"Xiao Xiao, do you still remember the last time you came to the provincial capital?"

"Of course, I did several laparoscopic surgeries, and the results were quite good. At that time, you wanted me to come to the Provincial Second Hospital to help you set up a minimally invasive surgical ward."

Xiao Chenguang said truthfully.

Seeing that he remembered it in his heart, Xu Guoqiang's remaining luck was gone.

Originally, he thought Xiao Chenguang didn't take this matter seriously, but now he found that he knew everything.

"I have been afraid to receive your call these days because of this matter."

"If you really come, you may be delayed by me."

Xu Guoqiang's words were full of guilt, and the whole person looked very tired.

"Is Shen Yiwei making trouble behind your back again?"

This kind of thing, if you encounter it too many times, you can understand it after thinking about it, so Xiao Chenguang didn't beat around the bush and said it directly.

After all, he has a good relationship with Xu Guoqiang. Even if he doesn't come to the Provincial Second Hospital, if Teacher Xu has something to do, he will help.

Xu Guoqiang was a little surprised that Xiao Chenguang knew everything.

But he still briefly recounted what happened after Xiao Chenguang left.

"You mean, he only allows you to do laparoscopic surgery now, and has stopped your permission to perform major surgery."

"I guess so." Xu Guoqiang sighed.

Hearing this, Xiao Chenguang felt a little depressed.

Shen Yiwei's move made me feel like I was shooting myself in the foot.

The most important thing is that Xu Guoqiang actually thought so too.

You know, laparoscopic technology is the future of the medical field.

Now Shen Yiwei has directly thrown the future to Xu Guoqiang, and Xu Guoqiang is still here, feeling suppressed and targeted?

"Teacher Xu, do you feel that not being able to perform major surgery is equivalent to crippling one's arm, and your future is uncertain?"

"Isn't it?" Xu Guoqiang looked up at Xiao Chenguang with a puzzled expression.

Originally, he spoke out his worries to warn Xiao Chenguang to avoid following his old path.

But now, why does Xiao Chenguang look like he is trying to hold back a laugh?

What's so funny about this? Now it's a matter of life and death, how can Xiao Chenguang laugh?

Xu Guoqiang felt very uncomfortable. He thought he would feel better after speaking out, but now he felt even more uncomfortable after seeing Xiao Chenguang's expression.

"Teacher Xu, you have seen the benefits of laparoscopy. The direction of future surgical development must be minimally invasive, and it must be minimally invasive. You are in control of the future now, so what is there to worry about?"

"Future?" Xu Guoqiang was stunned. He had never thought of this word, at least not at this stage.

"No matter how powerful laparoscopic technology is, it can only perform level II and III surgeries. For complex level IV surgeries, it is difficult to perform them with a large incision, so how can it be performed with a laparoscopy?"

"Don't think that using a laparoscopy to cut a gallbladder is the future. In the eyes of those people, laparoscopy is just a toy. It is okay to use new technology, but once it involves complex and major surgeries, it is definitely the safest and most effective way to cure the disease."

Xu Guoqiang looked depressed and even a little out of control. It seems that he has not been smooth sailing on the road to promoting laparoscopic technology.

This is the case in the provincial capital, not to mention the prefecture-level cities below. Those doctors who want to reform and innovate are constantly enduring the doubts and ridicule from traditional surgeries.

"Everyone learns from large incisions. Even if you want to do laparoscopic technology, the mainstream now is still open surgery."

Xu Guoqiang also knows that the current laparoscopic technology needs the emergence of a leader to break this constraint before it can usher in a real future.

But this person cannot be him, and Xu Guoqiang does not have the ability.

Now he is worried about his future livelihood. He can't perform major surgery, and the number of surgeries has dropped sharply. What kind of doctor is he without patients?

Xu Guoqiang was in low spirits, like a frost-bitten eggplant, withered and without any spirit.

Seeing this, Xiao Chenguang smiled.

If the current situation continues, Xu Guoqiang will be forced to give up major surgery and can only focus all his energy on laparoscopy.

Thanks to Shen Yiwei's calculations, laparoscopic technology may usher in a real future several years ahead of schedule.

"Teacher Xu, imagine what the future medical industry will be like if those complex major surgeries can be performed with laparoscopy."

"That must be..." Xu Guoqiang paused, the beautiful future is hard to imagine.

"Xiao Xiao, stop fantasizing. Even if laparoscopic technology can reach that level, it is no longer our era."

Xu Guoqiang always feels that one day, as Xiao Chenguang said, minimally invasive technology will become the mainstream of the medical industry with the efforts of generations..

But this is too far away for him.

Now, Xu Guoqiang is still worried about his livelihood.

If it doesn't work out, he can only give up the Second Provincial Hospital where he has worked for nearly 20 years and go to some newly built hospitals in the south to seek development.

Just when Xu Guoqiang had the idea of ​​changing jobs, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

His heart began to beat inexplicably.

Especially when he saw the number displayed on the phone, he felt like he had eaten a fly, which was disgusting.

"Director Shen, what's the matter so late?"

"Okay... I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, he did not leave immediately as the phone said, but thought for a moment, picked up the phone again, and dialed another person's number.

"Hongchao, what happened in your high-ranking cadres' ward? Why do you suddenly need a hospital-wide consultation? Even I, the deputy director, have to rush over immediately."

You should know that those who can be hospitalized in the high-ranking cadres' ward of the hospital are all well-known figures in the province. Generally, for such a job that can contact high-ranking officials, Shen Yiwei has never called him once in all these years.

But now, Shen Yiwei called him personally and said that the hospital leader personally named him. In just a moment, a bad premonition crept into Xu Guoqiang's heart.

After hearing Hongchao's description on the phone, Xu Guoqiang was dumbfounded on the spot.

He sat in the chair, motionless, as if he had suffered a great blow.

"Teacher Xu, what happened? It's so late, and the hospital has to organize an emergency consultation." Xiao Chenguang asked.

"The father of a leader, 88 years old, was diagnosed with pseudo-ruptured bleeding of an abdominal aortic aneurysm and wanted to go for surgery, but his physical condition was not good enough for a major operation. Now all the directors of internal and external medicine and hospital leaders have rushed over."

"I heard him say that the meeting room in the senior cadre ward was almost noisy, and no good solution had been found yet."

After saying this, Xu Guoqiang had already vaguely sensed the reason why he was called.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately ran to the senior cadre ward.

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