"Old Zhao, tell me the truth, who is this Xiao?"

Chen Hu's smile was almost gone at this moment, and even the muscles at the corners of his mouth were shaking.

He didn't expect that he took the initiative to say hello, but the other party didn't even look at him and ignored him directly.

As the future prince of hepatobiliary surgery, Chen Hu had never suffered such humiliation.

"I really don't know, he has only been here for a few months, and he used to be on duty in the ward. If Director Wang hadn't specifically requested it tonight, he would not have been qualified to perform surgery on the stage."

Zhao Quanshun was also puzzled.

Obviously, he had never been on the stage before, at best he was just a hook, why did he suddenly perform two operations tonight.

One of them was a laparoscopic operation that Director Wang had avoided and endured.

What kind of magic potion did he give to the director to make him do such a crazy thing.

Seeing Zhao Quanshun's face full of question marks, he didn't seem to be faking it, which made Chen Hu begin to doubt.

"Could it be that an expert was invited to perform the surgery?"

He had already asked Zhao Quanshun about this matter. Although the latter strongly denied it, there is a possibility that Zhao Quanshun had no idea about the expert being invited.

It was this Xiao Chenguang who invited him through his own connections. I heard that he was a college student and graduated from the Provincial Medical University. He must have his own connections in this regard.

As for why an expert was invited, the reason is actually very simple.

A top student from the Provincial Medical University with background and resources can quickly gain a foothold in the hospital and can also be appreciated by the department director more quickly.

Don't ask how Chen Hu knew it.

Because he had done this kind of thing before, coupled with his own communication skills, he was rumored to be the future prince of hepatobiliary surgery in the hospital.

No wonder this kid dared to ignore him blatantly, it turned out that he had a trump card in his hand.

The more Chen Hu thought about it, the more he felt that he was right. In order to thoroughly understand this matter, he adjusted his mentality again and walked towards Liu Tie who was not far away with a smile.

"Teacher Liu, are you busy?"

Chen Hu showed his signature smile and greeted Liu Tie.

"Well, I'll send the patient back to the ward later. What's up?"

Liu Tie saw the scene clearly. Although he has a calm personality, he has seen too many miscellaneous things working in the hospital operating room.

Liu Tie knew what this smiling tiger was thinking.

Sure enough.

After chatting about family matters, Chen Hu went straight to the point and wanted to know who was the surgeon in the operating room.

Faced with the inquiry, Liu Tie didn't say much, but kicked the ball back directly.

He spread his hands helplessly, indicating that he was only responsible for the anesthesia of the patient. As for the general surgery, it would be better to ask Zhao Quanshun who was standing here.

After all, he was a member of the general surgery department.


Chen Hu cursed inwardly.

This old fox usually looks very honest, but I didn't expect him to be so tight-lipped at the critical moment.

Chen Hu saw that he couldn't get to the bottom of the matter, so he turned his attention to the nurse next to him.

But before he could speak, the nurse suddenly showed a painful expression and squatted on the ground, holding her stomach.

She kept crying, saying that her period in May came earlier than before.

Chen Hu was speechless by this scene.

He is indeed the recognized lich king in the operating room. When he gets ruthless, he doesn't even let himself go.

Just when Chen Hu was thinking about whether there was any other way to find out the inside story, Wang Jingang's voice suddenly came from the corridor.

"Xiao Liu, we have all changed our clothes, why haven't you left yet?"

"Come on, come on, Director Wang, we've been delayed."

The nurse, who was squatting on the ground and crying, stood up and pushed the patient to the door of the operating room without stopping.

Only Chen Hu, who was stunned, was left behind, standing there like a sculpture, motionless.

"I don't believe you can keep it a secret from other people in the hospital."

Chen Hu came back to his senses, and he was more and more certain that there must be some kind of trick in this operation that he didn't want others to know.

Since this matter was related to the development of hepatobiliary surgery, Chen Hu gritted his teeth and chose to follow again.

And Zhao Quanshun, who was beside Chen Hu, could only sigh and follow him when he saw that things had come to this point.


Outside the door of the operating room, looking around, it was pitch black, and the entire family waiting area was full of people.

Although it was dark at this time, the anxious crowd seemed to be waiting for the moment when the operation was over.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid and dense footsteps came from the corridor.

Kick, kick.

The crisp sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground quickly attracted everyone's attention.

The man walking in front, wearing a suit and leather shoes, a white shirt, and black pants, was not tall, with a fat face and a round waist. His high bulging belly was like a pregnant woman in her tenth month of pregnancy.The woman was walking with a shaky gait, almost bursting her shirt buttons.

Based on his figure and appearance, with a full moon face, buffalo hump, and centripetal obesity, people who didn't know him thought he had Cushing's syndrome.

Next to the man, there was a tall and thin man, who bent over and knelt, smiling flatteringly with a very low posture, and a dog's tail seemed to appear behind him, spinning wildly.

"Director Li, Chief Liu, why are they here?"

In the crowd, someone could tell who they were at a glance.

It immediately caused a commotion.

The hospital staff who were still waiting hurried forward to greet them.

Although Director Li was only a deputy, he was in charge of the medical department and the introduction of equipment, and had considerable power. It can be said that he had the final say in medical care.

But, what was he doing in the operating room at night?

Was it also to support the development of new hepatobiliary surgery procedures?

But then he thought about it, it was not right. He was in a high position and was not interested in new medical technology. Why would he make such a fuss over an operation today?

On the other side of the crowd, Gong Liang from the gastrointestinal surgery department was dumbfounded.

Even Sun Chengwu, the director of their department, had an extremely ugly expression on his face at this time.

Others might not know what happened, but as the parties involved, they knew why Dean Li rushed here in the middle of the night.

"Gong Liang, look at what you have done. Now even the dean knows about the situation. What do you think we should do?"

Sun Chengwu looked solemn. He did not expect that the dean would be alarmed so quickly.

Gong Liang, who was standing aside, turned pale when he heard the director's words.

As the initiator of this incident, he did not expect that a wrong decision would have such a big impact.

Gong Liang shrank his head and hid in the crowd, not daring to speak. He only prayed in his heart, hoping that the operation of the general surgery department could be completed safely.

It was just as they expected.

Director Li drooped his eyelids and asked the staff in the field in a bad tone.

"Was there an emergency laparoscopic surgery in the operating room just now?"

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