"The old man's blood routine and coagulation tests were not good. You have to be very careful in the operation. Don't rush for success. You must take your time..."

Xu Guoqiang, who was on and off the stage, was confused. He seemed to be instructing Xiao Chenguang, the surgeon, or talking to himself.

It is not difficult to see that Xu Guoqiang was very nervous at the moment. After all, he was responsible for this operation. Even if the patient could not get off the stage, there could not be any mistakes in the operation.

At the age of 88, his body was as fragile as paper. It would break if touched casually. Now he had to use instruments to operate inside.

If other organs or blood vessels were accidentally scratched during the exploration, causing heavy bleeding, even if he could be saved on the stage, he would not know how long he could live after he got off the stage.

It was difficult.

Xu Guoqiang calmed down and looked at Xiao Chenguang again, but found that his expression was normal, no different from usual.

He really has a big heart.

"Teacher Xu, get ready to leave the camera."

Xiao Chenguang looked at the screen and reminded Xu Guoqiang. He held the separating forceps and the electrocoagulation knife in both hands and inserted them into the patient's abdominal cavity from the card.

At this time, Shen Yiwei, who was wearing a washcloth, also came to the operating room.

He was the one who shirked the blame. Although he tried his best to distance himself from the matter, the operation in front of him was performed by their department. As the director of the department, he needed to report the progress of the operation to the hospital leaders at any time.

He could only walk in reluctantly.

At first glance, he saw Xiao Chenguang on the stage, who was exploring the abdominal cavity.

"This Xu Guoqiang is really lucky..."

Looking at the familiar two-person operation on the stage, Shen Yiwei recalled the operation of Qiao Hong's father.

Feeling a little aggrieved, he didn't say much. He just found a corner and sat there quietly watching.

"Negative pressure suction, remember to wear a condom, don't dirty the lens."

As soon as he entered the abdominal cavity, he saw blood and fluid accumulation on the screen. He stretched out his hand and the long-headed suction device covered with sterile plastic film hit Xiao Chenguang's palm.

Although it was not as comfortable as Li Wenxia, ​​the provincial capital's operating room was still valuable. Basically, Xiao Chenguang only needed to wait for one or two seconds to do what he wanted to do next, and the head nurse would be able to pat the necessary things on his hand.

Suction and exploration at the same time.

Dark red blood was continuously drawn out along the tube.

The electric suction device hummed, and the accumulated blood flowed into the glass bottle in sections, filling it up for a moment.

Xu Guoqiang, who was holding the camera, saw this scene. Although his hands were steady, his heart began to tremble.

The amount of bleeding was obviously much more than before the operation.

It seems that the elasticity of the old man's abdominal aorta is also approaching its limit. If he continues to lose blood, he will die.

"Teacher Xu, extend it another five centimeters downwards. Be careful to keep the lens in place and avoid contamination by blood."


"Teacher Xu, there is fluid accumulation around the liver area. Turn the lens from the side and don't get too close."


"Teacher Xu, the angle here is narrow. Move the lens to avoid contamination... Forget it, pull out the lens, wipe it with gauze, and put it in again. I'll wait for you."


Xiao Chenguang stared at the screen opposite him, holding the metal instrument in both hands to quickly clean the blood and fluid accumulation in the patient's abdominal cavity.

The skilled operation and precise positioning made everyone on and off the stage dare not blink.

The cold instrument seemed to come alive in Xiao Chenguang's hands, and its flexibility was comparable to that of laparotomy.

However, this smooth operation came to an abrupt end after the screen turned white.

This made everyone who was silent in it almost curse.

"Sorry, I'll wipe it right away." Xu Guoqiang's forehead was covered with fine sweat, which instantly wet the brim of his hat.

He quickly pulled out the laparoscope and cleaned the front end with the sterile gauze handed over.

In laparoscopic surgery, in addition to the operation of the surgeon, the work of the scope holder is equally important.

The most difficult part is that the lens on the screen must always be clear.

Therefore, a good scope holder must follow the surgeon's intention and keep the field of vision stable, so as not to suddenly interrupt the surgical process like just now.

As the person in charge of laparoscopy at the Second Provincial Hospital, Xu Guoqiang knows this principle even better.

At first, he could keep up with Xiao Chenguang's pace, but as he explored deeper, the operating space began to narrow, and the difficulty of holding the scope also increased suddenly.

What he didn't expect was that Xiao Chenguang's operating speed remained unchanged. He explored deeply and cleaned up the bloodstains. After cleaning one place, he immediately turned to the other side, leaving Xu Guoqiang no chance to react.

"When Xiao Xiao was assisting, I was the lead surgeon and everything went smoothly. I was so happy. But now, when I was assisting, I even got the mirror dirty. Was it because I was too inexperienced or because the surgery was too difficult?"

Xu Guoqiang's laparoscopic technique,After all, he was well-known in the provincial capital. He originally thought that it would be very easy to help Xiao Chenguang with the mirror.

But now, his confidence began to crack.

"It was an accident. I must have touched it accidentally just now." Xu Guoqiang encouraged himself, and once again put his 100% spirit into the work of holding the mirror.

At this moment, most of the patient's abdominal cavity had been cleaned up. The remaining areas were all tricky angles and difficult to operate.

Xiao Chenguang glanced at Xu Guoqiang and roughly knew his level of holding the mirror. He began to slow down the operation speed without making a sound to ensure that the operation process was not interrupted and to avoid wasting time.

The operation was performed again.

This time, Xu Guoqiang could clearly see that his level of holding the mirror had improved a lot. With Xiao Chenguang's operation, the lens could firmly grasp the field of view every time, the lens was not blurred, and the picture was very stable.

The operation went smoothly. It seems that his level is still there. The blurring of the mirror just now was just a small accident.

Xu Guoqiang's confidence was a little stronger.

Director Sui of the Department of Anesthesiology, who was standing in the audience, saw the operation restart, but when he saw the operation on the screen, he felt a little confused.

Seeing his expression, Ge Hongchao asked tremblingly.

"Director Sui, what's wrong with you? I think the operation was done very well. Do you think there is any problem?"

His voice was very soft, and he was a little panicked. Seeing Director Sui frowning, he thought something went wrong with the operation.

"The operation was done very well, but it was a little weird..."

"What's weird?"

"I can't tell. The operation was done very smoothly and very well, but compared with the previous time, it always gave people a feeling of being a little slow."

"A little slow?"

Ge Hongchao was stunned, and then turned his eyes to the TV screen, but no matter how he observed, he couldn't feel the weirdness that Director Sui said.

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