"Needle and thread? Wait a minute, I'll prepare it right away." Hearing Xiao Chenguang's request, the equipment showed obvious panic for the first time.

Even Xu Guoqiang on the stage did not expect Xiao Chenguang to suddenly ask for needle and thread suturing.

The screen showed that Xiao Chenguang's electrocoagulation hemostasis had a good effect.

The bleeding had obviously stopped, so why did he need to suture to stop the bleeding? Isn't this redundant?

"The patient has been smoking for a long time and has atherosclerosis of the blood vessels. The effect of simple electrocoagulation hemostasis is average. Suture it for insurance. It would be better if there is a titanium clip."

"..."Xu Guoqiang.

"..."Equipment nurse.

"..."Everyone in the audience.

There was a silence in the operating room, and everyone looked at Xiao Chenguang silently.

This guy, who is not very old, is so cautious in doing things, and the effect of electrocoagulation hemostasis is average?

He actually had to do the suturing himself, and even heard the regret in his tone at the end, as if he would only feel relieved if he used the titanium clips that are only available in the capital now to stop the bleeding.

This is not cautious, it's as steady as an old dog. Even old dogs can't compare to him. Those old experts who are in their twilight years may not be as steady as Xiao Chenguang.

Those who know him think that Xiao Chenguang is doing a hemostasis operation, while those who don't know him think that he is giving everyone a vascular hemostasis class and demonstrating the operation.

Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

"Director Xiao, the needle and thread are ready."

Others were still wondering about Xiao Chenguang's actions, but the instrument nurse had already silently finished the needle and thread and handed it over.

At this time, Xiao Chenguang had completely entered the state of being decisive, and Xu Guoqiang hurriedly sent the needle and thread through the card.

Clamp the needle and thread and start suturing. The operation is smooth and flowing. For small blood vessels, it may be necessary to exercise the flexibility of the hands, but for the hemostasis and suturing of large blood vessels like the one on the screen, even if the laparoscopic equipment is used instead of the hands, Xiao Chenguang can still operate without any pressure.

"Director Xiao is really a cautious person." Director Sui in the audience couldn't help but speak.

Seeing that the electrocoagulation hemostasis was completed, he originally planned to reduce the anesthetic and prepare to wake the patient.

As a result, the stitching started again. Director Sui looked at the time. Although the operation was less than an hour old, there was more than enough time, but if they could leave the stage earlier, it would be easier for everyone.

"This is not caution, but experience and lessons. The impact of atherosclerosis on blood vessels has been documented in many documents."

"Even if electrocoagulation is used to stop bleeding, the probability of re-bleeding in atherosclerotic blood vessels is 5% higher than that in normal blood vessels, and there is also a 1% probability of re-bleeding after stitching. As for titanium clips..."

At this point, Xiao Chenguang swallowed the rest of his words. Titanium clips are good, but they are not widely used now, so it is better not to talk about some data.

As for electrocoagulation hemostasis, which has been thoroughly studied, it is also a hot commodity now.

Take out a few research results at random, all of which are SCI polymer papers.

Even in some later ghostwriting agencies, each article is clearly marked with a price. The price of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands is shocking, but it still attracts many people.

Where there is demand, there is a market. Xiao Chenguang couldn't comment, but he knew that this kind of thing would become more and more severe in the future, and the punishment would gradually increase. It would be basically eliminated until the end of the Sanming medical reform.

Originally questioning, Xiao Chenguang spoke directly with data, and the scene was silent again.

Director Sui was speechless. He opened his mouth, but found that he could only shut up awkwardly.

"The patient is 88 years old. He really needs to be treated with caution. It won't take long to sew it. Once the bleeding stops, everything will be fine."

Seeing that the scene was a bit awkward, Xu Guoqiang hurriedly tried to smooth things over.

Xiao Chenguang had already completed the operation. What's wrong with sewing two more stitches now? Slow work makes fine work. After stepping down, everyone can go back and sleep peacefully.

"It's better to sew... sew it. At least there's no need to worry." Ge Hongchao, who was standing next to Director Sui, also echoed.

For him, the operation should be as safe as possible. He will definitely not sleep tonight. He just hopes that the patient will be safe after the operation and no more accidents will happen.

Shen Yiwei, who had been silent all the time, suddenly had an indescribable feeling in his heart when he saw that the operation was about to be completed.

He naturally didn't want anything to go wrong during the operation. After all, as the director of his department, he had to take more or less responsibility for the operation.

But seeing Xu Guoqiang, who had been suppressed for a lifetime, breaking free from his restraints again and again, and now feeling like he had broken free from the cage, made him very uncomfortable.

"Who is this Xiao Chenguang? It feels like he was sent by God to rescue Xu Guoqiang. Why don't I have such good luck?"

Shen Yiwei was a little discouraged. He had been busy for most of his life, but in the end he still couldn't suppress Xu Guoqiang. Is this his fate?

Just as he crossed his arms and lowered his head, ready to leave the operating room in disgrace and report the patient's condition to the hospital leaders and the man waiting outside, the man on the stageBut something has changed.

"Xiao Xiao, what did you say? You want to remove the patient's abdominal aortic aneurysm? This is an aneurysm. If you are not careful, it will cause heavy bleeding!"

Seeing that the blood vessels were about to be sutured, Xu Guoqiang, as an assistant, had already started to ask the patrol to prepare warm saline and prepare to draw the mirror to close the abdomen.

But Xiao Xiao is now going to remove the aneurysm! The difficulty of this operation is much different from the hemostasis just now.

"Teacher Xu, now while the anesthesia is still there and the patient is stable, it is okay to try."

Xiao Chenguang said lightly.

Because the patient's bleeding has stopped and his vital signs are stable, it is not a problem for him to get off the stage smoothly.

But after getting off the stage, the abdominal aortic aneurysm is still there, and how long he can live in the future is unknown.

For the hospital, the task of emergency hemostasis surgery has been completed, and everyone is happy, but for the patient in front of him, it is unfair.

While the patient is in surgery, Xiao Chenguang decided to give it a try. As long as the patient's abdominal aortic aneurysm is removed before the anesthetic loses its effect, the patient's hidden danger will be eliminated.

But Xiao Chenguang's decision made everyone's mood, which had just calmed down, tense up instantly.

The most obvious one among them was Xu Guoqiang.

The hemostasis was completed, and the patient's blood pressure and heart rate were unprecedentedly good. As long as he stepped down now and gave an explanation to the family, Xu Guoqiang's task was completed, and he didn't have to bear the blame.

However, now that Xiao Xiao was going to continue the operation, he was a little panicked.

"Xiao Xiao, let's stop while we are ahead. The emergency operation is done, the patient has stepped down smoothly, and everyone is fine. If we continue, I'm afraid..."

Xu Guoqiang spoke carefully. After all, the surgeon in this operation was Xiao Chenguang. He basically completed the hemostasis and suturing just now. Not only did he not work, but he even made things worse.

But if the operation was to continue, he was very uncertain.

Although he also knew that the culprit of the patient's current condition was this abdominal aortic aneurysm, without it, the old man would not have abdominal pain and bloating, would not fall off the bed, and even bleed and go into shock.

But the purpose of this operation was only laparoscopic hemostasis, and there was no intention to perform radical surgery. He understood this, Shen Yiwei in the audience understood this, and the hospital leaders waiting outside also understood this.

The most important thing was that the family member who had not left all the time understood it even more.

The operation met expectations and went off the stage smoothly, and all problems were solved. However, if you want to go further, once you fail, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Xu Guoqiang felt that the person didn't care how much effort you made or how much risk you took for the patient's future survival. As long as you can't get off the stage now, everything is zero.

"I'll just take a look. If it doesn't work, I won't be stubborn. The old man is old and can't stand the tossing. I see that Director Sui has half an hour of anesthesia left. Considering the need to get off the stage, give me 15 minutes. If you can't do it in 15 minutes, forget it."

Xiao Chenguang kept saying to take a look and try it, but his tone was firm, as if he was not discussing, but informing.

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