After Xiao Chenguang finished speaking, he saw that the clock on the wall had reached eight o'clock, so he prepared to conduct today's departmental rounds.

Seeing Xiao Chenguang stand up, everyone also stood up. The head nurse closest to the door came to the door in one step, opened the door quickly, and asked Xiao Chenguang to go out first.

Outside the door, in the corridor of the general surgery department, the family members who were waiting for the director's rounds stood in front of the ward, looking forward to it.

At this time, an extremely young figure came out of the conference room. He was dressed in white, with a straight spine and a firm gaze and walked towards the ward.

In a moment, dozens of doctors and nurses suddenly appeared behind him.

They were neat and uniform, with great momentum, and they were spread out on both sides like a fan, following the man closely.

Everyone had a burning gaze and a solemn expression, as if he was heroic, giving people a sense of majesty and sacredness.

"Who is leading the rounds today? He looks so young, and he doesn't seem to be the director. "

"Huh? Isn't this Dr. Xiao who was on night duty last night? He just came here not long ago, how can he lead a group of senior doctors to conduct a ward round? "

"I don't know, but I heard from the family of the patient who just came for surgery last night that even Director Wang sometimes has to listen to Dr. Xiao, and said that if Dr. Xiao hadn't performed the operation last night, her father would probably not have survived."

"Really? So amazing, I should have asked Dr. Xiao more last night if I had known my symptoms. Now think about it, I really regret it."

The family members whispered, and when they saw Xiao Chenguang leading the ward round, their eyes were full of shock.

And Xiao Chenguang's ward rounds that followed were even more eye-opening for everyone.

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